The PRI/WRC lecture seriesOn human nature
Wednesday, May 28 - Saturday, May 31
Kyoto University, Japan
Hosted by the Primate Research Institute
and the Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University;
Sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science;
Also funded by the French Embassy in Japan;
Supported by the Kyoto University Global COE Programs of
Evolution and Biodiversity
and Revitalizing Education
Workshop for the 150th anniversary of the French-Japanese relations
May 28 - May 31
In French and English
Symposium of comparative cognitive science 2008 Primate origins of human mind
May 28 - May 30
Open to the public
In English
Kick-off ceremony of the Wildlife Research Center
May 30
Clock Tower
Open to the public
In Japanese
Kyoto open lectures by the Primate Research Institute
(Hyperlinked to the announcement in Japanese in the PRI's website)
May 31
Clock Tower
Open to the public
In Japanese
< Sponsored by the Primate Society of Japan >
Pre-registration required
Lecture in Hōnen-in Temple by Tetsuro Matsuzawa
(Hyperlinked to the announcement in Japanese in Hōnen-in Temple's website)
May 31
Honbō, Hōnen-in Temple
Open to the public
In Japanese
Pre-registration required
In French and English
In French and English
Primate origins of human mindDay 1 « Cognitive development »
Open to the public
In English
Speakers: Masako Myowa, Sanae Okamoto, Ari Ueno, Misato Hayashi, Aya Saito, Chizuko Murai, Barbara Kisilevsky, and James Anderson
Chaired by Shoji Itakura and Hideko Takeshita
Primate origins of human mindDay 2 « Laboratory work, fieldwork, zoo science, and art »
Open to the public
In English
Speakers: Masayuki Tanaka, Iver Iversen, Dalila Bovet, Toyomi Matsuno, Sana Inoue, Shinya Yamamoto, Ikuma Adachi, Yuko Hattori, Susana Carvalho, Gaku Ohashi, Noko Kuze, Satoshi Hirata, Naruki Morimura, Naoko Irie, Mariko Takahashi, Mai Sakai, Yuzuru Ikeda, and Vanessa Woods
Chaired by Kazuo Fujita, Gen Yamakoshi, and Nobuyuki Kawai
Symposium of comparative cognitive science 2008 Primate origins of human mind
Day 3
Workshop for the 150th anniversary of the French-Japanese relations Day 2
Kick-off symposium of the Wildlife Research Center
Open to the public
In English
Chaired by Tetsuro Mastuzawa
Open to the public
In Japanese
Film: Miho Nakamura
Congratulatory address: Kazuo Oike, Toshitaka Hidaka, Tetsukazu Yahara, Toshikazu Hasegawa
Chaired by Michio Nakamura
In French and English
Open to the public
In Japanese
Pre-registration required
Open to the public
In Japanese
Pre-registration required