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Primate Research Institute,
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京都大学 霊長類研究所 年報 vol. 48
京都大学霊長類研究所年報のページvol. 48

京都大学霊長類研究所 年報

vol. 48 2017年度の活動










M.A. Huffman, 川本芳, C.A.D. Nahallage (University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka)



M. A. Huffman, M. McLennan (Oxford Brookes University, UK), H. Hasegawa (Oita University), K. J. Petrzelkova, D. Modry (University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Czech Rep.)



M. A. Huffman, Elaina Rodrigues



辻大和、B. Suryobroto、K.A. Widayathi(ボゴール農科大学)、立脇隆文(人間環境大学)



辻大和、Islamul Hadi(Mataram University)、Ilham Kurnia(Andaras University)






竹元博幸, 川本芳, 古市剛史






L. Rigaill


Factors regulating steroid hormones in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) and orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus)

R.S.C Takeshita

The ability to measure reproductive and stress hormone patterns can help to determine reproductive status, physical fitness and physiological responses to change. My research aims to investigate variation in hormonal profiles of free-ranging and captive Japanese macaques and orangutans as a function of biological (age, gender, and reproductive state), environmental (season, climate, housing condition) and social factors (behavior, dominance hierarchy). The results obtained should help to understand the potential factors affecting hormonal levels in these species, and can be useful to improve the management of captive animals, as well as to monitor the health of free-ranging primate populations.








H. Nautiyal.

I studied 1) the reproductive strategy of hanuman langur males in a multi-male multi-female population where infanticide does not appear to occur, and 2) the possible role for female mate choice and how females influence male reproductive success. This study was divided into two linked steps to elucidate: 1) the role of cooperative male group defense in the evolution of multi-male groups in the highlands, 2) the relationship between female mate choice and male reproductive success.




Evaluating stress in male Japanese macaques living in vegetated and non-vegetated enclosures

Josue S. Alejandro

I looked at differences in male Japanese macaques living in two types of enclosures, vegetated and non-vegetated. I compared activity budgets, hair condition, fecal hormonal data (cortisol and testosterone), and self-directed behaviors (yawn, scratch, etc) between two enclosures. Currently I am investigating one unique behavior from one group, and its potential relation to stress.





Nelson Broche Jr.










Rigaill L., Suda-Hashimoto N., Ducroix L., Mouri K., Furuichi T., Garcia C. (2017) Testing for links between female urine odor and male sexual behaviors in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Int. J. Primatol. 38: 823-837.

Toyoda A., Maruhashi T., Malaivijitnond S., Koda H. (2017) Speech-like orofacial oscillations in stump-tailed macaque (Macaca arctoides) facial and vocal signals. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 1–5. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23276

Tokuyama N., Furuichi T. (2017) Leadership of old females in collective departures in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 71: 55.

Ishizuka S., Kawamoto Y., Sakamaki T., Tokuyama N., Toda K., Okamura H., Furuichi T. (2018) Paternity and kin structure among neighbouring groups in wild bonobos at Wamba. Royal Soc. Open Sci. 5:171006.

Beaune D., Hohmanna G., Serckx A., Sakamaki T., Narat V., Fruth B. (2017) How bonobo communities deal with tannin rich fruits: re-ingestion and other feeding processes. Behav. Proc. 142: 131-137.

Takemoto H., Kawamoto Y., Higuchi S., Makinose E., Hart J.A., Hart T.B., Sakamaki T., Tokuyama N., Reinartz G.E., Guislain P., Dupain J., Cobden A.K., Mulavwa M.N., Yangozene K., Darroze S., Devos C., Furuichi T. (2017) The mitochondrial ancestor of bonobos and the origin of their major haplogroups. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0174851.

Tsuji Y., Prayitno B., Widayati K.A., Suryobroto B. (2018) Mass mortality of wild Malayan flying lemurs (Galeopterus variegatus) and its underlying causes. Mamm. Study. 43: 61-65.

Tsuji Y., Ningsih J.I.D.P., Kitamura S., Widayati K.A., Suryobroto B. (2017) Neglected seed dispersers: endozoochory by Javan lutungs (Trachypithecus auratus) in Indonesia. Biotropica 49: 539–545.

Ilham K., Rizaldi, Nurdin J., Tsuji Y. (2017) Status of urban populations of the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Primates 58: 295-305.

McLennan M.R., Hasegawa H., Huffman M.A. (2017) Gastrointestinal parasite infections and self-medication in wild chimpanzees surviving in degraded forest fragments with an agricultural landscape mosaic in Uganda. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180431.

Haslam M., Hernandez-Aguilar R.A., Proffitt T., Arroyo A., Falótico T., Fragaszy D.M., Gumert M., Harris J., Huffman M.A., Kalan A., Malaivijitnond S., Matsuzawa T., McGrew W., Ottoni E., Pascual-Garrido A., Piel A., Pruetz J., Schuppli C., Stewart F., Tan A.,Visalberghi E., and Luncz L. (2017) Primate archaeology evolves. Nature Ecol. Evol. 17021346B.

Takeshita R.S.C., Huffman M.A., Kinoshita K., Bercovitch F.B. (2017) Effects of castration on social behavior and hormones in male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Physiol. Behav. 181: 43-50.

Pelletier A.N., Kaufmann T., Mohak S., Milan, R., Nahallage C.A.D., Huffman, M.A., Gunst, N., Rompis, A., Wandia, I.N., Putra, I.A.A., Pellis, S.M., Leca, J.B. (2017) Stone handling activity in Balinese long-tailed macaques: ethogram and behavior system approach to object play. Anim. Behav. Cogn. 4: 455-473.

Bardi B., Prugh A.M., Eubanks B.T., Trexler K., Bowden R.L., Evans S., Lambert K.G., Huffman M.A. (2017) Physiologic correlates of interactions between adult male and immature long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). J. Ass. Lab. Anim. Sci. 56: 718-728.

Nautiyal H, Huffman MA (2018) Interspecific feeding association between Central Himalayan langurs (Semnopithecus schistaceus) and Himalayan black bears (Ursus thibetanus), in a temperate forest of the Western Indian Himalayas. Mamm. Study. 43: 1-6.


京都大学霊長類研究所 (2017) 世界で一番美しいサルの図鑑. エクスナレッジ.


辻大和・中川尚史(編)(2017) 日本のサル:哺乳類学としてのニホンザル研究. 東京大学出版会.

Nackoney J., Hickey J., Williams D., Facheux C., Furuichi T., Dupain J. (2017) Geospatial information informs bonobo conservation efforts. In: Hare B., Yamamoto S. (Eds.) Bonobos: Unique in Mind, Brain and Behavior, Oxford University Press, pp. 251-265.

Yamamoto S., Furuichi T. (2017) Courtesy food sharing characterized by begging for social bonds in wild bonobos. In: Hare B., Yamamoto S. (Eds.) Bonobos: Unique in Mind, Brain and Behavior, Oxford University Press. pp. 125-139.

Furuichi T. (2017) Female contributions to the peaceful nature of bonobo society. In: Hare B., Yamamoto S. (Eds.) Bonobos: Unique in Mind, Brain and Behavior, Oxford University Press. pp. 17-34.

Huffman MA, Pebsworth PA (2018) Medicinal plant use by nonhuman primates. In: The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology. Ed. Wenda Trevathan, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp. 3.


石塚真太郎 (2017) DNA分析から解き明かすボノボの社会、モンキー 2: 18-19.

辻大和 (2017) ツキノワグマ―すぐそこにいる野生動物―. 霊長類研究 31: 108-110.

辻大和・中本敦 (2017) 哺乳類の「食」を通じた他種への影響. 哺乳類科学 57: 379-380.


Rigaill L., MacIntosh A.J.J., Higham J.P., Winters S., Furuichi T., Garcia C. Face color indicates female reproductive state but not individual characteristics in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). 7th European Federation for Primatology Meeting, Strasbourg, France (August 2017).

Garcia C., Rigaill L., Bercovitch F., Furuichi T., Huffman M.A., Macintosh A.J.J., Takeshita R.S.C., Shimizu K. Ten years of collaboration between France and Japan-Studies on reproduction in Japanese macaques. European Federation for Primatology Meeting, Strasbourg, France (August 2017).

Rigaill L., MacIntosh A.J.J., Higham J.P., Winters S., Furuichi T., Garcia C. Impact des signaux sexuels multiples des femelles sur les stratégies de reproduction chez le babouin olive et le macaque Japonais. 47ème Colloque Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal, Gif-sur-Yvette, France (May 2017).

Toyoda A., Maruhashi T., Furuichi T., Kawamoto Y., Hamada Y., Malaivijitnond S. Reproductive ecology of semi-wild stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) in Thailand. Satellite International Symposium on Asian Primates, Nepal-2018. Nepal (February 2018).

Furuichi T. Evolution of characteristic features of bonobo society: a hypothesis derived from recent studies. PWS Symposium, Kyoto, Japan (March 2018).

Broche N. Progress report: salivary alpha-amylase enzyme as a non-invasive biomarker of acute stress in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). The 8th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science (September 2017).

Tsuji Y., Indah J., Kitamura S., Widayati K.A., Suryobroto B. Neglected primate seed dispersers: endozoochory by Javan lutungs (Trachypithecus auratus) in Indonesia. The 6th International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation. Bogor (October 2017).

Deviani H., Widayati K.A., Tsuji Y. Inter-specific interaction of Javan lutungs (Trachypithecus auratus) and sympatric animals in Pangandaran Nature Reserve, West Java, Indonesia. The 6th International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation. Bogor (October 2017).

Suzuki-Hashido N., Hayakawa T., Tsuji Y., Purba L.H.P.S., Nila S., Widayati K.A., Suryobroto B., Imai H.. Evolution of bitter taste receptor genes in the Old World Monkeys. The 6th International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation. Bogor (October 2017).

Nishi E., Suzuki-Hashido N., Hayakawa T., Tsuji Y., Suryobroto B., Imai H.. Elucidating Tas1R2/Tas1R3 function of leaf eating monkey, Javan lutung (Trachypithecus auratus). The 6th International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation. Bogor (October 2017).

Tsuji Y., Prayitno B., Widayati K.A., Suryobroto B. Mass mortality of Malayan flying lemur (Galeopterus variegatus) and its causal factors. 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth (July 2017).

Tsuji Y., Okumura T., Kitahara M., Zhaowen J. Estimated seed shadow generated by martens (Martes spp.): comparison with forest-dwelling animals. 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth (July 2017).

Kurnia I., Nurdin J., Rizaldi, Tsuji Y. Observation of feral behavior of the long-tailed macaque In Gunung Meru: The influence of human presence and implication to management conservation action plan. 9th Asian for Tropical Biological Conservation symposium. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden. China Academy of Science. Yunan. China (March 2017).

Nishi E., Suzuki-Hashido N., Hayakawa T., Tsuji Y., Suryobroto B., Imai H. Sweet taste sensitivity of colobine monkeys. 第62回プリマーテス研究会. 犬山 (2018年1月).

Nautiyal H. Livestock - central Himalayan langur interactions in the high-altitude meadows of the Garhwal Himalayas, Uttarakhand, India - An assessment to evaluate resource competition and parasite infections. Satellite Symposium on Asian Primate Nepal (February 2018).

香田啓貴・豊田有・丸橋珠樹・Malavijitnond S. ベニガオザルの表情に観察される発話相同な周期的運動. 第33回霊長類学会学術大会. コラッセ福島 (2017年7月).

豊田有・丸橋珠樹・濱田穣・Malavijitnond S. ベニガオザルで観察された食物分配に関する事例報告と情報共有. 第33回霊長類学会学術大会. コラッセ福島 (2017年7月).

丸橋珠樹・豊田有・Malavijitnond S. ベニガオザルの白いあかちゃんへの種特異的 TBG (Touch Baby Genital) 行動. 第33回霊長類学会学術大会. コラッセ福島 (2017年7月).

豊田有. ベニガオザルの“性”の進化は進化的軍拡競争の帰結か? -行動観察と父子判定から見えてきた野生ベニガオザルの繁殖生態-”. 野生動物研究センター共同利用研究会2017. 京都大学理学部セミナーハウス (2017年12月).

石塚真太郎・川本芳・坂巻哲也・徳山奈帆子・戸田和弥・岡村弘樹・古市剛史. ワンバのボノボにおけるオスの繁殖成功、および隣接複数集団の血縁構造. 第33回日本霊長類学会. コラッセ福島 (2017年7月).

西江仁徳・花村俊吉・保坂和彦・井上英治・伊藤詞子・清野未恵子・郡山尚紀・中村美知夫・坂巻哲也・座馬耕一郎. タンザニア・マハレの野生チンパンジー社会におけるオスの単独生活の新事例. 第71回日本人類学会大会. 東京都文京区 (2017年11月).

石塚真太郎・川本芳・坂巻哲也・徳山奈帆子・戸田和弥・岡村弘樹・古市剛史. ワンバのボノボにおけるオスの繁殖成功、および隣接複数集団の血縁構造. 第33回日本霊長類学会大会. コラッセ福島 (2017年7月).

寺田佐恵子・坂巻哲也・望月翔太・古市剛史・湯本貴和. 大型類人猿ボノボの生息地利用:画像分類による生息地の再分類の挑戦. 第33回日本霊長類学会大会. コラッセ福島 (2017年7月).

辻大和・Widayati K.A.・Suryobroto B. マレーヒヨケザルの大量死とその発生要因. 日本哺乳類学会. 富山大学 (2017年9月).

Josue S. Alejandro. Stress in male Japanese macaques in vegetated and non-vegetated enclosures. 13th International Conference for Environmental Enrichment 2017 Paque Jaime Duque Bogota Colombia (May 2017).

Josue S. Alejandro. Stress in male Japanese macaques in vegetated and non-vegetated enclosures. 8th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife, Japan Monkey Center, Inuyama Japan (September 2017).

Behaviour 2017 July 30-August 4 Estoril Conference Center Portugal, 51st Congress International Society for Applied Ethology, Aarhus University, Denmark (August 2017).

Takeshita RSC, Huffman MA, Kinoshita K, Bercovitch FB. Peripartum glucocorticoid levels in a case of dead infant carrying in Japanese macaques. In: The 62nd Primates conference, Japan Monkey Center, Inuyama, Japan (Jan 2018).

Takeshita RSC, Mendonça R, Bercovitch FB, Huffman MA. Evaluating stress in orangutans with two different adrenal hormones. In: The 8th Annual symposium of Leading Graduate Program in Primatology and Wildlife Science, Inuyama, Japan (March 2018).

Takeshita RSC, Bercovitch FB, Kinoshita K, Huffman MA. The Effect of Hot Spring Bathing on Stress Levels in Japanese Macaques. In: The 7th European Federation for Primatology Meeting, Strasbourg, France (August 2017).

Takeshita RSC, Huffman MA, Kinoshita K, Bercovitch FB. Social dominance and fecal steroids in castrated male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). In: The 35th International Ethological Conference, Estoril, Portugal (July 2017).

Takeshita RSC, Huffman MA, Kinoshita K, Bercovitch FB. Effect of environment and castration on dominance rank and fecal steroids in male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). In: The 33th Congress of the Primate Society of Japan, Fukushima, Japan (July 2017).


辻大和. 基礎研究と応用研究はいかに連携すべきか―サルによる被害問題の解決を目指して―. 日本哺乳類学会, 富山大学, 富山市 (2017年9月).


石塚真太郎、パパは誰?:DNA分析から探るボノボの社会、日曜モンキーサロン. 犬山 (2017年4月).

辻大和. 熱帯地域でのフィールドワーク―インドネシアの野生動物の生態調査―. 人間環境大学環境教育センター 環境保全セミナー. 人間環境大学 (2017年10月).

Huffman MA, Nahallage CAD. Rolling Stones Gather No Moss: Stone Handling Behavior in Japanese Macaques and the Value of Being Forever Young! XXVII Convegno della Societa Italiana di Etologia, Museo di Storia Naturale, Calci, Pisa, Italy (June 2017).

Huffman MA. The evolution of self-medication in primates and the roots of human traditional medicine. International Symposium, Non-human primates: insights into human behavior and society. (Invited lecture) Hosted by Anhui University and Hefei Normal University. Mt. Huangshan, China (July 2017).

Huffman MA. What could we learn from monkeys for the maintenance of domestic and zoo animals health? Ethnoveterinary Medicine Satellite symposium (Keynote Lecture) 65th International and Annual Meetings of the Society for Medicinal Plant Natural Product Research (GA), Basel, Switzerland (September 2017).

Huffman MA. Medicinal properties of the primate diet – can we use self-medication as a measure of primate health and global climate change? (Invited participant) Primatology, Bio-cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development in Tropical Forests. A UNESCO Special Workshop, Mexico City (September 2017).