I)(a) Rhinocerotidae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the Neogene of Myanmar (b) Hipparion (Perissodactyla, equidae) from the Miocene sediments of Myanmar
Zin Maung Maung Thein, 高井正成
My research focuses on the mammalian fauna from the Neogene terrestrial sediments exposed in central Myanmar especially Perissodactyla. (a) Phylogeny, evolution, migration and palaeoecology of the genus Rhinoceros (b) Dispersion of hipparions in Myanmar and neighboring regions, their phylogeny and palaeoenviroment
1) Egi, N., Takai, M., Tsubamoto, T., Maung-Maung., Chit-Sein., Shigehara, N. (2006) Additional materials of Myanmarpithecus yarshensis (Amphipithecidae, Primates) from the middle Eocene Pondaung Formation. Primates 47: 123-130.
2) Forasiepi, A.M., Sanchez-Villagra, M.R., Goin, F.J., Takai, M., Shigehara, N., Kay, R.F. (2006) A new species of hathliacynidae (Matatheria, Sparassodonta) from the middle Miocene of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia . Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(3): 670-684
3) Holroyd, P.A., Tsubamoto, T., Egi, N., Ciochon, R.L., Takai, M. (2006) A Rhinocerotid perissodactyl from the late middle Eocene Pondaung Formation, Myanmar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(2): 491-494.
4) Kawamoto, Y., Aimi, M., Wangchuk, T., Sherub. (2006) Distribution of Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) in the Inner Himalayan region of Bhutan and their mtDNA diversity. Primates 47(4): 388-392.
1) Chit-Sein, Thaung-Htike., Tsubamoto, T., Tin-Thein., Ro¨ssner, G.E. (2006) New discovery of a large-sized Tetraconodon (Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the lower part of the Irrawaddy Formation, Myanmar. Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 186-196.
2) Egi, N., Tsubamoto, T., Nishimura, T., Shigehara, N. (2006) Postcranial materials of Pondaung mammals (middle Eocene, Myanmar). Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 111-136.
3) Suzuki, H., Maung-Maung., Zaw-Win., Tsubamoto, T., Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein., Egi, N., Takai, M., Shigehara, N. (2006) Stratigraphic positions of the Eocene vertebrate localities in the Paukkaung area (Pondaung Formation, central Myanmar). Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 67-74.
4) Takai,M.,Saegusa,H.,Thaung-Htike.,Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein. (2006) Neogene mammalian fauna in Myanmar. Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 143-172.
5) Thaung-Htike, Tsubamoto, T., Takai, M., Egi, N., Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein., Chit-Sein., Maung-Maung. (2006) Discovery of Propotamochoerus (Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the Neogene of Myanmar. Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 173-185.
6) Tsubamoto, T., Egi, N., Takai, M., Shigehara, N., Suzuki, H., Nishimura, T., Ugai, H., Maung-Maung., Chit-Sein., Soe Thura Tun., Aung Naing Soe., Aye Ko Aung.,TinThein.,Thaung-Htike.,Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein. (2006) A summary of the Pondaung fossil expeditions. Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 1-66.
7) Tsubamoto,T.,Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein.,Thaung-Htike., Egi, N., Chit-Sein., Maung-Maung., Takai, M. (2006) Discovery of chalicothere and Dorcabune from the upper part (Lower Pleistocene) of the Irrawaddy Formation, Myanmar. Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 137-142.
8) Tsubamoto, T., Egi, N., Takai, M. (2006) Notes on fish, reptilian, and several fragmentary mammalian dental fossils from the Pondaung Formation. Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 98-110.
9) Ugai,H.,Takai,M.,Tsubamoto,T.,Egi,N.,Maung-Maung.,Chit-Sein.,Thaung-Htike.,Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein. (2006) A preliminary report on the freshwater molluscan fossils from Myanmar. Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 205-220.
10) Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein,Thaung-Htike., Tsubamoto, T., Takai, M., Egi, N., Maung-Maung. (2006) Early Pleistocene Javan rhinoceros from the Irrawaddy Formation, Myanmar. Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 197-204.
1) Kay, R.F., Takai, M. (2006) Pitheciidae and other platyrrhine seed predators: the dual occupation of the seed predator niche during platyrrhine evolution. IPS congress (Jun. 2006, Uganda, ) International Journal of Primatology 27(suppl 1): 511.
2) Saegusa, H., Thaung-Htike., Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein., Takai, M. (2006) Preliminary investigations on the Neogene proboscideans from Myanmar. 日本地質学会第113年学術大会 (Sep. 2006, 高知) 日本地質学会第113年学術大会講演要旨 : 118.
3) Takai, M., Maschenko, E.N., Nishimura, T. (2006) Philogenetic Relationships and Biogeographic History of Paradolichopithecus, A Large-Bodied Cercopithecine Monkey from the Pliocene of Eurasia. INQUA (Aug. 2006, Ulan-Ude, Russia) Stratigraphy, paleontology and paleoeonvironment of Pliocene-Pleistcene of Transbaikalia and interregional correlations Volume of Abstracts: 88.
4) Takai, M. (2007) Evolutionary history of cercopithecine monkeys in Eurasia. Symposim of Asian Primatology and Mammalogy (Feb. 2007, Inuyama, ) Symposium of Asian Primatology and Mammalogy Abstract : 88.
5) Thaung-Htike, Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein., Takai, M., Saegusa, H., Tsubamoto, T., Maung-Maung., Hnin-Hnin-Htay. (2006) New discovery of the middle Miocene suid from central Myanmar. 日本古生物学会第156回例会 (Feb. 2007, 徳島) 日本古生物学会第156回例会講演予稿集 : 13.
6) Thaung-Htike,Takai, M., Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein. (2007) Fossil hippopotamus of Myanmar. Simposium of Asian primatology and Mammalogy (Feb. 2007, Inuyama) Simposium of Asian primatology and Mammalogy Abstract : 9.
7) Thaung Htike, Takai, M., Zin Maung Maung Thein., Egi, N., Tsubamoto, T., Chit Sein., Maung Maung. (2006) A revision of fossil hippopotamus from the Plio-Pleistocene of Myanmar. 日本古生物学会2006年年会 (Jun. 2006, 松江) 日本古生物学会2006年年会予稿集 : 16.
8) Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein, Thaung-Htike., Takai, M., Nakaya, H., Egi, N., Tsubamoto, T., Maung-Maung. (2006) Hipparion teeth from the late Miocene ;ower Irrawaddy Group of Myanmar. 日本古生物学会2006年年会 (Jun. 2006, 松江) 日本古生物学会2006年年会予稿集 : 65.
12) 荻野慎太郎, 仲谷英夫, 高井正成, E. N. マシェンコ., N. P. カルミコフ. (2007) トランスバイカル地域の上部鮮新統ウドゥンガ哺乳動物. 日本古生物学会第156回例会 (2007年2月, 徳島) 日本古生物学会第156回例会講演予稿集 : 12.
13) 高井正成, 西村剛, 森本直樹, E. N. マシェンコ. (2006) Paradolichopithecusは上顎洞を持つか. 第22回霊長類学会大会 (2006年6月, 大阪) 霊長類研究 22(Suppl.): S-5.
14) 高井正成, 西村剛, E. N. マシェンコ. (2006) Paradolichopithecusは上顎洞を持つか. 第22回日本霊長類学会大会 (2006年7月, 吹田) 霊長類研究 22(Suppl.): S-6.
15) 高井正成, E. N. マシェンコ., 西村剛, 名取真人, 鈴木智起, 姉崎智子 (2007) ユーラシア大陸の鮮新統から出土するParadolichopithecus(霊長目オナガザル科)の系統的位置と拡散経路について. 日本古生物学会第156回例会 (2007年2月, 徳島) 日本古生物学会第156回例会予稿集 : 14.
16) 高井正成, 江木直子, E. N. マシェンコ., N. P. カルミコフ. (2006) 「シベリアのサル」はどこから来たのか:トランスバイカル地域の上部鮮新統出土のコロブス類化石について. 日本古生物学会2006年年会 (2006年6月, 松江) 日本古生物学会2006年年会予稿集 : 19.