The Kyoto University Primate Research Institute offers the Cooperative Research Program for researchers who wish to conduct primatological research through or at our institution. This program enables interested parties to use our animal collections, materials and research facilities/equipment, as well as access our field sites within Japan. Furthermore, we can provide visiting researchers accommodations at our on-campus dormitory.
If you are interested in this program, please submit an application form using the designated method described in the application guidelines.
There are three research categories: (1) Planned Research Projects; (2) Individual Research Projects; and, (3) Continuously Accepted Research Projects. We provide research expenses for projects accepted within the Planned Research Projects and Individual Research Projects categories. We recruit researchers for the Cooperative Research Program once a year, with applications due in January. We accept applications for Continuously Accepted Research Projects throughout the year. Each year, we support on average 120 projects involving 300 researchers through this program.


Introduction to the Cooperative Research Program

Research category
The Cooperative Research Program consists of A: “Planned Research Projects”, B: “Individual Research Projects” and C: “Continuously Accepted Research Projects”.

A: Planned Research Projects

This cooperative research will be carried out under close collaboration with non-PRI researchers and PRI faculty members as promoters.
Summary of the assigned projects (in parentheses: the prospective host (corresponding) researcher; underlined: principal researcher)

  • Elucidating the structure and function of neural networks in novel gene-manipulated primate models [Prospective Schedule: 2020.4.1-2022.3.31] (Masahiko Takada, Katsuki Nakamura, Takao Oishi, Shigehiro Miyachi, Kenichi Inoue)
  • Advancing cellular and molecular research with primate-derived samples [Prospective Schedule: 2020.4.1-2023.3.31] (Hiroo Imai, Akihiko Koga, Munehiro Okamoto, Masanori Imamura, Hirofumi Akari)
  • Holistic Approaches to Cognitive Functions and Body Structures Supporting Communication in the Primate Lineage  [Prospective Schedule: 2021.4.1-2024.3.31] (Ikuma Adachi, Katsuki Nakamura, Takeshi Nishimura, Yuko Hattori)

B: Individual Research Projects

The “Individual Research Projects” accepts the applications of long-term investigation, observation and experiments. Instead of the recent achievements, PRI puts importance on the necessity and the solid plan of the research.

C: Continuously Accepted Research Projects

Research facilities, subjects, data, and samples are all available at PRI. These facilities, subjects, data, and samples must be used appropriately. Books and journals are also available. Regarding the adoption of research in the middle of the year, as a rule, you are eligible to apply only for research in which multiple use of your subject animals is possible. Please contact the prospective host (corresponding) researcher about this in advance. Travel and research expenses will not be supported.

Examples of the accepted research programs in 2019

H31-C1 Pelvic sexual dimorphism in Macaca fuscata: effects of clinal variation and obstetric constraints
H31-C20 "An evolutionary perspective on dental properties, disease and wear"
H31-B7 Transposable element derived Mirco RNA analysis in various primate tissues
H31-C12 Ecogeographic variation in Japanese Macaque trabecular bone structure as a model for interpreting human and hominin variation
H31-B3 The comparative biomechanics of the primate hand
H31-B23 Genomic Evolution of Sulawesi Macaques
H31-B22 Genetic characterization of bitter taste receptors in Sulawesi macaques
H31-A27 The Bossou Archive Project
H31-B55 Functional characterization of bitter taste receptors in Leaf-eating Monkeys
Research period
April 1st, 2021 ~ March 31st 2022
Deadline for applications
January 15th, 2021



For reservation, please make arrangements through your host researcher and apply to Cooperative Research Section.

(Map)?41-2 Kanrin Inuyama-city, Aichi 484-8506 (This dormitory is located in front of the Institute's main building.)
Administrative office, Primate Research Institute
(Reservation time… 9:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00 (weekday only))
Single room 14 rooms, Twin room 3 rooms