English report
AS-HOPE 事業報告
報告者:ユ リラ
期間:2012/10/13 - 2012/11/15
I have been examining an emergence of behavioral synchrony under certain context with captive chimpanzees, living in KUPRI (Kyoto University Primate Research Institute). Those experimental studies have a merit on observing target behavior under various conditions, especially when the behavior rarely occurs in natural setting. On the other hand, the study has a limitation because it is difficult to tell in what context the target behavior may occur.To answer the question, therefore, I planned to conduct a field research with chimpanzees, living in their natural habitat. Moreover, the previous experience in Malaysia (AS-HOPE: December 10-17, 2012) was a great opportunity to know an importance of observing research subjects living in wild. Therefore, I visited Bossou, one of a long term research sitesfor observing chimpanzees.
 An hour of gregarious grooming by all the members at Bossou community.
 5-year-old juvenile pestle-pounding, one of tool-using behaviors at Bossou community
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