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English report

AS-HOPE 事業報告


PRIMATE PARASITE ECOLOGY lecture tour / collaboration / training

報告者:アンドリュー マッキントッシュ

期間:2010/11/15 - 2010/12/05

There were three main objectives of this trip. First, I aimed to connect with Dr. D. Tasdemir at her pharmacology lab so that I could receive training in plant chemical extraction. We have been collaborating on a project examining plants consumed by Japanese macaques to determine whether any have pharmacological potential as anti-parasitic agents. Dr. Tasdemir is an expert in her field, and we have been working together since 2008. Second, I aimed to visit Dr. C. L. Alados and discuss a collaborative project examining fractal patterns in animal behavior as an indicator of their health. Dr. Alados has expertise in applying statistical physics to animal behavior. Third, I scheduled 4 lectures/seminars at 1) University of London 2) Durham University 3) CNRS at Strasbourg University 4) Cambridge University. At each, I planned to discuss projects in primate parasite ecology with collaborators.

 During this trip, I was able to visit England, Scotland, France and Spain. I was able to meet with collaborators at a number of institutes to discuss current collaborative works concerning primate parasite ecology on Yakushima. During the trip, I also gave 4 lectures/seminars at: 1) University of London; 2) Durham University; 3) CNRS at Strasbourg University; and, 4) Cambridge University. The trip was a success, and a number of projects are now currently underway.

 For my main objective, I spent one week in Dr. D. Tasdemir’s pharmacology laboratory, extracting various parts of the fruits of Melia azedarach, which I collected in Yakushima after observing monkeys eating the dried seeds on the ground. I prepared 4 samples which are currently being analyzed for anti-parasitic potential. We also discussed our collaborative project examining potential self-medicative behavior in wild primates, and targeted plants which produced promising preliminary results for further analysis.

 In Zaragoza, Spain, I met with Dr. C. L. Alados to discuss our collaborative project examining fractal patterns in Japanese macaque behavior in relation to health impairment. We devised a strategy to revise a co-authored paper for resubmission to the Journal of the Royal Society Interface. I also met with Dr. J. de Ruiter at Durham University, UK, to discuss his proposed project to examine fractal patterns in primate behavior, and to present my work to the Department of Anthropology there.

Andrew MacIntosh delivering a lecture about fractals in animal behavior at the CNRS at Strasbourg University

Andrew MacIntosh discusses fractals in animal behavior with Dr. C. L. Alados of the Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia

Andrew MacIntosh (back right) and Dr. D. Tasdemir's (front center) international pharmacology lab (6 countries represented in photo!)

AS-HOPE Project<>