論文 Kameda, M., Ohmae,S. & Tanaka, M.(2019) Entrained neuronal activity to periodic visual stimuli in the primate striatum compared with the cerebellum. eLife 8:e48702. 謝辞なし
Suzuki, T.W.& Tanaka, M.(2019) Neural oscillations in the primate caudate nucleus correlate with different preparatory states for temporal production. Commun Biol 2:102. 謝辞なし
Miterko, L.N., …, Tanaka, M. (27名中21番目), …, Sillitoe, R.V. (2019) Consensus paper: Experimental neurostimulation of the cerebellum. Cerebellum 18:1064-1097. 謝辞なし
学会発表 M Suzuki, K-I Inoue, H Nakagawa, M Takada, T Isa and Y Nishimura. Macaque ventral midbrain facilitates the output to forelimb muscles via the primary motor cortex. (2019年4月) Annual Meeting of Society for the Neural Control of Movement(Toyama).
1. Suzuki M, Inoue K-I, Nakagawa H, Takada M, Isa T and Nishimura Y. Macaque ventral midbrain facilitates the output to forelimb muscles via the primary motor cortex. The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM) (2019.4.26-27 Toyama, Japan)
論文 Kano, F., Krupenye, C., Hirata, S., Tomonaga, M., & Call, J. (2019) Great apes use self-experience to anticipate an agent’s action in a false-belief test Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(42):20904-20909. . 謝辞We thank Naruki Morimura, Yutaro Sato, YuriKawaguchi, Daniel Hanus, Hanna Petschauer, and the staff at KumamotoSanctuary, Primate Research Institute, and Wolfgang Koehler PrimateResearch Center for their assistance in conducting the experiments. Financialsupport came from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHIGrants 18H05072, 19H01772, 16H06301 (to F.K.), 18H05524 (to S.H.), 16H06283,LDG-U04, GAIN (to M.T.); European Commission Marie Skłodowska-CurieFellowship MENTALIZINGORIGINS (to C.K.); and European Research CouncilSynergy Grant 609819 SOMICS (to J.C.).
狩野 文浩
類人猿の意図理解に関して、成果を上げた。これまでの研究から、類人猿が、予期的な注視を指標にした課題において、動画の中で、他者(動画の中の役者)が現実とは異なる誤った知識を抱いている(誤信念をもつ)状況においても、他者の行動の向かう先を予測的に注視することが示されている。本研究では、その心的メカニズムに関してさらに調査を進めた。先行研究では、類人猿が他者の意図理解にもとづいて課題を解決したのか(心の理論)、他者が最後に見た場所を再訪する、というような、特定の「行動ルール」にもとづいて課題を解決したのか、明らかではなかった。この「行動ルール」仮説を検証するために、本研究では、類人猿が、他者が同一の行動をしている状況においても、自己の経験に照らし合わせて、他者の行動の予測のやり方を変化させるか調べた。課題では、まず類人猿は近くで見ると透けて見えるトリック衝立と、近くで見ても透けて見えない普通の衝立のどちらかを経験した。2つの衝立は遠目から見ると同じに見える。その後、類人猿は動画を見た。動画では、類人猿が経験した衝立と同じ見た目の衝立の後ろに役者が隠れる様子が映され、その目の前では、隠されたオブジェクトが移動した。動画を見た類人猿は、トリック衝立を経験した場合は、役者がそのイベントを見たかのように役者の行動を予測し、普通の衝立を経験した場合は、役者がそのイベントをみなかったかのように役者の行動を予測した。したがって、予期的な注視を指標にした課題において「行動ルール」仮説は成立しないことが示された。Kano F, Krupenye C, Hirata S, Tomonaga M, & Call J (2019) Great apes use self-experience to anticipate an agent’s action in a false-belief test. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 116(42):20904-20909.
Conservation genetics of Myanmar’s macaques: a phylogeographical approach
学会発表 San AM, Tanaka H, Hamada Y Phylogeography and conservation of rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) in Myanmar(February 8-10, 2020) The 7th Asian Primate Symposium 2020. The 1st International Conference on Human-Primate Interface(Gauhati University, India).
Conservation genetics of Myanmar’s macaques: a phylogeographical approach
Aye Mi San
In Myanmar, rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) distributed through Central to Northern Myanmar (>15°N). For the phylogeographic study, the target region of D-loop (1.2 kbp) was amplified and sequenced. The results showed that at least two clusters of rhesus macaque (M. mulatta) were observed in Myanmar. The Northern cluster has large genetic distance (0.072 to 0.085) from Central and North-western cluster. These two clusters may have different histories, i.e., they have been isolated by ancient geographic or ecological barriers such as Chindwin River, Ayeyarwady River, mountain ranges, valleys (22°N-24°N) and different climate. To characterize their phylogeographic positions within rhesus macaques, D-loop were sequenced of eight rhesus macaques from Primate Research Institute whose provenances were either India or China, and aligned with Myanmar rhesus. These results suggested that Myanmar Northern clade clustered in the Indian 1 haplogroup and Central and North-western clade clustered in Indian 2 haplogroup. Based on our findings we suggested that Myanmar origin rhesus macaques might be genetically suited for biomedical research similar as Indian origin rhesus macaque. As for the Conservation of Myanmar rhesus macaques, such information are necessary as population sizes and the way of distribution (whether local population ranges are fragmented from each other?), or the genetic variability within local populations; and information on the condition of habitat environment in Central-Northern Myanmar, such as industrial, agricultural or logging activities or great migration of people. These results were presented at the 7th Asian Primate Symposium and the 1st International Conference Human-Primate Interface (8th-10th February, 2020, Gauhati University, India).
H31-A16 代:南本 敬史 協:永井 裕司 協:小山 佳 協:堀 由紀子
南本 敬史 , 永井 裕司, 小山 佳, 堀 由紀子
本研究課題において,独自の技術であるDREADD受容体の生体PETイメージング法と所内対応者である高田らが有する霊長類のウイルスベクター開発技術を組み合わせることで,マカクサルの特定神経回路をターゲットとした化学遺伝学的操作の実現可能性を飛躍的に高めること目指した.R1年度は脳移行性が高くかつDREADDに親和性の高い化合物として独自に見出したDCZの有効性についてさらなる検証を進め,抑制性DREADD(hM4Di)を両側DLPFCに発現させたサルに微量のDCZを投与することで,空間作業記憶の障害を引き起こすことを示すなど,サルDREADD操作性の高精度化・安全性・利便性を高めることに成功し,論文として報告した(NagaiらNat Neurosci, in press).さらにDCZを放射性ラベルした[11C]DCZはDREADDの脳内発現を画像化するPETリガンドとしても有用で,高感度にhM4Di/hM3Dqの発現を定量するとともに,陽性神経細胞の軸索終末に発現したDREADDsも鋭敏に捉えることに成功.この終末部にDCZを投与することで経路選択的な抑制制御ができることを明らかにした.この成果は複数の論文に発表するとともに,化合物DCZの情報とともに共有するにより,DREADDによるサル脳回路操作を広く展開する.
H31-A17 代:松本 正幸 協:山田 洋 協:國松 淳
松本 正幸 , 山田 洋, 國松 淳
嫌悪的な事象(報酬の消失や罰刺激の出現)を避けることは、動物の生存にとって必須である。研究代表者と所内対応者、協力研究者らの研究グループは、マカクザルを用いた電気生理実験により、外側手綱核と呼ばれる神経核がこのような回避行動の制御に関わる神経シグナルを伝達していることを明らかにしてきた(Kawai et al., Neuron, 2015; Kawai et al., Cerebral Cortex, 2019)。このような外側手綱核の回避行動に対する役割をさらに神経回路レベルで理解するためには、外側手綱核が他の脳領域とどのような神経連絡を持ち、そのシグナルがどの領域に伝達されているのか、またどの領域を起源とするのか知る必要がある。しかし、外側手綱核の神経連絡を調べた解剖学的な研究の多くはげっ歯類を対象にしたものであり、霊長類を対象とした研究はほとんどおこなわれていない。 これまでに、フサオマキザルの外側手綱核に神経トレーサーを注入し、霊長類の外側手綱核が他の脳領域とどのような神経連絡を持つのかを明らかにしようと試みた。ただ、外側手綱核は非常に小さな神経核(2mmほど)であり、組織学的な解析をおこなった結果、神経トレーサーが外側手綱核から外れた位置に注入されていたことが明らかになった。2020年度以降、より高い精度で神経トレーサーを注入できる方法を工夫し(電気生理マッピングを事前におこなうなど)、また、外側手綱核と関連が深くトレーサーが注入しやすい他の領域(中脳ドーパミン領域など)をターゲットにして手綱核周辺の神経回路を明らかにするなど、複数のアプローチを組み合わせて実験を進める予定である。
H31-A18 代:Muhammad Azhari Akbar
Inter-specific comparison of seed dispersal parameters between long-tailed macaque Macaca fascicularis and silvery lutung Trachypithecus cristatus in West Sumatran coastal area
H31-A19 代:Wirdateti
Analysis of mitochondrial sequences for species identification and evolutionary study of slow loris (genus Nycticebus)
Analysis of mitochondrial sequences for species identification and evolutionary study of slow loris (genus Nycticebus)
The Cooperative Research Program 2019, following the 2018 program activity, focused on genetic variation of the mtDNA markers in each species or between populations of slow loris. This study aims to understand the degree of genetic variation between species and among populations within the species to aid future conservation efforts. Last year, we analyzed using the 16S r-RNA of mtDNA. This year we analyzed the COI gene of mtDNA as a marker. These results will be valuable as supportive data in the release and reintroduction of these species to the wild without disturbing the gene pool of existing populations. This study can also be used for further studies of slow loris evolution in Asia. The analysis was conducted using a whole length of COI, which is about 1600 bp from 43 samples consisting of N. coucang (n= 20), N. javanicus (n= 19), and N. menagensis (n=4). Most of the samples came from confiscated, and some were collected from the wild. The data analysis was conducted using the DNA pars and the MEGA 6.0 program. The results of DNA polymorphism from all samples of this study showed that variable (polymorphic) (S) was found in 310 sites with parsimony-informative 171 sites, and Nucleotide diversity; Pi: 0.03800; the haplotypes as many as 36 with Haplotype Diversity (Hd): 0.986 ± 0.011. DNA polymorphism between species was estimated by genetic distance (d) and nucleotide diversity (π); these indices between N. menagensis and N. Javanicus Java were higher (d = 0.065 ± 0.006; π = 0.019 ± 0.006) than those of N. menagensis with N. coucang (d = 0.046 ± 0.005; π = 0.013 ± 0.002). While between N.javanicus and N.coucang is d = 0.055 ± 0.005; π = 0.020 ± 0.002. Contrary, on the morphological character, the head fork (strip pattern on the head) and the back strip (lines on the back) are almost similar between N. coucang with N. menagensis, but have a clear difference with N. javanicus. This results of morphological observation suggested that molecular identification of the confiscated slow lories is necessary. Each species has a different haplotype; N. javanicus h = 16; N. coucang h = 16, and N. menagensis h = 4. The haplotype diversity (Hd) of the N. coucang population (Hd = 0.996) was higher than Javan slow loris (Hd = 0.942) and Kalimantan slow loris (Hd = 0.966). This result indicated that the population of Javan slow loris has a low genetic diversity. Based on the phylogenetic analysis using ancestor trees between N. menagensis and N. coucang, it was showed that N. menagensis is ancestral or the oldest, then the analysis between three species in this study are showed that N. javanicus is the ancestral species of the slow loris Indonesia. From this study, we conclude that the COI gene of mtDNA could be used as a genetic marker for the identification of species in the genus Nycticebus, especially for the three species of Indonesia. These results support the results of the previous studies using 16S RNA.
H31-A20 代:Tshewang Norbu
Ecological and phylogeographical study on Assamese macaques in Bhutan
Ecological and phylogeographical study on Assamese macaques in Bhutan
Tshewang Norbu
In the 2000s, new macaque species were found in Arunachal Pradesh and eastern Tibet. Therefore, it is recognized that the evolutionary study of Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) in Bhutan is important for clarifying the phylogenetic relationships of Asian macaques. In 2019, I focused on the Assamese macaques living in Sakteing Wildlife Sanctuary, which is located southernmost part of Bhutan and borders Arunachal Pradesh. First, I conducted interview-survey to assess the distribution of macaques, and then, visited the macaques inhabiting sites to observe macaque populations, collect DNA samples (fecal samples or other materials), and take photographs for morphology study. I carried out such a field-survey in several different places, considering altitudinal gradient that would enable us to better understand the behavioral patterns of the macaque at varying altitudes and different forest types. The coordinates of the sampling sites were also noted using GPS for future mapping and references. One of the purposes in this project was to compare the genetic and morphological features of the eastern populations of Assamese macaques with that of western populations. I collected a total of 25 fecal samples from different sites in eastern Bhutan. Under the Materials Transfer Agreement between our institute and PRI, I brought these samples to PRI for molecular phylogenetic analysis. After DNA extraction, I did the long-PCR which amplify approximately 9 kb in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), including full length of 16S r-RNA, D-loop and cytochrome b gene. This was to avoid mis-amplifying NUMT (mtDNA-like sequence in nuclear genome). Next, the D-loop region was amplified with the primers of LqqF (5'- TCCTAGGGCAATCAGAAAGAAAG-3’) and SARU5 (5’- GCCAGGACCAAGCCTATTT-3’), using the long-PCR product as template DNA. I sequenced the PCR product using DNA sequencing service of the company as well as by ourselves at the laboratory of Dr. Tanaka. DNA sequencing was successful for 25 samples. I continue the phylogenetic analysis of the DNA sequence data obtained in 2019 along with that of Assamese macaque from western part of Bhutan.
The Bossou Archive Project aims to digitise and catalogue video footage of wild chimpanzees from Bossou, Guinea, from over 30 years of fieldwork, and implement a framework for researchers to access and analyse this data. A key part of the Bossou Archive project is to develop a system to identify individuals and analyse their behavior longitudinally over 30 years. The Cooperative Research Program for 2019 focused on developing software using Artificial Intelligence to automatically identify Bossou chimpanzees from raw video footage. We developed a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) framework, for the detection, tracking and recognition of chimpanzees from archival footage. We used 50 hours of footage spanning 14 years, to obtain 10 million face images from 23 individuals to train our CNN models, which obtained an overall accuracy of 92.5% for identity recognition and 96.2% for sex recognition. This system provides the tools for efficiently annotating video footage and automatically generating processing of large volumes of video data, which can be used to analyse behaviour, such as chimpanzee social networks (Figure 1). The output of this work was published in Science Advances (Schofield, Nagrani, Zisserman, Hayashi, Matsuzawa, Biro, Carvalho, 2019: https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/5/9/eaaw0736). Currently, a web-framework is being developed to enable remote collaboration and annotation of the Bossou archive, and promote the next phase of development for new automated methods such as full body tracking and action recognition.
H31-A28 代:伊村 知子
学会発表 Tomoko Imura, Shigeki Nakauchi, Nobu Shirai, Masaki Tomonaga Visual search for chromatic composition of art paintings by chimpanzees.(Belgium, Aug 25-29, 2019) 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception(Leuven, Belgium).
学会発表 Sakuraba,Y., Yamada, N., Takahashi, I., Kawakami, F., Takashio, J., Takeshita, H., Hayashi, M., Tomonaga, M. Care and rehabilitation activities for a chimpanzee with cerebral palsy: a case study.(August 5-9, 2019.) 53rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology(Bergen, Norway).
Sakuraba,Y., Yamada, N., Takahashi, I., Kawakami, F., Takashio, J., Takeshita, H., Hayashi, M., Tomonaga, M. Evaluating of physical state on a female chimpanzee with cerebral palsy: a case study. (June 22-26, 2019) International Conference on Environmental Enrichment(Kyoto, Japan).
Yamada, N., Takeshita, H., Takashio, J., Sakuraba, Y., Takahashi, I., Kawakami, F., Hayashi, M., Tomonaga, M. Developmental support of chimpanzee with cerebral palsy. Evaluating of physical state on a female chimpanzee with cerebral palsy: a case study. (June 22-26, 2019) International Conference on Environmental Enrichment(Kyoto, Japan).
学会発表 Sellers WI, Hirasaki E Functional Classification of Dynamic Hand Shape in Primates.(2019.7) International Conference on Vertebrate Morphology 2019.(Prague).
Hirasaki E, Sellers WI Analysis of the palmar pressure distribution during locomotion in Japanese macaques. ( 2019.10) The 72nd Annual Meeting of the Anthropological Society of Nippon(Saga).
The comparative biomechanics of the primate hand
William Sellers
This project forms part of our ongoing research into the biomechanics of primates. We are currently working on the finger movements and grip pressures associated with vertical climbing in Japanese macaques. This last year we had two research goals. Firstly, we needed to improve our data collection methodology to properly capture vertical climbing. The challenge here is that very often the position of the body of the macaque obscures the view of the digits from the cameras and this reduces the amount of usable data we are able to collect in any experimental situation. This is exacerbated by the need for the hand to be placed in the centre of the pressure pad to ensure accurate data recording for the entire hand. We therefore obtained a large number of extra repeats of the basic experimental protocol to ensure reasonable coverage of our two subject animals. Secondly, for the first time, we attempted to collect a comprehensive dataset on the feet and the movements of the toes. This experiment uses exactly the same 8-camera markerless motion capture approach filming the subject animals climbing on the instrumented scaffolding pole as the hand experiments but with the positions of the cameras and pressure pad altered to allow us to record the foot. This experiment has the added difficulty that, due to the length of the digits, the degree of wrapping around the pole is very much larger than seen during the hand experiments and this makes getting a complete view of the digits extremely challenging. There was also the additional potential difficulty that the change in experimental setup required for foot observations might cause problems in terms of training the animals to perform the required actions, although in fact this caused very little delay. The hand experiments have worked well and we now have a good level of coverage there. The foot experiments should benefit from trying different camera positions (and indeed extra cameras) to cover the full movement of the pedal digits and this will be the focus of our 2020 experiments so that we have good coverage for both extremities for vertical climbing. We have presented our initial findings at both the International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology and at the Anthropological Society of Nippon and are continuing to work on data analysis in readiness for publication.
H31-B4 代:Lia Betti 協:Todd Rae
"Positional, dimorphic and obstetric influences on pelvic shape in primates"
"Positional, dimorphic and obstetric influences on pelvic shape in primates"
Lia Betti , Todd Rae
Our project will test the relative importance of locomotion, habitual posture, and obstetric-related selective pressures in shaping the pelvis and birth canal in humans and other primate species, using an improved and innovative methodology. We plan to use 3D landmarks and semilandmarks derived from virtual 3D reconstructions based on CT scans of articulated pelves to achieve a high-definition representation of the shape of the pelvis and birth canal in a variety of primate species. The data collection began with a visit to the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute (PRI) in Inuyama (23 June to 06 July 2019). During this trip, Dr Lia Betti and Dr Todd C. Rae from the University of Roehampton met with their collaborator Dr Eishi Hirasaki at the PRI, to CT-scan a series of cadavers of primates. The aim of this part of the data collection is to inform of the differential contribution of hard and soft tissue in forming the pelvic girdle and pelvic canal in primates of both sexes. We were able to scan 34 cadavers from 14 species. We aimed for at least one male and one female per species. Although the analyses of the scans will only start at the beginning of summer 2020, preliminary observations revealed unexpected differences in the contribution of soft tissue to the pelvic canal in different species and between the sexes, demonstrating that taking into consideration the soft tissue is extremely important in order to gauge the size and shape of the birth canal in primates based on skeletal remains. Some species, such as Galago senegalensis, show a dramatic level of sexual dimorphism: the male pelvis is fused at the pubic symphysis and soft tissue does not contribute to the pelvic canal, whereas the female pelvis is widely open at the front with a large contribution of soft tissue to enlarging the canal for the passage of the neonate. Other species, such as Pan troglodytes, show no sexual dimorphism in the contribution of soft tissue, with both sexes having a fused or tightly close pubic symphysis. Data collection for the second part of the project started in London in July. The aim of this part of the project is to acquire a wider knowledge of pelvic canal variation and sexual dimorphism across primates using skeletal remains. Skeletal remains are available in larger numbers than cadavers, and we will correct for the contribution of the soft tissue in different primate groups based on the cadaveric data. Suitable specimens were selected from the Powell-Cotton and the Natural History Museum. CT-scanning started on the 2nd of November 2019 at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in London (medical CT scanner), and at the University of Roehampton (PQCT machine). A total of 54 skeletal specimens have been scanned so far, belonging to 18 primate species. All scanning has now been put on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but we are hoping to continue the data collection in 2021.
H31-B5 代:江成 広斗
論文 Enari H(2021) Human–macaque conflicts in shrinking communities: recent achievements and challenges in problem solving in modern Japan Mammal Study 受理. 謝辞あり
江成 広斗
2013年度に政府が示したニホンザル加害群の半減計画を受けて、各地で本種の捕獲圧が高まっており、保護と管理のバランスを保つための個体群評価の重要性は高まっている。そこで筆者はニホンザルが発する鳴声を指標とする新たな個体群モニタリング技術「ボイストラップ法」の開発に取り組んでいる。ボイストラップ法のメリットはその検知可能範囲の広さと、検知の自動化にある。そこで、検知の完全自動化を目指し、機械学習をもちいた判別モデルを構築するために、本研究では白神山地北東部(青森県西目屋村)において7台、朝日山地北西部(山形県鶴岡市、新潟県村上市)において8台の固定型録音機(song meter SM2+もしくはSM3)を2019年5月、7月、10月に設置し、それぞれ1か月間連続録音をして各種鳴声データを回収した。回収したデータは音声スペクトログラムに変換し、主要な鳴き声に分別して、蓄積した。現在、これらのデータを学習データとして、新たな鳴声判別モデルを構築に取り組んでいる。同種の鳴声であっても、地域性や季節性が大きなものがあることが明らかとなり、そうした変化の多い鳴声については今後も継続して鳴声を収集し、モデルの判別精度を高めていく予定である。
H31-B7 代:Heui-Soo Kim 協:Hee-Eun Lee 協:Jennifer Im 協:Woo Ryung
Transposable element derived Mirco RNA analysis in various primate tissues
学会発表 Hee-Eun Lee, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim Analysis of Long Interspersed Element Derived Micro RNA 625(2019.08.13) 2019 Joint International Symposium of Korean Society of Life Science and Interdisciplinary Society of Genetic & Genomic Medicine(Busan,Republic of Korea).
Woo Ryung Kim, Hee-Eun Lee, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim Expression Analysis of miR-17-5p, miR-21-5p and miR-221-3p in Pan troglodytes(2019.08.13) 2019 Joint International Symposium of Korean Society of Life Science and Interdisciplinary Society of Genetic & Genomic Medicine(Busan,Republic of Korea).
Hee-Eun Lee, Woo Ryung Kim, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim Analysis of Long Interspersed Element derived microRNA 625 in Human and Western Chimpanzees(2019.10.02) 2019 International Conference : Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology(Seoul,Republic of Korea).
Woo Ryung Kim, Hee-Eun Lee, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim Expression profile and Bioinformatics Analysis of miR-17-5p, miR-21-5p, miR-221-3p in Pan troglodytes (2019.10.02) 2019 International Conference : Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology(Seoul,Republic of Korea).
Woo Ryung Kim, Hee-Eun Lee, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim Expression Analysis of miR-21-5p, miR-221-3p in Pan troglodytes(2019.11.22) International Conference on the Genetics Society of Korea 2019(Seongnam,Republic of Korea).
Hee-Eun Lee, Woo Ryung Kim, Jae-Won Huh, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim The Enhancer Activity of microRNA-625 derived from Long Interspersed Nuclear Element Induced by NF- κB(2019.11.22) International Conference on the Genetics Society of Korea 2019(Seongnam,Republic of Korea).
Hee-Eun Lee, Woo Ryung Kim, Jae-Won Huh, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim Various Number Tandem Repeats in 3’UTR of SHISA7 Promotes Enhancer Activity of microRNA-3681(2019.11.22) International Conference on the Genetics Society of Korea 2019(Seongnam,Republic of Korea).
Woo Ryung Kim, Hee-Eun Lee, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim Expression and Bioinformatic Analysis of miR-21-5p, miR-221-3p in Pan troglodytes(2019.12.19) The Korean Society for Integrative Biology(Gangwon-do,Republic of Korea).
Woo Ryung Kim, Hee-Eun Lee, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim Expression and Bioinformatic Analysis of miR-21-5p, miR-221-3p in Chimpanzee(2020.02.07) The Korean Society for Microbiology and biotechnology(Gyeong-ju, Republic of Korea).
Hee-Eun Lee, Sang-Je Park, Jae-Won Huh, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim Long terminal repeats derived microRNA-3681 represses the activity of variable number tandem repeats in the 3′ UTR of SHISA7(2020.02.07) The Korean Society for Microbiology and biotechnology(Gyeong-ju, Republic of Korea).
Hee-Eun Lee, Sang-Je Park, Jae-Won Huh, Hiroo Imai, Heui-Soo Kim The enhancer activity of long interspersed nuclear element derived microRNA 625 induced by NF-κB(2020.02.07) The Korean Society for Microbiology and biotechnology(Gyeong-ju, Republic of Korea).
Transposable element derived Mirco RNA analysis in various primate tissues
Heui-Soo Kim , Hee-Eun Lee, Jennifer Im, Woo Ryung
Transposable element (TE) is a DNA sequence that jumps around the genome to insert or delete the part of the genome is also known as transposon or jumping genes. Previous studies revealed that TEs generates new factors by cut- or copy- and -paste into the genome. MicroRNA (miRNA) is one of factor that TE generates and considerable number of miRNAs are derived from TE. MiRNA is identified as class of small non-coding RNA molecules which plays an important role as a regulator of gene expression. Numerous miRNAs are related in human cancer and hsa-miRNA-625 is well-known for oncomiR, miRNAs associated with cancer. Bioinformatics tools were used to select the best target gene with highest binding site of hsa-miRNA-625-5p in the 3’ untranslated region (UTR). The relative expression of hsa-miRNA-625-5p and target gene was confirmed to examine the comparison between different number of canonical binding sites and location of miRNA binding sites designed in 3’ UTR of target gene, GATAD2B. The expression of primers designed in front of 3’ UTR in target gene shows higher expression than primers designed in back of 3’UTR. The luciferase assay revealed the enhancer function of hsa-miRNA-625 and 3’UTR of GATAD2B, as well as more activity increased by NF-κB. In this study, the bioinformatics and experimental analysis provides the data of quantity of canonical binding sites and location of miRNA binding sites affects the target gene expression and NF-κB increases the enhancer activity of hsa-miRNA-625-5p by sharing the binding sites in 3’UTR of GATAD2B.
論文 Hasegawa, H., Matsuura, K., Asakawa, M.(2019) Nematodes belonging to the genus Ternidens (Strongyloidea: Chabertiidae) found in a talapoin Miopithecus talapoin, imported for sale as a pet. Jpn. J. Vet. Parasitol. 18:65-71. 謝辞あり
鈴木夏海・浅川満彦(2019) 書籍紹介『Parasites of Apes: An Atlas of Coproscopic Diagnostics』 野生動物医学会ニュースレターZoo and Willife News(49):32-33.
学会発表 Hasegawa, H., Matsuura, K., Asakawa, M. Nematodes belonging to the genus Ternidens (Strongyloidea: Chabertiidae) found in a talapoin Miopithecus talapoin, imported for sale as a pet. Jpn.(2019年10月28日) 12th International Meeting of Asian Society of Conservation Medicine (ASCM) (カンボジア(プノンペン)).
関東・東北地方との境界に所在する茨城県つくば市・東筑波ユートピア内のニホンザル飼育施設でにニホンザルの飼育状況の視察と糞便などの採集可否についてついて踏査した。その結果、当該施設の現状では研究協力が難しい印象を受けた。四国地方の個体については、(株)野生動物保護管理事務所で有害捕獲されたサンプルを用い次のような2つの学会報告が予報された;石島栄香, 清野紘典, 岡本宗裕, 平田晴之, 浅川満彦. 徳島産ニホンザル(Macaca fuscata)の寄生蠕虫保有状況-国内Macaca属から検出された報告と比較して.第25回日本野生動物医学会大会.山口大学, 8月30日から9月2日.石島栄香, 浅川満彦.国内Macaca属サル類に寄生する線虫類の地理的分布-特に、最近実施した東北・四国地方での野生種と輸入サル類の調査研究から. 2019 年度日本線虫学会第27回大会,つくば,9月11日から13日。また、関東地方におけるニホンザルの寄生虫調査概要は次の総説で刊行され、今後の研究基盤情報とした;浅川満彦, 2019.酪農学園大学野生動物医学センターWAMCが関わった関東および中部地方におけ研究活動概要.青森自誌研, (23): 35-42.公衆衛生学的な知見としては愛玩用のタラポアンにおける腸結節虫類の分類学的な検討をして次の論文で刊行された;Hasegawa, H., Matsuura, K., Asakawa, M.2019: Nematodes belonging to the genus Ternidens (Strongyloidea: Chabertiidae) found in a talapoin Miopithecus talapoin, imported for sale as a pet. Jpn. J. Vet. Parasitol.,18:65-71。なお、この報告はカンボジアで開催されたアジア野生動物学会(12th International Meeting of Asian Society of Conservation Medicine (ASCM) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Oct., from 25 to 27)で予報された。この腸結節虫症は書籍『Parasites of Apes: An Atlas of Coproscopic Diagnostics』で記載されたが、この内容を分析し、鈴木夏海・浅川満彦.2019.野生動物医学会ニュースレターZoo and Willife News(49)で書籍紹介した。
論文 Iwanaga J, Watanabe K, Kikuta S, Hirasaki E, Yamaki K, Bohm RP, Dumont AS, Tubbs RS.(2020) Anatomical study of the incisivus labii superioris and inferioris muscles in non-human primates The Anatomical Record doi: 10.1002/ar.24406.. 謝辞あり
学会発表 Labuguen R, Bardeloza DK, Blanco NS, Matsumoto J, Inoue K, Shibata T Primate Markerless Pose Estimation and Movement Analysis Using DeepLabCut( 2019/5/30 - 2019/6/2) 2019 Joint 8th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) and 2019 3rd International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR)(Spokane, WA, USA).
Jumpei Matsumoto, Koki Mimura, Tomohiro Shibata, Kenichi Inoue, Yasuhiro Go, Hisao Nishijo Development and application of 3D markerless motion capture system for analyzing social and emotional behavior in animals.( 2019/12/16-17) Toyama Forum for Academic Summit on“Dynamic Brain”( 富山).
Jumpei Matsumoto, Hisao Nishijo, Koki Mimura, Kenichi Inoue, Yasuhiro Go, Tomohiro Shibata Development and applications of 3D markerless motion capture systems for analyzing monkey behavior( 2020/1/8-10) 脳と心のメカニズム 第20回冬のワークショップ( 北海道蛇田郡).
Jumpei Matsumoto, Hisao Nishijo, Koki Mimura, Kenichi Inoue, Yasuhiro Go, Tomohiro Shibata Utilization of animal markerless motion capture in neuroscience( 2020/3/17-19) 第97回日本生理学会大会( 大分).
松本 惇平 , 柴田 智広, Rollyn Labuguen, Salvador Blanco, Dean Bardeloza
本研究では、最新の機械学習アルゴリズム(深層学習など)を用いて、任意の画像および映像内のマカクザルの姿勢をマーカーレスで推定するソフトウェアを開発を目指す。初年度である2018年度では、霊長類研究所の放飼場等で飼育されているサルの日常の様子を撮影し、得られた画像データをもとに教師データを作成した。さらに、その教師データをもとに機械学習アルゴリズムを訓練し、単一個体が写った画像においては、良好な姿勢推定精度が得られた。二年目の2019年度は引き続き放飼場等での撮影を行うとともに、霊長類研究所の大学院生などの協力を得て、教師データ(関節位置などのラベリング)の改善を行った。これまでに、延べ約17000頭分の高品質な教師データが得られている(図A; 査読付き国際学会で発表(Labuguen et al., 2019)し、現在論文誌への投稿を準備中)。また、開発したソフトウェアを所内対応者の井上助教の所有するパーキンソン病モデルサルの動作解析へ応用し、筋固縮などのパーキンソン病の特有症状に対応する行動変化を客観的・定量的に評価することに成功した(図B)。さらに、社会行動などにおける複数の個体の動作を同時に解析することを可能とするために、作製したデータセットと深層学習を用いて複数個体の写った画像から各個体の検出を行う予備検討を行った。その結果、高い精度で個体検出が可能であることが明らかになった(図C)。今後は個体検出と各個体姿勢推定を組み合わせ、複数個体の社会行動なども解析が可能なソフトウェアの構築を目指す。 本研究で開発中のソフトウェアは、姿勢や動作の解析から、運動機能や情動、行動意図、社会行動を客観的・定量的に評価することを可能にし、種々の脳機能の研究や野外生態調査、サルの健康管理など多くの分野への貢献が期待される。
Ryutaro Ono*, Nobuya Koike, Hitoshi Inokawa, Yoshiki Tsuchiya, Yasuhiro Umemura, Toshiro Yamamoto, Narisato Kanemura, Kazuhiro Yagita A New Insight of Tooth Growth(2019/8/28) XVI European Biological Rhythms Society Congress(Lyon(France)).
我々はこれまでに、ヒト新鮮凍結死体を用いて、前頭神経の眼窩内走行およびその終枝の眼窩上縁における経過を明らかにしてきた (Kikuta et al., 2019)。サルは、ヒトとの咀嚼力の違いから顔面骨に生じた応力の一部が眼窩上部の眉弓に集中することで、同部の突出が生じる。このような顔面骨形態の違いから、前頭神経末梢枝の走行に違いがでる可能性があるが、比較解剖学的資料に欠けている。本研究の目的は、霊長類眼神経末梢枝の分布および周囲構造物との関係を、眼窩内・外からの解剖により明らかにし、ヒトとの比較検討を行うことにある。本研究において、カニクイザル5個体の頭部固定標本を詳細に解剖した。全個体で前頭神経を認めた。眼窩内で前頭神経を同定し、総腱輪まで追求したが、眼窩内に分枝を持たず、眼窩上縁の眼窩上切痕から独立して出現していた。カニクイザルは、ヒトで分類される滑車上神経、眼窩上神経は持ち得なかった。前頭神経は顔面表面に出現後、数本に分枝し、皺眉筋および眼輪筋を貫通し、前額部の皮膚を神経支配していた。現在、ヒトとカニクイザルの解剖学的構造の違いを焦点に、本研究結果を論文執筆中である。
Genetic characterization of bitter taste receptors in Sulawesi macaques
論文 Widayati KA, Yan X, Suzuki-Hashido N, Itoigawa A,Purba LHPH, Fahri F, Terai Y, Suryobroto B,Imai H(2019) Functional divergence of the bitter receptor TAS2R38 in Sulawesi macaques Ecology and Evolution 9(18):10387-10403. 謝辞The authors would like to thank Drs. T. Ueda, T. Misaka, and H. Matsunami for providing cells and vectors. The authors would like to thank BKSDA Sulawesi Utara, BKSDA Sulawesi Tengah, M. Hakukawa, M. Umemura, and A. Alfiyan for their techni- cal support during the experiment. This work was supported by KAKENHI grants from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS; #15H05242 and #18H04005 to H.I., #16K18630 to Y.T.), the JSPS Japan–Indonesia Bilateral Research program (to H.I. and B.S.), research grants from the Kobayashi International Scholarship Foundation and Terumo Foundation (to H.I.), Dana DIPA grant from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (KLN No. 083/SP2H/PL/ Dit.Litabmas/II/2015 to B.S., WCR No. 1531/IT3.L1/PN/2019 to B.S.), and the Cooperative Research Programme of Kyoto University (Kyodo Riyo Theme nos. 2017-B-37 and 2018-B-66 to K.A.W.).
Genetic characterization of bitter taste receptors in Sulawesi macaques
Kanthi Arum Widayati , Yohey Terai
Bitter perception is mediated by G protein-coupled receptors TAS2Rs and plays an important role in avoiding the ingestion of toxins by inducing innate avoidance behavior in mammals. One of the best-studied TAS2Rs is TAS2R38, which mediates the perception of the bitterness of synthetic phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). Previous studies of TAS2R38 have suggested that geographical separation enabled the independent divergence of bitter taste perception. The functional divergence of TAS2R38 in allopatric species has not been evaluated. We characterized the func- tion of TAS2R38 in four allopatric species of Sulawesi macaques on Sulawesi Island that lived in central and north Sulawesi. We found variation in PTC taste perception both within and across species. In most cases, TAS2R38 was sensitive to PTC, with functional divergence among species. We observed different truncated TAS2R38s that were not responsive to PTC in each species of Macaca nigra and M. nigrescens due to premature stop codons. Some variants of intact TAS2R38 with an amino acid substitution showed low sensitivity to PTC in M. tonkeana. Similarly, this intact TAS2R38 with PTC-low sensitivity has also been found in humans. We detected a shared haplotype in all four Sulawesi macaques, which may be the ancestral haplotype of Sulawesi macaques. In addition to shared haplotypes among Sulawesi macaques, other TAS2R38 haplotypes were spe- cies-specific. These results implied that the variation in TAS2R38 might be shaped by geographical patterns and local adaptation.For further study,we will expand our research to Southern Sulawesi. We did experimental behavior several individual of southern species and found some indivivual PTC-non taster in M. maura. We predict that some of the TAS2R38 South Sulawesi macaques will have some different genetic background compare to the North Sulawesi macaques due to geographical separation and different origin of continental plates at the time of island formation. We published the results of Sulawesi macaques species lived in central and north Sulawesi in journal Ecology and Evolution.
H31-B23 代:Bambang Suryobroto
Genomic Evolution of Sulawesi Macaques
Genomic Evolution of Sulawesi Macaques
Bambang Suryobroto
Seven species of Sulawesi macaques (Macaca nigra, M. nigrescens, M. hecki, M. tonkeana, M. maurus, M. ochreata and M. brunnescens) continue attracting interest as a model of evolutionary speciation and differentiation. As macaque is a characteristic animal of Oriental zoogeographical realm, their ancestor should cross the Wallace Line between the Island and Sunda Land. We found that genetic tree based on exome sequences reflects their geographic distributions in the Island. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) extracted from the exomes show fixed differences among M. tonkeana and M. hecki; these two species had been reported to have hybrid populations in their borderland. The fixed differences were located in 129 genes including that of responsible for olfaction, detoxification, hair formation, and reproduction in female. Especially, an A to G mutation in the start codon of a detoxification gene in M. hecki truncates six amino acids from the full length of the protein in M. tonkeana. However, both short and full type of detoxification proteins possess the same enzymatic activity, though we inferred (from the function of N-terminal amino acids) the localization in the cell membrane may be different. Furthermore we found that M. nigra and M. nigrescens have the same short type as M. hecki while M. maurus, M. ochreata and M. brunnescens the same full type as M. tonkeana. Again, this reflects the geographical distribution because the first three species bearing the short detoxification gene distribute in northern part of the Island, and the later four species with full type in the southern part.
H31-B24 代:伊藤 浩介
論文 Itoh K, Nejime M, Konoike N, Nakamura K, Nakada T.(2019) Evolutionary Elongation of the Time Window of Integration in Auditory Cortex: Macaque vs. Human Comparison of the Effects of Sound Duration on Auditory Evoked Potentials. Front. Neurosci. 13:630.
Kosuke Itoh Primate non-invasive EEG: a window into human brain evolution(2020年2月22日) The 10th BRI International Symposium: Advanced Brain Imaging for the Future(Niigata).
論文 Morita T, Toyoda A, Aisu S, Kaneko A, Suda-Hashimoto N, Matsuda I, Koda H(2020) Animals exhibit consistent individual differences in their movement: A case study on location trajectories of Japanese macaques Ecological Informatics 56:101057. 謝辞有り
Morita T, Toyoda A, Aisu S, Kaneko A, Suda-Hashimoto N, Matsuda I, Koda H(2020) Non-parametric analysis of inter-individual relations using an attention-based neural network bioRxiv:doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.25.994764. 謝辞有り
Koda H, Arai Z, Matsuda I( 2020) Agent-based simulation for reconstructing social structure by observing collective movements with special reference to single-file movement Plos One 15( e0243173): doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0243173. 謝辞あり
学会発表 Matsuda I Evolution of Primate Multilevel Social System: Proboscis Monkey Society As Complex System(29 Sep - 2 Oct, 2019) The 7th International Congress on Cognitive Neurodynamics(Alghero, Italy).
松田 一希 , 豊田 有
霊長類の社会構造の理解は,霊長類学における重要な中心的議題の一つである.個体関係の記述(親和性/敵対性)や順位の記述(優劣関係),血縁関係の記述を通じて,群内の個体関係の構造を把握し,母系/父系社会などといった,社会類型を記載してきた.その一方で,それらの記載は主に研究者が直接観察し分類したり,ビデオを通じて事後に解析するなどといったデータに基づくものであり,連続的な記録としての大規模データの蓄積や解析は今までなかった.本研究は,小型の位置記録装置(ビーコン)を飼育ニホンザル集団の全個体に装着することで,高精度で大規模な連続的な位置データ情報を収集し,個体間関係の記述を,社会ネットワーク分析を通じて評価することを目的とした.2018年度から断続的に,5個体からなるニホンザル集団を研究対象として,その位置計測を,時空間精度として高精度(10cm誤差以内,5点記録/1秒)に,かつ連続的に収集している(図).収集した膨大な個体間インタラクションデータから,本年度は、個体の空間配置と空間移動軌跡の常時計測系の確立に成功し,深層学習を含む統計手法による個体識別および個体間インタラクション解析を定量化するための手法を予備的に開発した(Morita et al. 2019).また,深層学習を用いた,ノンパラメトリックな個体間インタラクション解析手法も新たに開発し,それを高精度の位置測位システムにより得られたニホンザル各個体の位置情報に応用することで,個体間インタラクションの分析を実施した(Morita et al. 2020).加えて,ビーコンを装着した5頭のニホンザルの群れを,短期的に1:4頭に分離することで,個体間インタラクションの程度をコントロールし,社会的なインタラクションの変遷過程に着目したデータの分析にも着手した. <発表論文> Morita T, Toyoda A, Aisu S, Kaneko A, Suda-Hashimoto N, Matsuda I, Koda H (2020) Animals exhibit consistent individual differences in their movement: A case study on location trajectories of Japanese macaques. Ecological Informatics 56:101057. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2020.101057(査読有)
Morita T, Toyoda A, Aisu S, Kaneko A, Suda-Hashimoto N, Matsuda I, Koda H (2020) Non-parametric analysis of inter-individual relations using an attention-based neural network. bioRxiv. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.25.994764(査読なし) <国際会議での発表> Matsuda I「Evolution of Primate Multilevel Social System: Proboscis Monkey Society As Complex System」The 7th International Congress on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Alghero, Italy, 29 Sep - 2 Oct, 2019
H31-B28 代:加藤 彰子 協:内藤 宗孝 協:近藤 信太郎
加藤 彰子 , 内藤 宗孝, 近藤 信太郎
歯周病は歯周組織に起こる慢性の炎症性疾患であり日本の成人の約80%が歯周病に罹患している。現在、歯周病は生活習慣病の一つと考えられており、病態・病因の解明は解決すべき重要な課題である。 2018年度に引き続き2019年度は、京都大学霊長類研究所に所蔵の骨格標本のうち、年齢、性別が分かっているアカゲザル、ニホンザルの上顎歯および下顎歯が付いた頭蓋20数個体ずつ、合計46個体のCT撮像を行い、形態観察および比較を行った。その結果、臼歯の咬合面の咬耗のパターンや、臼歯歯槽骨の吸収度が異なるという所見を得た。一方で、飼育個体は食餌や飼育環境による成長や病態への影響も考えられることから、野生個体についての調査も行う必要性があると考えた。そこで、2019年度後半は、ニホンザル野生個体群を対象に骨格標本CTデータを収集した。また、京都大学霊長類研究所(KUPRI)The Digital Morphology Museum (DMM)データベースのニホンザル野生個体群のCTデータを活用し、これらのCT画像から、ヒトの歯周病診断に用いられる基準を適応するため上顎第一大臼歯の矢状方向および前頭方向断面画像をImageJ(1.44, NIH, USA)を用いて作成した。2020年度は、これらの画像をもとに歯周病組織破壊の程度を評価し、野生ニホンザルの歯周病進行度の地域差を検討する。
Multi-Dimensional Analysis of the Limbic Vocal Tic Network and its Modulation via Voltammetry Controlled High-Frequency Deep Brain Stimulation of the Nucleus Accumbens
Andrada, E., Blickhan, R., Ogihara, N., Rode, C. The role of global leg mechanics in the transition from grounded to aerial runnning(Sep 10, 2019) 112th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society(Jena, Germany).
Andrada, E., Blickhan, R., Ogihara, N., Rode, C. The role of global mechanics at the transition from grounded to aerial runnnig(Jul 7, 2019) Europian Society of Biomechanics 2019(Vienna, Austria).
荻原直道 ヒトの足部構造に内在する歩行機能の解明に向けて(Sep 11, 2019) 2019 Japan Altairテクノロジーカンファレンス(東京都港区).
【論文発表】 T-cell/Histiocyte-rich Large B-cell Lymphoma of the Larynx in a Juvenile Japanese Macaque (Macaca fuscata). Hirata A, Kaneko A, Sakai H, Nakamura S, Yanai T, Miyabe-Nishiwaki T, Suzuki J. J. Comp. Pathol. 169, 1-4, 2019
論文 Sasaki T, Komatsu Y, Yamamori T( 2019) Prefrontal-Enriched SLIT1 Expression in Primate Cortex and its Alteration during Cortical Development. Jap J Biological Psych 30( 2): 81-85.
Tome S, Sasaki T, Takahashi S, Takei Y.(2019) Elevated maternal retinoic acid-related orphan receptor-γt enhances the effect of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid in inducing fetal loss. Exp Animals 68(4):491-497.
Takei Y, Tome S, Sasaki T. (2019) KIF17-mediated transport of NMDA receptors and schizophrenia. Jap J Biological Psych 30(3):101-104.
学会発表 Saki Tome, Rei Nagata, Tetsuya Sasaki, Yosuke Takei. Analysis of the effect of IL17A increase on neurodevelopment in RORgt-overexpression transgenic mice.(2019.07.25-28.) Neuro2019. ( Niigata.).
Jinmin Li, Tetsuya Sasaki, Fumihiro Shutoh, Yosuke Takei The developmental defect of Serotonergic neuron induced by maternal immune activation. (2019.07.25-28.) Neuro2019.(Niigata.).
Tetsuya Sasaki, Yusuke Komatsu, Yosuke Takei, Tetsuo Yamaori. SLIT2 is preferentially expressed in the the higher-order association areas in primates. (2019.07.25-28.) Neuro2019. (Niigata.).
Tetsuya Sasaki, Yusuke Komatsu, Yosuke Takei, Tetsuo Yamamori. Analysis of genes that characterize the higher association area of the cerebral cortex. (2020.03.25-27.) The 125th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists.(Ube).
Nami Arakawa Expression Changes of Structural Protein Genes That May Be Related to Adaptive Human Skin Characteristics (Poster)(2019年7月23日) The annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution(Manchester, United Kingdom).
Functional characterization of bitter taste receptors in Leaf-eating Monkeys
Functional characterization of bitter taste receptors in Leaf-eating Monkeys
Laurentia Henrieta Permita Sari Purba , Bambang Suryobroto, Kanthi Arum Widayati, Nami Suzuki-Hashido
Bitter taste perception enables the detection of potentially toxic molecules and thus evokes avoidance behavior in vertebrates. It is mediated by bitter taste receptors, TAS2Rs. One of the best-studied TAS2R is TAS2R38. Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) perception and TAS2R38 receptors vary across primate species, and this variation may be related to variation in dietary preferences. In particular, we previously found that the low sensitivity of TAS2R38s in Asian colobines likely evolved as an adaptation to their leaf-eating behavior. However, it remains unclear whether this low PTC sensitivity is a general characteris- tic of the subfamily Colobinae, a primate group that feeds predominantly on leaves. We performed genetic analyses, functional assays with mutant proteins, and behavioral analyses to evaluate the general characteristics of TAS2R38 in colobines. We found that PTC sensitivity is lower in TAS2R38s of African colobines than in TAS2R38s of omnivorous macaques. Further- more, two amino acids shared between Asian and African colobines were responsible for low sensitivity to PTC, suggesting that the last common ancestor of extant colobines had this phenotype. We also detected amino acid differences between TAS2R38s in Asian and African colobines, indicating that they evolved independently after the separation of these groups. We published the results above in journal Primates:Purba, L.H.P.S., Widayati, K.A., Suzuki-Hashido, N., Itoigawa, A., Hayakawa, T., Nila, S., Juliandi, B., Suryobroto, B. and Imai, H., 2020. Evolution of the bitter taste receptor TAS2R38 in colobines. Primates, pp.1-10.
富山県は、豪雪地域におけるニホンザルの代表的な生息域の一つに挙げられ、黒部峡谷を含む県下の広い範囲で、群れの分布の広がりや消長について、これまでに情報が蓄積されている。一方、富山県産のニホンザル骨格標本は京大霊長研での収蔵は無く、富山県下の公共機関においても、収蔵情報を含め標本にたどり着くことは、申請者の経験に基づくと困難な現況にある。今回、複数の関係諸機関に問い合わせたところ、一機関で冷凍状態にある数個体の轢死体の収蔵を確認し、現在、標本の受け入れを進めている。さらに今回、北陸豪雪地域におけるニホンザルの形質に関する基礎資料を得ることを目的に、白山自然保護センター所蔵の白山産の約120試料の大臼歯を計測した。下顎M1の歯冠面積は、Aahara and Nishioka (2017)の白山の数値に比較して、雄雌ともに僅かに大きい値となった。また、京大霊長研収蔵試料のうち、福井県高浜と青森県下北、島根県羽須美、他数産地の標本も比較のために計測した。島根県産試料は、下顎M1歯冠面積と大臼歯歯冠面積ともに、今回の計測標本全体の中で小さな値を示す。また、富山県の鍾乳洞産化石標本は、現生白山試料の大臼歯歯冠面積の平均的な大きさである。
ヒト特有の高次機能をもたらす分子機構とその破綻こそがアルツハイマー病等の神経変性疾患の原因であるという仮説のもとに、チンパンジーとヒトの神経細胞の違いを同定するため、チンパンジーおよびヒトのiPS細胞から作製した神経細胞の比較解析を目的としている。ヒトiPS細胞およびチンパンジーiPS細胞から二次元培養により神経細胞を分化誘導し、免疫染色による神経細胞マーカーの解析を行った。また、三次元培養による脳オルガノイドの作製を行った。さらに、平面微小電極アレイ計測システム(MED64-Basic、Alpha Med Scientific)を用いた神経活動の評価を行った。ヒトiPS細胞由来神経細胞およびチンパンジーiPS細胞由来神経細胞の両者において、機能的な神経ネットワークが形成され、薬剤で神経伝達の制御が可能であることが示された。これらの神経細胞を用いたモデルの比較解析により霊長類神経系の機能解明とヒト疾患解析への応用が有用である可能性が考えられた。
H31-B58 代:國松 豊
論文 Tanabe,Y., Onodera, M., Nakatsukasa, M., Kunimatsu, Y., Nakaya, H.(2020) A new cane rat (Rodentia, Thryonomyidae) from the Upper Miocene Nakali Formation, northern Kenya. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 126(4):167-181.
Takano, T., Nakatsukasa, M., Pina, M., Kunimatsu, Y., Nakano, Y., Morimoto, N., Ogihara, N., Ishida, H.(2020) New forelimb long bone specimens of Nacholapithecus kerioi from the Middle Miocene of northern Kenya Anthropological Science 128(1): 27-40.
國松 豊
2019年度は8月〜9月にかけてケニヤ共和国北部のナカリ地域において中新世後期の地層を対象に化石採集のための野外調査をおこない、追加の脊椎動物化石を収集した。2020年3月に再びケニヤへ渡航し、ケニヤ国立博物館において、ナカリ地域の化石の整理をおこない、これまでに収集した霊長類化石の分析を進めた。ナカリ地域からは、中新世小型「類人猿」の一種であるニャンザピテクス類の現在知られている最後の生き残りとして、すでに上顎小臼歯標本を記載・報告しているが(Kunimatsu et al., 2017)、未記載標本の中にニャンザピテクス類の大臼歯がさらにいくつか含まれているようである。 アジアに関しては、2020年2月にタイ東北部ナコンラチャシマにおいて現地調査をおこない、ナコンラチャシマ郊外から出土し、東北タイ珪化木博物館に収蔵されている中新世の脊椎動物化石の整理・分析を進めた。この過程で新たにコロブス類の下顎標本を得た。同地域から出土した他の哺乳類化石に基づくと、中新世後期のものと思われ、今後、この標本の分析と共産する他の哺乳類化石の分析を進めていく予定である。
Shitara, T. Rotator actions of hip extensors in Japanese mcaques during arboreal quadrupedal walking: implications for functional differentiation between gluteus medius and hamstrings(26th June, 2019) Asia Pacific Conference on Human Evolution(Brisbane, Australia).
論文 Nakatsukasa, M., Morimoto, N., Nishimura, T.(2019) (2019). Sesamoids of the pollical metacarpophalangeal joint and the evolution of hominoid hands. Anthropological Science 127(2):159-164. 謝辞あり
Nakatsukasa, M. (2019) Miocene ape spinal morphology: The evolution of orthogrady . In E. Been, A. Gómez-Olivencia, A. A. Kramer (Eds.), Spinal Evolution: Morphology, Function, and Pathology of the Spine in Hominoid Evolution. Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland N/A(N/A):73-96. 謝辞なし
Sakuraya T, Arakawa T )Comparison for the ramification pattern of the muscular branches to the soleus and plantaris muscles between the Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta) and Human.(July 27-29,2020) APSBMS 2019 Annual Meeting.
小林俊寛 Conservation and diversity of germline development in mammals ( 2020年 2月 17-18日) 1st CU- KU Symposium and 4th CU-NIPS Symposium“Advances in Neuroscience Research”( タイ バンコク).
チンパンジー iPS 細胞からの始原生殖細胞分化誘導とその機能評価
小林 俊寛 , 平林 真澄, 正木 英樹
胚発生初期に生じる始原生殖細胞 (Primordial germ cells: PGC) はすべての生殖系列の源である。生殖細胞が生じると考えられる妊娠初期のヒト胚は倫理的・実際的に直接解析することが困難であるため、これまで多くの研究がマウスの胚を用いて進められてきた。しかしながら、近年、PGC の発生機構にはマウスとヒトで差異があることが判ってきており、よりヒトに近いモデルを用いてそのメカニズムを明らかにすることが、その理解に重要であると考えられる。そこで本研究では、ヒトに最近縁の霊長類であるチンパンジー由来の iPS 細胞を用いて、PGC が生じる過程を in vitro で再構築し、その成熟化、あるいは配偶子形成能を評価することのできる系の確立を目指してきた。前年度において、所内対応者の今村公紀先生から分与いただいたチンパンジー iPS 細胞から PGC を分化誘導することに成功していた。本年度はその更なる解析として、まず RNA-seq によるトランスクリプトーム解析を行った。その結果、チンパンジー iPS 細胞から分化誘導された PGC は、すでに報告がなされているヒト ES/iPS 細胞由来の PGC と極めて近い遺伝子発現パターンを示すことが明らかになった。また PGC の更なる成熟化を促すため、雌マウス胎児生殖腺から回収した支持細胞と共にチンパンジー iPS 細胞由来の始原生殖細胞 PGC と共培養を行った。その結果、 PGC の二ヵ月ほどの長期にわたる生存と、その一部における増殖が確認できた。今後の詳細な解析が望まれるが、成熟化が進んでいれば、発生中の胚で起こるインプリントの消去をはじめとしたエピゲノム変化も解析することが可能になる有用な実験系になると期待される。
Sawano K1,7), Tanoue S2), Tanaka T3), Hamada Y4), Abe T2), Nakatsukasa M5), Yokoyama T8), Hagiwara H9), Kato S3), (Already registered) A comparison of human and monkey cerebrovascular systems (Already registered)(March 28-30, 2021 (Already registered)) The 126th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists(Nagoya, Japan).
学会発表 Tomomi OCHIAI THE HISTORY AND CURRENT STATUS OF CAPTIVE CHIMPANZEES (PAN TROGLODYTES) IN JAPAN(2019.6.22-26) International Conference of Environmental Enrichment( Kyoto).
学会発表 Tomomi OCHIAI The History and Current Status of Captive Chimpanzees (PAN TROGLODYTES) in Japan (2019.6.22-26) International Conference of Environmental Enrichment (Kyoto). 落合知美 国内の飼育霊長類における給餌内容と採食エンリッチメントについて(2019.7.12-14) 第35回日本霊長類学会(熊本). 落合知美, 川出比香里 飼育下霊長類における植樹と枝葉給餌(2019.11.16-17) 第22回SAGAシンポジウム(犬山).
兵庫県内のニホンザルの地域個体群は、美方、城崎、大河内・生野、船越山、篠山の5つに分けられている。絶滅が危惧されている地域個体群は、美方と城崎で、2019年のカウント調査では、美方B群は17頭(成獣メス4頭)、城崎A群36頭(成獣メス10頭)の生息が認められた。2つの地域個体群の捕獲個体から血液を採取し、常染色体マイクロサテライト計16座位(Kawamoto, et al.2008)についてフラグメント分析を行い、遺伝的多様性について解析を行った。その結果、美方B群(n=10)は、He0.725、城崎A群(n=12)は、He0.702であった。2つの地域個体群は近年、捕獲や交通事故で頭数が減少している。今後、群れの遺伝的多様性が減少する可能性もある。引き続き遺伝情報をモニタリングする必要がある。近畿地方北部から中国地方北部(兵庫県北部から、鳥取県、島根県東部まで)は、ニホンザルの分布情報はなく、今後は保全すべき地域個体群として管理する必要性が求められる。
論文 Ishishita S, Takahashi M, Yamaguchi K, Kinoshita K, Nakano M, Nunome M, Kitahara S, Tatsumoto S, Go Y, Shigenobu S, Matsuda Y. (2018)(2018) Nonsense mutation in PMEL is associated with yellowish plumage colour phenotype in Japanese quail. Sci Rep. 8(1):16732.
Hirai H, Go Y, Hirai Y, Rakotoarisoa G, Pamungkas J, Baicharoen S, Jahan I, Sajuthi D, Tosi AJ.( 2019) Considerable synteny and sequence similarity of primate chromosomal region VIIq31. Cytogenet Genome Res. 158:88-97.
Kishida T, Go Y, Tatsumoto S, Tatsumi K, Kuraku S, Toda M. (2019) Loss of olfaction in sea snakes provides new perspectives on the aquatic adaptation of amniotes. Proc Biol Sci. 286: 20191828.
ヒト精神・神経疾患の霊長類モデル動物の開発のために,マカクザルとマーモセットを対象とした実験的認知ゲノミクス研究を行った.ヒト精神・神経疾患関連遺伝子(約500遺伝子)を解析対象とし,マカクザル831個体,マーモセット1,328個体を対象とした遺伝子機能喪失(Loss-of-Function:以下LoF)変異保有個体の同定を行った.その結果,マカクザルでは53遺伝子,マーモセットでは142遺伝子おいて,精神・神経疾患との関連性が非常に高い遺伝子において稀な(集団アリル頻度5%以下)LoF変異を持つ可能性のある個体を同定した. ゲノム解析として,ヒト以外で未だゲノム配列未決定の霊長類種の新規ゲノム解読によるゲノム情報の整備を行った.具体的には,チンパンジーの亜種であるヒガシチンパンジー,テナガザル3種,ニホンザル,スローロリスの新規ゲノム解読,遺伝子情報の整備を行うとともに,それら大規模情報を公共データーベースに登録・公開した.それらの成果の一部として,ヒトの染色体進化に関する論文を発表した(Hirai et al. 2019 Cytogenetic and Genome Research). トランスクリプトーム解析としては,ヒトと非ヒト霊長類の死後脳を用いた複数脳領域における比較遺伝子発現解析を行った.具体的には,一分子長鎖シーケンサーを用いたアイソフォームレベルの完全長転写産物の種間(ヒト,チンパンジー,ゴリラ)比較を行い,論文投稿準備中である.また,細胞の個性を単一細胞ごとに定量化するための技術開発を行った.数万の単一細胞の遺伝子発現情報を網羅的に取得できる技術開発を推進した.対象とする細胞種として,免疫系,神経系などを中心として,単一細胞レベルでの遺伝子発現情報を取得する実験および解析系を構築することに成功した.
Most animals, especially those living in unpredictable and harsh environment, must develop strategies to access food for vital element and energy supply. Although Eulemur has less-specialized gut to digest fibre, they consumed fibrous diet during food-shortage periods. It would explain the extension of their feeding time over 24-h, so called cathemeral feeding, to increase food and energy intakes. Here, we studied how Eulemur fulvus organized cathemeral feeding to insure their nutrient and energy intakes. We followed two groups of Eulemur fulvus in a seasonal dry forest of northwestern Madagascar during nine months distributed evenly in the dry and wet seasons. We collected data on their feeding behaviour during all-day and all-night using direct observation. To evaluate fruit availability, phenology of 817 trees belonging to 26 species in two line transects were monitored twice a month. We analysed nutrient contents of food items consumed by E. fulvus in the lab of PRI and determined nutritional intake. The data were treated on daily basis, and nocturnal and diurnal feeding were analysed separately. We examined the effect of season on feeding time and nutrient intakes with liner mixed models (LMMs). Then, we tested the effects of nutritional intake and environmental factors on feeding time with LMMs. Feeding time and feeding time on most consumed items were successively added as dependent variables, and nutritional intake, climate, the availabilities of food and water were set as the independent variables. During daytime, Eulemur fulvus were frugivorous during the wet season but they predominantly spent time feeding mature leaves besides fruits during the dry season. Their feeding time increased with the water intake (from food, hereafter) and ripe fruit availability. They spent more time eating ripe fruits during cool days and such prolonged frugivory increased carbohydrate intake. Their feeding time on mature leaves increased during dry and cool days and it increased their water intake. At night, especially during the dry season, they were mainly frugivorous. Nocturnal feeding was positively predicted by carbohydrate intake and negatively associated with the humidity. The carbohydrate intake and ripe fruit availability predicted positively the time spent feeding on ripe fruits. These results suggest that Eulemur fulvus consumed succulent mature leaves to increase water intake during daytime probably to cope the dry condition of the dry season. Hence, the nocturnal feeding offset the energy supply at night during the dry season by shifting their diet from succulent leaves to fruit. During the wet season, as both fruits and water were available, they probably satisfied their energy requirement using daytime which would explain the marginalization of the nocturnal feeding activities. These different functions between diurnal and nocturnal feeding will explain the significance of cathemeral activities in Eulemur.
論文 Kannagi M, Hasegawa A, Nagano Y, Iino T, Okamura J, Suehiro Y.(2019) Maintenance of long remission in adult T-cell leukemia by Tax-targeted vaccine: A hope for disease-preventive therapy. Cancer Science 110(3):849–857.
Kannagi M, Hasegawa A, Nagano Y, Kimpara S, Suehiro Y.(2019) Impact of host immunity on HTLV-1 pathogenesis: potential of Tax-targeted immunotherapy against ATL. Retrovirology 16(1):23.
論文 Nozaki, S., Amano, H., Oishi, M, Ogihara N(2021) Morphological differences in the calcaneus among extant great apes investigated by three-dimensional geometric morphometrics Scientific Reports 11:20889. 謝辞あり
Negishi T, Ito K, Hosoda K, Nagura T, Ota T, Imanishi N, Jinzaki M, Oishi M, Ogihara N (2021) Comparative radiographic analysis of three-dimensional innate mobility of the foot bones under axial loading of humans and African great apes Royal Society Open Science 8:211344. 謝辞あり
学会発表 Shingo Sato, Hidenori Kabeya, Yuka Fukudome, Kenta Takeuchi, Chiharu Suina, Munehiro Okamoto, Tadashi Sankai, Jun-ichiro Takano, and Soichi Maruyama Prevalence of Bartonella quintana in experimental macaques in primate research centers in Japan and a unique genetic property of Japanese macaque strain MF1-1.(2019年9月18日~20日) 9th International Congres on Bartonella as Emerging Pathogen (ICBEP)(フランス共和国,パリ市).
学会発表 Hideki Masaki THE PROGENIES OF HUMAN OR CHIMP PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS DISTURB INTERSPECIES CHIMERA DEVELOPMENT(June 28th, 2019) International Society for Stem Cell Research annual meeting(Los Angeles, USA).
正木英樹 How to make human->animal chimeras?(2019年12月4日) 日本分子生物学会年会(福岡市).
以上の成果を以下の学術集会にて研究協力者の正木が発表した。現在論文発表の準備中である。 “THE PROGENIES OF HUMAN OR CHIMP PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS DISTURB INTERSPECIES CHIMERA DEVELOPMENT” International Society for Stem Cell Research annual meeting, June 28th, 2019, Los Angeles, USA “How to make human->animal chimeras?” 日本分子生物学会年会、2019年12月4日、福岡市
H31-B88 代:三浦 智行 協:阪脇 廣美
論文 Koide, R., Yoshikawa, R., Okamoto, M., Sakaguchi, S., Suzuki, J., Isa, T., Nakagawa, S., Sakawaki, H., Miura, T., and Miyazawa, T.(2019) Experimental infection of Japanese macaques with simian retrovirus 5. J. Gen. Virol. 100:266-277.
Himeno, A., Ishida, Y., Mori, H., Matsuura, K., Kikukawa, M., Sakawaki, H., and Miura, T.(2019) Induction of neutralizing antibodies against tier 2 human immunodeficiency virus 1 in rhesus macaques infected with tier 1B simian / human immunodeficiency virus. Arch. Virol. 164:1297-1308.
学会発表 YALCIN PISIL, Zafer Yazici, Hisatoshi Shida, Shuzo Matsushita, Tomoyuki Miura Particular substitutions in V2 and V4 of gp120 env confer SHIV neutralization resistance(2019年10月29ー31日) 第67回日本ウイルス学会学術集会(東京).
Yalcin, Pisil, Yazici, Zafer,志田壽利,松下修三,三浦智行 Neutralization sensitive SHIV gain neutralization resistance with only 2 mutation in gp120 V2 area.(2019年11月27ー29日) 第33回日本エイズ学会学術集会(熊本).
Pelvic sexual dimorphism in Macaca fuscata: effects of clinal variation and obstetric constraints
Pelvic sexual dimorphism in Macaca fuscata: effects of clinal variation and obstetric constraints
Ilaria Brunetti , Naoki Morimoto
We have CT scanned 113 skeletal adult wild-shot specimens of Macaca fuscat. Adult pelvic shape variation in five population of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) is investigated as a function of sex, climate and population affiliation. Furthermore, interactions between these factors are explored. These questions are addressed by employing methods of biomedical imaging, geometric morphometrics and multivariate statistics. The results show that population affiliation has profound effects on size and shape of both the pelvis and the birth canal, thus reflecting latitudinal variation and population history. There is no significant sexual dimorphism in pelvic size. However, moderate sexual dimorphism is present both in pelvic shape and in the shape of the birth canal. Additionally, the pelvic morphology of M. fuscata exhibits clinal variation associated with differing mean annual temperatures. Pelvic sexual dimorphism does not vary among populations or along climatic clines. Overall, the results of this thesis imply that the pelvic morphology in M. fuscata is shaped by a multitude of biological and environmental factors. Most notably, the results provide clear evidence for climatic adaptation but only moderate pelvic sexual dimorphism of the pelvic morphology.
H31-C2 代:川合 伸幸
論文 Kawai, N., Nakagami, A., Yasue, M., Koda, H., & Ichinohe, N.( 2019) Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) evaluate third-party social interactions of human actors but Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) do not. Journal of Comparative Psychology 133(4):488-495. 謝辞あり
Ecogeographic variation in Japanese Macaque trabecular bone structure as a model for interpreting human and hominin variation
Ecogeographic variation in Japanese Macaque trabecular bone structure as a model for interpreting human and hominin variation
Jacobus (Jaap) Saers
We CT scanned skeletal specimens of Macaca fuscata (n=61), Macaca yakui (n=21), Calcaneus, talus and 7th cervical vertebra for each individual. The goal was to see the effect of climate on trabecular bone structure by comparing groups of Japanese macaques from the south to the north of Japan. The results are still being worked on.
We also scanned 42 calcaneus and talus bones of juvenile specimens aged between birth and adulthood. We investigated how trabecular bone structure adapts in response to dynamically changing loads associated with the maturation of locomotion in Japanese macaques. By studying how trabecular bone changes during growth and development we can understand how adult trabecular structure is established and what the role of mechanical loading is in shaping trabecular bone structure. For example, we have found that trabecular bone material stiffness is greatest perpendicular to the growth plate at birth. However, when macaques start walking independently, and their calcaneus is being loaded from multiple directions, we see the trabecular bone adapting by changing the primary direction of stiffness in the direction of loading (see attached picture). This project seeks to answer fundamental questions regarding constraints and plasticity of trabecular bone throughout development. Ultimately, understanding the pathways through which mammalian trabecular structure forms can produce profound insight into questions on the behaviour and life-history of fossil organisms, the factors affecting skeletal growth, and countering important contemporary health issues such as age-related bone loss.
These results have been used to support a funding application to study the ontogeny of trabecular bone at the Natural History Museum in Leiden, the Netherlands.
H31-C13 代:WANG Zheng 協:池川 志郎 協:XUE Jingyi
Validation of structural variations at the IHH locus in siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) and investigation of their relation to the syndactyl phenotype
Validation of structural variations at the IHH locus in siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) and investigation of their relation to the syndactyl phenotype
Validation of Enzyme Immunoassays for determination of steroid metabolites in Japanese macaque
Validation of Enzyme Immunoassays for determination of steroid metabolites in Japanese macaque
Rafaela Takeshita
The samples have been successfully transferred to my lab at Kent State University. The lab went through renovations until February 2020. Initial activities included purchase of equipment and materials for the project, assay development and optimization. The study had to be paused since March 10th due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
H31-C17 代:鈴木 郁夫
論文 Ikuo K. Suzuki (2020) Molecular drivers of human cerebral cortical evolution Neuroscience Research 151:1-14.
学会発表 鈴木 郁夫 Evolving brains with new genes; Human-specific gene NOTCH2NL expands neuronal number in the cerebral cortex (2019.6.25) The 13th International Workshop on Advanced Genomics (13AGW) (東京).
Ikuo K. Suzuki Evolving brains with new genes; Human-specific gene NOTCH2NL expands neuronal number in the cerebral cortex(2019.12.02) 九州大学医学部シンポジウム(福岡).
Ikuo K. Suzuki Molecular function of human-specific gene NOTCH2NLin the cortical progenitors(2019.7.28) 第42回日本神経科学大会(新潟).
"An evolutionary perspective on dental properties, disease and wear"
"An evolutionary perspective on dental properties, disease and wear"
Ian Towle
The project has progressed well with both dental pathology/wear data and micro-CT scans collected at the PRI as planned in January and February this year (2020). Around 15 primate species were studied with several interesting observations. Several wild groups show enamel defects and tooth wear that have rarely been described in non-hominin wild samples. At least two of these examples appear to be on a population wide level. These may therefore allow further insight into similar patterns in our fossil ancestors through direct comparisons. For example, the Koshima Japanese Macaques show unique tooth wear that is uniform amongst individuals, and surprisingly, has many features in common with supposed cultural tooth wear in fossil hominins. These include large striations on anterior teeth, heavy tooth attrition, and root lesions resembling ‘tooth pick’ grooves in certain Homo species (e.g., Neanderthals). I look forward to collaborating with Ito and other PRI researchers to explore the cause of these similarities. Over the next few months this study, and other similar ones, will be investigated using the data collected, and publications will be expected for submission over the next 12 months. The other side of the project, the micro-CT scans, proceeded well, with over 100 individual teeth scanned. Over the proceeding months, density data will be gathered from these scans to provide insight into the evolution of enamel properties in a variety of primate species. Ultimately the aim is to use this information to provide insight into the evolution of the human dentition. Individual teeth were selected from the PRI collections based on specific criteria. In particular, they had to be loose (not in a jaw), show little occlusal wear, and preferably be a specific tooth type. I have begun the process of collecting density data from the scans which will be converted (using density standards/phantoms), to see how enamel hardness varies across tooth crowns. Given differences in wear and fractures in different species, as well as recent research on human teeth, we expect certain species to have evolved ‘reinforced’ parts of the tooth crown. Although the process of gathering this data from the scans has only just began, it is clear the scans will allow fine detail differences between surfaces and species to be collected. Teeth belonging to two captive individuals (one baboon and one Japanese macaque) are currently in the process of being prepared to be sent to the University of Otago for more in depth analysis, including SEM and nanoindentation, to see how the enamel structure influences micro-CT scan results, allowing more robust conclusions.
H31-C21 代:Madeleine Geiger
Evolutionary rate of skull shape change in macaque populations
Evolutionary rate of skull shape change in macaque populations
Madeleine Geiger
The aim of the research project is to estimate the pace with which different skull dimensions are changing throughout generations in different populations of macaque (Macaca). In examining such rates of morphological change in macaque populations that have been living in the wild and populations that have been living in captivity, we will be able to discern potential adaptations or instances of phenotypic plasticity – as well as the rate of their evolution – which may come about on the basis of the population’s differential proximity to a human dominated environment. We have already gathered data on evolutionary rates in domesticated (Domestic dog Canis familiaris vs. wolf Canis lupus; domestic pig Sus domesticus vs. wild boar Sus scrofa) and commensal populations (house mouse Mus musculus domesticus), which also comprise examples along the wild-captive-domestic continuum and the macaque data is e a valuable addition to that. During my 5 days stay at PRI, I could measure 21 cranial dimensions and 2 postcranial dimensions in Macaca fuscata with a digital calliper: - 23 females from the captive Arashiyama population, born in the years 1995 - 2001 - 27 females from the captive Takahama population, born in the years 1986 - 2003 - 6 females from Koshima island, born in the years 1966 – 2000 - 4 females from Kinkazan island, collected in the years 1984 – 2016 This longitudinal series within single populations is more extensive than any I could gather so far. These data will be analysed to determine potential changes of skull shape through time in these populations.