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The profile of lipid metabolites in urine of marmoset wasting syndrome.
Yamazaki A, Nakamura T, Miyabe-Nishiwaki T, Hirata A, Inoue R, Kobayashi K, Miyazaki Y, Hamasaki Y, Ishigami A, Nagata N, Kaneko A, Koizumi M, Ohta H, Okano HJ, Murata T.

Marmoset wasting syndrome (MWS) is clinically characterized by progressive weight loss. Although morbidity and mortality of MWS are relatively high in captive marmosets, its causes remain unknown. Lipid mediators are bioactive metabolites which are produced from polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as arachidonic acid (AA) and eicosapentaenoic acid. These lipid metabolites regulate a wide range of inflammatory responses and they are excreted into the urine. As urinary lipid profiles reflect systemic inflammatory conditions, we comprehensively measured the levels of 141 types of lipid metabolites in the urines obtained from healthy common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) (N = 7) or marmosets with MWS (N = 7). We found that 41 types of metabolites were detected in all urine samples of both groups. Among them, AA-derived metabolites accounted for 63% (26/41 types) of all detected metabolites. Notably, the levels of AA-derived prostaglandin (PG) E2, PGF2α, thromboxane (TX) B2 and F2-isoprostanes significantly increased in the urine samples of marmosets with MWS. In this study, we found some urinary lipid metabolites which may be involved in the development of MWS. Although the cause of MWS remains unclear, our findings may provide some insight into understanding the mechanisms of development of MWS.

PLoS One. 2020 Jun 23;15(6):e0234634.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234634. eCollection 2020.
2020/09/03 Primate Research Institute