トピックス お薦めの図書 質疑応答コーナー ボノボ チンパンジー「アイ」 行動解析用データセット 頭蓋骨画像データベース 霊長類学文献データベース サル類の飼育管理及び使用に関する指針 Study material catalogue/database 野生霊長類研究ガイドライン 霊長類ゲノムデータベース 写真アーカイヴ ビデオアーカイヴ 京都大学霊長類研究所 本ホーム・ページの内容の |
Chie Hashimoto, Mina Isaji, Keiko Mouri & Hiroyuki Takemoto
Intergroup encounters in primates range from peaceful to violent. For example, although intergroup encounters in chimpanzees occasionally involve lethal attacks, many peaceful encounters involving females have been reported for western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Taï (Boesch et al.2008). For eastern chimpanzees (P. t. schweinfurthii), however, there is only one detailed report of a peaceful encounter involving females from Mahale (Kawanaka 1982). The dearth in reports on peaceful encounters might be because most reports have focused on infanticide and severe or fatal aggression with males as aggressors or victims, whereas calm and peaceful encounters of parties of one or more females with their offspring are less likely to be reported. This study aims to fill some of these gaps by providing new information on eastern chimpanzees in Kalinzu, as well as a compilation of reported studies on intergroup encounters involving females of both eastern and western chimpanzees. 2020/04/06 Primate Research Institute