トピックス お薦めの図書 質疑応答コーナー ボノボ チンパンジー「アイ」 行動解析用データセット 頭蓋骨画像データベース 霊長類学文献データベース サル類の飼育管理及び使用に関する指針 Study material catalogue/database 野生霊長類研究ガイドライン 霊長類ゲノムデータベース 写真アーカイヴ ビデオアーカイヴ 京都大学霊長類研究所 本ホーム・ページの内容の |
Avoidance of biological contaminants through sight, smell and touch in chimpanzees
Cecile Sarabian, Barthelemy Ngoubangoye, Andrew J. J. MacIntosh
Avoiding biological contaminants is a well-known manifestation of the adaptive system of disgust. In theory, animals evolved with such a system to prevent pathogen and parasite infection. Bodily products are human-universal disgust elicitors, but whether they also elicit avoidance behaviour in non-human primates has yet to be tested. Here, we report experimental evidence that potential exposure to biological contaminants (faeces, blood, semen), as perceived via multiple sensory modalities (visual, olfactory, tactile), might influence feeding decisions in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes)—our closest phylogenetic relatives. Although somewhat mixed, our results do show increased latencies to feed, tendencies to maintain greater distances from contaminants and/or outright refusals to consume food in test versus control conditions. Overall, these findings are consistent with the parasite avoidance theory of disgust, although the presence of biological contaminants did not preclude feeding entirely. The avoidance behaviours observed hint at the origins of disgust in humans, and further comparative research is now needed. 書誌情報
Royal Society Open Science Published 8 November 2017 http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/4/11/170968 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.170968 2017/12/01 Primate Research Institute