Density of Japanese Macaque
(Macaca fuscata yakui) Males Ranging Alone: Seasonal and Regional Variation in Male Cohesiveness with the Group大谷洋介、好廣眞一、高畑由起夫、座馬耕一郎、永井真紀子、蟹江真人、
立川佳晴、福永恭啓、岡久雄二、東加奈子、半谷吾郎 大人数による定点観察を実施し、屋久島に生息するニホンザルのうち、単独で遊動するオスの密度を植生・季節・標高の異なる2地域の間で比較した。上部(標高700-1300m)では、単独オス密度は植生によっては変化しなかった。一方で、交尾期の単独オス密度は非交尾期の3分の1程度になっていた。これはオスがメスを求めて集団に集まるためだと考えられる。また非交尾期において、個体群密度が高く集団間競合のより激しい海岸部(標高0-300m)に比べると、上部では4倍程の数のオスが単独で遊動していた。上部の単独オスの絶対密度は1.2-5.7/km2(個体群密度:19.3/km2)であった。相当数のオスが集団を離れて単独で遊動することが確認され、オスの集団への凝集性が環境や状況によって柔軟に変化することが示された。 Mammal Study 38(2):105-115. 2013 doi: We conducted point censuses in Yakushima island to estimate the density of
Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata yakui) males ranging alone, focusing on
its vegetational, seasonal, and regional variation. In highland areas, the
detection frequency of males ranging alone did not differ among different
types of vegetation, despite the latter's effect on overall population
density. The detection frequency of males ranging alone in the mating
season was a third of that in the non-mating season. In the mating season,
males exhibit strong cohesiveness with a group, probably in search of
resident estrous females. Outside of the mating season, we detected 25%
fewer males ranging alone in lowland areas, which have high population
densities and strong inter-group competition, than in highland areas. The
absolute density of males ranging alone was estimated to be 1.2-5.7
individuals/km2. Meanwhile, the group and population densities were
1.25/km2 and 19.3/km2, respectively. A considerable number of males
therefore remained outside of groups, and male cohesiveness with groups is
flexible in relation to ecological and social circumstances. JUL/16/2013
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