Vascular plant species richness along environmental gradients in a cool temperate to sub-alpine mountainous zone in central Japan辻野亮,湯本貴和 植物がどのような場所で多様なのかを明らかにすることは、生態学的にも保全生物学的にもきわめて重要な要件です。これまで標高や地形が重要な要因とされてきましたが、場合によって環境傾度に沿って単調増加/減少したり、ベル形になったりとさまざまな反応が示されてきました。本研究では、長野県北部の秋山地域を調査地として、シダ・草本・木本を含むさまざまな分類群・生活型の植物を対象として環境経度と植物種多様性の関係を明らかにしました。
以上のことから、これまで植物種多様性と環境条件の関係にいろいろなパタンが見られていた理由の一つは対象とする生活型にあることがわかりました。環境経度を植物種多様性の指標として用いる場合は生活型を分けて考える必要があります。 Journal of Plant Research In order to clarify how vegetation types change along the environmental gradients in a cool temperate to sub-alpine mountainous zone and the determinant factors that define plant species richness, we established 360 plots (each 4 9 10 m) within which the vegetation type, species richness, elevation, topographic position index (TPI), slope inclination, and ground light index (GLI) of the natural vegetation were surveyed. Mean elevation, TPI, slope inclination, and GLI differed across vegetation types. Tree species richness was negatively correlated with elevation, whereas fern and herb species richness were positively correlated. Tree species richness was greater in the upper slope area than the lower slope area, whereas fern and herb species richness were greater in the lower slope area. Ferns and trees species richness were smaller in the open canopy, whereas herb species richness was greater in the open canopy. Vegetation types were determined firstly by elevation and secondary by topographic configurations, such as topographic position, and slope inclination. Elevation and topography were the most important factors affecting plant richness, but the most influential variables differed among plant life-form groups. Moreover, the species richness responses to these environmental gradients greatly differed among ferns, herbs, and trees. SEP/13/2012
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