(Kanagawapithecus) leptopostorbitalisの再検討西村剛、高井正成、B. Senut、樽創、E.N. Maschenko、A. Prieur 神奈川県愛川町にある中津層群神沢層(290->250万年前)から産出した化石コロブス標本(中津標本)を、CTなどを使って再検討し、新属カナガワピテクスKanagawapithecusとして告しました。日本産のサル類化石では初めての独立した属の新設です。現在、コロブス類はアフリカと中国中南部から東南アジア、西アジアにかけて広く分布していますが、カナガワピテクスはそれらとは系統的関係のない独立した絶滅種であったと考えられます。
化石コロブス類ではアフリカ産2属が上顎洞を有することが知られています。カナガワピテクスはそれらアフリカ産化石と近縁であるかのようにも考えられますが、外表形態を含む他の形態学的特徴は、むしろ、上記のドリコピテクスとの近縁を支持します。ただし、現生コロブス類のすべてで上顎洞がないので、カナガワピテクスは現生アジア産コロブスとの祖先子孫関係はなく、独立した絶滅種であったのかもしれません。 Journal
of Human Evolution (2012) 62: 548-561 Reassessment of
Dolichopithecus (Kanagawapithecus) leptopostorbitalis, a colobine monkey from the Late Pliocene of Japan.
In the original description of Dolichopithecus (Kanagawapithecus)
leptopostorbitalis, Iwamoto, Hasegawa and Koizumi, 2005, a moderately large-sized colobine monkey from the Late Pliocene of central Japan, affinities to the European
Dolichopithecus rather than to the Transbaikalian Parapresbytis were noted based on the similarities in cranial morphology. Computed tomography scans confirm the presence of the maxillary sinus in the
holotype, whereas it is probably absent in specimens of the European Dolichopithecus
ruscinensis, the type species of this genus. This feature is either present or absent homogeneously in any given genus of living anthropoids. Its presence or absence is unknown in
Parapresbytis, but the distinct morphology of the maxillary incisors in this taxon suggests that this form had different feeding habits from the Japanese
colobines. These findings suggest that the Japanese colobine should be referred to henceforth as
Kanagawapithecus leptopostorbitalis. Kanagawapithecus shares many important facial and dental features with
Dolichopithecus rather than with Parapresbytis, but this association depends largely on the limited availability of comparable materials for the latter. Among
colobines, the presence of the maxillary sinus is recorded only in Libypithecus and
Cercopithecoides. The maxillary sinus is absent in all modern Asian
colobines, implying that Kanagawapithecus is an isolated form without any relationship to living forms. Nevertheless, such phylogenetic interpretations are largely dependent on the restricted fossil evidence from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of eastern Eurasia and will be reexamined when new findings are made. MAR/26/2012
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