Common marmoset
(Callithrix jacchus) as a primate model of dengue virus infection: development of high levels of viremia and demonstration of protective immunity.Omatsu T, Moi ML, Hirayama T, Takasaki T, Nakamura S, Tajima S, Ito M, Yoshida T, Saito A, Katakai Y, Akari H*, Kurane I* (* co-corresponding authors) デングウイルスはフラビウイルス科フラビウイルス属に属し、デング熱・デング出血熱を引き起こす。デング熱・デング出血熱は世界的に毎年数千万人の患者が発生しており公衆衛生上最も重要な蚊媒介性感染症であるが、その発症機構は不明な点が多く、また有効なワクチン・治療薬は存在しない。我々は本研究において、マーモセットがデングウイルスに高い感受性を有していることを初めて明らかにした。さらに同一の血清型のデングウイルスを再感染したところ、ウイルス複製が強く抑制されることが確認された。デングウイルスのマーモセット感染モデルは、デングウイルス感染機構の解明や新規ワクチンの有効性評価に役立つものと期待される。 J Gen Virol. 2011 Jun 22. [Epub ahead of print] Dengue virus (DENV) causes a wide range of illness in humans: dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Animal models that constantly develop high levels of viremia are required for the development of protective and preventive measures. Common marmosets
(Callithrix jacchus) demonstrated high levels of viremia after inoculation with DENV; in particular, over 10-E6 genome copies/ml after inoculation with DENV-2. Nonstructural protein 1 and DENV-specific IgM and IgG were consistently detected. DENV-2 genome was detected in lymphoid organs such as the lymph nodes, spleen and thymus, and also in non-lymphoid organs. DENV antigen was detected by immunochemistry in liver and spleen from inoculated marmosets.
Four marmosets were inoculated with DENV-2 at 33 weeks after primary inoculation with DENV-2. DENV-2 genome was not detected in any of these marmosets, indicating protection from secondary infection. The results indicate that common marmosets are highly sensitive to DENV infection, and suggest that marmosets could be a reliable primate model for evaluation of candidate vaccines. JUL/21/2011
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