Allometry and interspecific differences in the facial cranium of two closely related macaque species伊藤毅,西村剛,高井正成 マカク属カニクイザルグループの4種には,頭骨の形に種間差がみられます.しかし,体サイズの異なる近縁種間の形の違いは,しばしばその系統に共通するアロメトリーによって説明される可能性を含んでいます.マカク属の進化の舞台となった更新世のアジアは,氷期と間氷期を繰り返す劇的な気候変動の最中にあり,それ故にそれぞれの種の過去の体サイズは現在とは異なっていた可能性が指摘されています.このようにサイズ変動が懸念される化石標本の系統的位置を推定するためには,サイズ変動に邪魔されない形質の種間差を見つける必要があります.
今後,同様の方法をマカク属の他のグループにも応用し,化石標本の系統的位置を再検討していく必要があるでしょう. Anatomy Research International, vol. 2011, Article ID 849751, 7 pages, 2011. Interpreting evolutionary history of macaque monkeys from fossil evidence is difficult, because their evolutionary fluctuations in body size might have removed or formed important morphological features differently in each lineage. We employed geometric morphometrics to explore allometric trajectories of craniofacial shape in two closely related species, Macaca fascicularis and M. fuscata. These two species exhibit a single shared allometric trajectory in supero-inferior deflection of the anterior face, indicating that the differences in this feature can be explained by size variation. In contrast, two parallel trajectories are demonstrated in craniofacial protrusion, indicating that even if they are comparable in size, M. fuscata has a higher and shorter face than M. fascicularis. The degree of facial protrusion is most likely a critical feature for phyletic evaluation in the fascicularis group. Such analyses in various macaques would help to resolve controversies regarding phyletic interpretations of fossil macaques. JUN/10/2011
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