The Natural History of Proboscis Monkey.Sha J, Matsuda I, Bernard H. 本書では,テングザルの生態・社会から保全に至るまでの最近の動向を,一般の人にもわかりやすく解説している.テングザルは絶滅危惧種だが,同じ状況のオラウータンに比べると,その保護活動は活発ではない.本種の保全にとって重要な河畔林は,次々とアブラヤシ農園の拡大のために伐採されている.しかし,テングザルが川沿いで容易に見つかるという特徴は,貴重な観光資源としての可能性を秘めている.事実,近年のエコツーリズムの普及によって多くの人が本種の観察のために,ボルネオ島を訪れる.森に入らずにボートから容易に,そして確実に観察できるテングザルは,観光客に人気が高い.本書によって,テングザルの観光資源としての重要性や価値の認識がより深まり,アブラヤシ農園などによる経済的価値との妥協点を模索する機会が増えれば,テングザルを含む多くのボルネオ島の動植物の保護に有効に働くと考えている. Natural History Publications. 'The Natural History of Proboscis Monkey' is a timely publication and particularly relevant, as, apart from presenting novel research data on the species, it also highlights some of the areas where urgent action is needed to safeguard the long-term survival of proboscis monkeys. This includes translocation of highly isolated populations, and re-establishment of forest and river corridors to compensate for the many fragmented populations of proboscis monkey; and it recommends specific research priorities going forward, including long-term monitoring of population numbers and distribution, and more accurate habitat and land use classifications. 'The Natural History of Proboscis Monkey' also attempts to reach out to a wider audience, by presenting information that the general public or wildlife enthusiast may be interested in. From an eco-tourism point of view, the importance of the proboscis monkey as a flagship species cannot be underestimated, as unlike many other charismatic wildlife species, such as the Bornean Orang Utans and Bornean Elephants, the proboscis monkey is an easily observable animal with very high encounter rates in the wild. Hence, contained in this book is useful information of recommended places to visit to observe the proboscis monkey as well as recommended guidelines for observing them so as to minimise disturbance and to promote sustainable tourism. APR/19/2011
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