Can see条件(Video 1.wmv)は、相手の道具使用状況がわかる場面です。このビデオではパン(右)はストローを必要としています。ストローを使えば壁に設置されたボトルからジュースが飲めます。パル(左)はしばらく遊んでいましたが、要求に応じてストローを選んで渡しました。
Cannot see条件(Video 2.wmv)は、相手の状況が見えない場面です。このビデオではクロエ(右)はステッキを必要としています。しかし、クレオ(左)はストロー・ホース・ハケの順に渡し、それでも要求が続いたので最終的にはステッキを渡しました。

"Flexible helping with understanding of
conspecifics’ goals in chimpanzees"
Humans extensively help others altruistically, which plays an
important role in maintaining cooperative societies. Although some
non-human animals are also capable of helping others altruistically,
humans are considered unique in our voluntary helping and the variety of
helping behaviors we demonstrate. Many still believe that this is
because only humans can understand others’ goals due to our unique
theory of mind abilities, especially shared intentionality. However, we
know little of the cognitive mechanisms underlying helping in non-human
animals, especially if and how they understand others’goals. The
present study provides the empirical evidence for flexible targeted
helping pending on conspecifics’ needs in chimpanzees. The subjects of
this study selected an appropriate tool from a random set of seven
objects to transfer to a conspecific partner confronted with differing
tool-use situations, indicating that they had an understanding of what
their partner needed. This targeted helping, i.e. selecting the
appropriate tool to transfer, was observed only when the helpers could
visually assess their partner’s situation. If
visual access was obstructed, the chimpanzees still tried to help their
partner upon request, but failed to select and donate the appropriate
tool needed by their partner. These results suggest that the limitation
in chimpanzees’ voluntary helping is not solely due to their failure
in understanding others’ goals. Chimpanzees can understand
conspecifics’ goals and demonstrate cognitively advanced targeted
helping as long as they are able to visually evaluate their conspecifics’
predicament. Yet, they will seldom help others without direct request
for help.