トピックス お薦めの図書 質疑応答コーナー ボノボ チンパンジー「アイ」 行動解析用データセット 頭蓋骨画像データベース 霊長類学文献データベース サル類の飼育管理及び使用に関する指針 Study material catalogue/database 野生霊長類研究ガイドライン 霊長類ゲノムデータベース 写真アーカイヴ ビデオアーカイヴ 京都大学霊長類研究所 本ホーム・ページの内容の |
ボノボとチンパンジーの攻撃性と集団間関係についての研究 B) ボノボのメスの社会関係に関する研究 C) スリランカに生息する霊長類の行動生態学的研究 D)
ベトナムにおけるマラリア伝播環境の変容と人獣共通感染性マラリアの出現の理解に向けた学際的研究 E)
ネアンデルタール人の食生活と薬草利用に関する研究 F)
インドネシアに生息する野生哺乳類の採食生態に関する研究 G) 霊長類の基礎生態の地域変異に関する研究 H) 日本産食肉類の種子散布に関する研究 I) ボノボの進化 J) ボノボとチンパンジーの生態比較 K) 野生ボノボの攻撃交渉における支援関係について L) 野生ボノボの遊動開始のイニシエーションについて M)
ボノボのメスの性皮膨張のメカニズム,機能・進化的意義の解明 N)
ニホンザルとオランウータンにおける,ステロイドホルモン動態を統制する要因の評価 O) ニホンザルにおける妊娠シグナルの多様な形式 P)
タイ王国カオクラプック保護区に生息する野生ベニガオザルの社会生態学的調査 Q)
野生ボノボの父系型社会におけるメスの移籍要因に関連する未成熟個体の社会関係の研究 R) チベットモンキーの音声レパートリーに関する研究 S)
エンクロージャで飼育されているオスニホンザルのストレスに関する研究 T) 野生ボノボ地域個体群における血縁構造の解明 <研究業績> 原著論文 1) Aoki K, Mitsutsuka S, Yamazaki A, Nagai K, Tezuka A and Tsuji Y (2015)Effects of seasonal changes in dietary energy on body weight of captive Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Zoo Biol.,34,255-261. 2) Aruga N, Matsuo H, Furuichi T, Hashimoto C (2015)Root eating by wild Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda: possible medicinal plant use. Pan Afr News ,22,7-10. 3) Furuichi T, Sanz C, Koops K, Sakamaki T, Ryu H, Tokuyama N, Morgan D (2015)Why do wild bonobos not use tools like chimpanzees do? Behaviour,152,425-460. 4) Hashimoto C, Furuichi T/In: Furuichi T, Yamagiwa J, Aureli F (eds) (2015)Sex differences in ranging and association patterns in chimpanzees in comparison with bonobos. Dispersing Primate Females, Springer,105-126. 5) Hashimoto C, Isaji M, Koops K, Furuichi T (2015)First records of tool-set use for ant-dipping by Eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Kalinzu Forest Reserve, Uganda. Primates,56,301-305. 6) Koops K, Furuichi T, Hashimoto C (2015)Chimpanzees and bonobos differ in intrinsic motivation for tool use. Sci Rep,5,11356. 7) Koops K, Furuichi T, Hashimoto C, van Schaik CP(2015)Sex differences in object manipulation in immature chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) and bonobos (Pan paniscus): preparation for what? PLoS ONE,10,10,e0139909. 8) Leca J-B, Gunst, N, Huffman MA, Vasey P.(2015) Effect of female-biased sex rations on female homosexual behavior in Japanese macaques: Evidence for the "bisexual preference hypothesis. Archives of Sexual Behavior 8, 2125-2138. DOI 10.1007/s10508-015-0522-4 9) Ota N, Hasegawa H, McLennan MR, Kooriyama T, Sato H, Pebsworth PA, Huffman MA. (2015) Molecular identification of Oesophagostomum spp. from 'village' chimpanzees in Uganda and their phylogenetic relationship with those of other primates. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150471. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.150471 10) Rahman Md. M, MF Jaman, Khatun Mst. T., Alam SMI, Huffman MA (2015) Feeding ecology of the Bengal sacred langur (Semnopithecus entellus Dufresne, 1797) in Jessore, Bangladesh: dietary composition, seasonal and age-sex differences Asian Primate Journal 5(1): 24-39. 11) Rigaill L, Macintosh AJJ, Higham JP, Winters S, Shimizu K, Mouri K, Furuichi T(2015)Multimodal advertisement of pregnancy in free-ranging female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). PLoS ONE,10,8,E0135127. 12) Sakamaki T, Behncke, I, Laporte, M, Mulavwa, M, Ryu H, Takemoto H, Tokuyama, N, Yamamoto, S, Furuichi T/In: Furuichi T, Yamagiwa J, Aureli F (eds) (2015)Intergroup transfer of females and social relationships between immigrants and residents in bonobo (Pan paniscus) societies. Dispersing primate females, Springer,127-164. 13) Toda K, Sakamaki T, Tokuyama, N, Furuichi T (2015)Association of a young emigrant female bonobo during an encounter with her natal group. Pan Afr News ,22,10-12. 14) Tsuji Y, Morimoto M(2016)Endozoochorous seed dispersal by Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata): Effects of temporal variation in ranging and seed characteristics on seed shadows. American Journal of Primatology,78,2,185-191. 15) Tsuji Y., Ito T.Y., Wada K., and Watanabe K.(2015)Spatial patterns in the diet of the Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata, and their environmental determinants. Mammal Review,45,227-238. 16) Tsuji Y., Miura S., Kotoge T., Shiraishi T., and Murai H.(2015)Video analysis of the activity budget and activity rhythm of captive Japanese martens (Martes melampus melampus). Humans and Nature,26,37-40. 17) Tsuji Y., Widayati K.A., Nila S., Hadi I., Suryobroto B., and Watanabe K. (2015)"Deer"friends: feeding associations between colobine monkeys and deer. Journal of Mammalogy,96,1152-1161. 18) 高槻成紀、安本唯、辻大和(2015)テンの食性分析における頻度法とポイント枠法の比較. 哺乳類科学,55,195-200. 19) Garcia C., Rigaill L., MacIntosh A.J.J., Higham J.P., Winter S., Shimizu K., Mouri K., Furuichi T. (2015) Signalisation multimodale de la gestation chez le macaque japonais (Macaca fuscata). Revue de Primatol. 6: 14-16. 20) Rigaill L., MacIntosh A.J.J., Higham J.P., Winters S., Shimizu K., Mouri K., Furuichi T., Garcia C. (2015) Multimodal advertisement of pregnancy in free-ranging female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135127. 21) Takemoto H, Kawamoto Y, Furuichi T. (2015) How did bonobos come to range south of the Congo river? Reconsideration of the divergence of Pan paniscus from other Pan populations. Evol. Anthropol. 24: 170-184. 22) Tokuyama N. (2015) A case of infant carrying against the mother's will by an old adult female bonobo at Wamba, Democratic Republic of Congo. Pan Africa News 22: 15-17. 23) Mayor P, Takeshita RSC, Coutinho LN, Sanchez N, Galvez H, Ique C and Monteiro FOB (2015) Ovarian function in captive owl monkeys (Aotus nancymaae and A. vociferans). J. Med. Primatol. 44: 187-193. 24) Toda K., Sakamaki T., Tokuyama N., Furuichi T. (2015) Association of a young emigrant female bonobo during an encounter with her natal group. Pan Africa News 22: 10-12. 著書 1) Furuichi T, Aureli F, Yamagiwa J(2015)Dispersing Primate Females: Life History and Social Strategies in Male-Philopatric Species (Primatology Monographs). Springer, New York.(Thompson, J. (eds.)). 2) Hosaka K, Huffman MA(2015) Gerontology, pp. 326-339. In: Mahale Chimpanzees- 50 years of research. (eds.) M Nakamura, K Hosaka, N Itoh, K Zamma, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 3) Huffman MA (2015) An ape's perspective on the origins of medicinal plant use in humans. Chapter 3. pp. 55-70. In: Hardy, K. Kubiak Martens L. (Editors), Wild Harvest. Plants in the hominin and pre-agrarian human worlds. Oxbow Books, Oxford. 4) Huffman MA (2015) Chimpanzee self-medication: a historical perspective of the key findings. pp. 340-353. In: Mahale Chimpanzees- 50 years of research. (eds.) M Nakamura, K Hosaka, N Itoh, K Zamma, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 5) Takeshita RSC, Huffman MA, Bercovitch FB (2015). Non-invasive Analysis of Adrenal Hormones in Japanese Macaques. LAP Lambert Academic, Saarbrucken, Germany. 83p. 6) Sakamaki T, Behncke I, Laporte M, Mulavwa M, Ryu H, Takemoto H, Tokuyama N, Yamamoto S, Furuichi T. (2015) Intergroup transfer of females and social relationships between immigrants and residents in bonobo (Pan paniscus) societies. In: Dispersing Primate Females Life History and Social Strategies in Male-Philopatric Species (Furuichi T, Yamagiwa J, Aureli F. eds.). Pp. 127-164. Springer, Tokyo. その他の執筆 1) 辻大和 (2015)乾燥地および寒冷地に生息する野生霊長類の各種行動形質と生息環境との関連性. 平成25年度 鳥取大学乾燥地研究センター年報,43-43. 2) 辻大和, 伊藤健彦 (2015)哺乳類研究における中・長期的な視点. 哺乳類科学,55,106-107. 学会発表 1) Frohlich, M., Kuchenbuch, P., Hohmann, G., Furuichi, T., Wittig, R. M.,and Pika, S(2015)The development of social and spatial independence: Do bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) differ? 6th European Federation for Primatology Meeting / XXII Italian Association of Primatology Congress, Rome, Italy , Augusut 25-28. 2) Huffman MA.(2015/8) Rolling Stones Gather No Moss: Stone Handling Behavior in Macaques and the Value of Being Forever Young! Symposium: STRANGE AND NEW NONHUMAN PRIMATE BEHAVIORS: IMPLICATIONS FOR UNDERSTANDING WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN, November 21, 2015, American Anthropological Association, Denver Colorado, USA (November 21) 3) Nahoko Tokuyama & Takeshi Furuichi.(2015)Who to follow? Collective decision making in wild bonobos. The Vth International Wildlife Management Congress. Sapporo Convention Center ,Sapporo, Japan. July 28. 4) Nahoko Tokuyama, Takeshi Furuichi.(2015)Affiliative social bond and intra-group coalition formation of female bonobos in Wamba, DR Congo. The 34th International Ethological Conference, Cairns,Australia. Augusut 10. 5) 橋本千絵, 伊左治美奈, Koops K, 古市剛史(2015)ウガンダ共和国カリンズ森林で観察されたチンパンジーのTool Set使用について. 日本アフリカ学会第52回学術大会, 犬山市. 6) 古市剛史, 柳興鎮, 戸田和弥, 山本真也, 坂巻哲也(2015)ボノボのオスの順位変動と母親の関与について. 日本アフリカ学会第52回学術大会, 犬山市.(5月24日). 7) 豊田有, 清水慶子, 古市剛史 (2015). 閉経後の高齢メスにみられる交尾行動と内分泌動態との関連-ニホンザル嵐山群からの報告. 第31回霊長類学会学術大会, 京都大学百周年時計台記念館. (7月). 8) Toyoda A, Mouri K, Shimizu K, Furuichi T (2015) Endocrinological background of copulatory behavior in postmenopausal female Japanese macaque, The 6th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife, Seminar House, Kyoto Univ, Kyoto. (June). 9) Toyoda A, Mouri K, Shimizu K, Furuichi T (2015) Elucidation of endocrinological basis on sexual behavior in postmenopausal female Japanese macaques, The 8th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies, Bangkok, Thailand. (November). 10) Toyoda A, Furuichi T, Hamada Y, Malaivijitnond S, Maruhashi T (2015) Rare case report of infant carrying on stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) in Khao Krapuk Khao Taomo, Thailand. Symposium on Primate Diversity in East and Southeast Asia - A Joint symposium to The 5th International Symposium on Asian Vertebrate Species Diversity., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. (December). 11) Rigaill L, MacIntosh AJJ, Higham JP, Shimizu K, Mouri K, Suzumura T, Furuichi T, Garcia C (2016) Face color indicates female reproductive state but not quality in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata).The 5th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science, Inuyama, Japan. (March, Poster). 12) Garcia C, Rigaill L, MacIntosh AJJ, Higham JP, Winters S, Shimizu K, Mouri K, Furuichi T (2015) Signalisation multimodale de la gestation chez le macaque japonais (Macaca fuscata). XXVIIIe Colloque de la Societe Francophone de Primatologie, Strasbourg, France. (October, Oral). 13) Rigaill L, MacIntosh AJJ, Higham JP, Winters S, Shimizu K, Mouri K, Furuichi T, Garcia C (2015) Female Japanese macaques advertise pregnancy in multiple modalities. 6th European Federation for Primatology Meeting, Rome, Italy. (August, Oral). 14) Rigaill L, MacIntosh AJJ, Higham JP, Winters S, Shimizu K, Mouri K, Furuichi T, Garcia C (2015) Multiple sexual signals of pregnancy in Japanese macaques. 31st Congress of the Primate Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan. (July, Oral). 15) Bernstein SK (2016) The Vocal repertoire of Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana): a quantitative classification and congeneric comparisons. The 5th Annual Symposium of the Leading Graduate Program in Primatology and Wildlife Science, Inuyama, Japan. (March 6th, Oral). 16) Bernstein SK, Sheeran LK, Wagner RS, Li JH, Koda H (2016) The vocal repertoire of Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana): a quantitative classification. 60th Primates Conference, Inuyama, Japan. (January 30th, Oral). 17) Bernstein SK (2015) Investigating the vocal repertoire of Tibetan macaques and collaborative work at the valley of the wild monkeys. The 4th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science (Interim Symposium), Kyoto, Japan. (July 21st, Oral). 18) Bernstein SK (2015) Report on research conducted on wild Tibetan macaques in the valley of the wild monkeys, Mt. Huangshan, China. The 4th International Seminar on Biodiversity and Evolution, Kyoto, Japan. (June 9th, Oral). 19) Bernstein, S.K. (2015) Tibetan macaque infant mortality and field site management in the Valley of the Wild Monkeys (VWM). The 31st Congress of Primate Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan (July 19th, poster presentation) 20) Bernstein SK (2015) Tibetan macaque infant mortality and field site management in the valley of the wild monkeys (VWM). The 4th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science (Interim Symposium), Kyoto. (July 21st, Poster). 21) Bernstein SK (2015) Tibetan macaque infant mortality and field site management in the valley of the wild monkeys (VWM). Kyoto University Leading Graduate Schools Programs Joint Workshop, Kyoto, Japan. (June 18th, Poster). 22) 竹元博幸 (2015) ヒトの地上生活への移行と森林気象. 第31回本霊長類学会. (7月,口頭). 23) Tokuyama N, Furuichi T (2015) Affiliative social bond and intra-group coalition formation of female bonobos in Wamba, DR Congo. 34th International Ethological Conference, Cairns, Australia. (August 10, Oral). 24) Tokuyama N, Furuichi T (2015) Who to follow? Collective decision making in wild bonobos. The 5th International Wildlife Management Congress, Sapporo, Japan. (July 28, Poster). 25) Tokuyama N, Graham K (2015) Cannibalism in wild bonobos at Wamba. The 4th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science. Kyoto, Japan. (July 21, Poster). 26) 徳山奈帆子、古市剛史 (2016) 誰についていこうか?‐野生ボノボ (Pan paniscus) における、遊動開始の意思決定‐. 第63回日本生態学会, 仙台. (3月, ポスター). 27) 徳山奈帆子、坂巻哲也 (2015) ボノボのメスを怒らせてはいけない- メスからの攻撃による、第一位オスの失脚-. SAGA18, 京都. (11月). 28) Takeshita RSC (2016) Factors regulating steroid hormones in Japanese macaques and orangutans. In: The 5th Annual Symposium of Leading Graduate Program in Primatology and Wildlife Science, Inuyama, Japan. 29) Takeshita RSC, Huffman MA, Bercovitch FB, Mouri K, Shimizu K (2015) Factors mediating dehydroepiandrosterone concentrations in Japanese macaques. In: The 4th International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity Conservation, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. 30) Takeshita RSC (2015) Factors regulating steroid hormones in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) and orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus). In: The 2nd Interim Symposium of Leading Graduate Program in Primatology and Wildlife Science, Kyoto, Japan. 31) Takeshita RSC, Huffman MA, Bercovitch FB, Mouri K, Shimizu K (2015) Factors mediating dehydroepiandrosterone concentrations in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). In: The 30th Congress of the Primate Society of Japan. 32) Ryu H, Hashimoto C, Hill DA, Furuichi T (2015) Can male bonobos determine the peri-ovulatory period with some precision? The 31st Primate Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan. (19 July, Oral). 33) Ryu H, Garai C, Sakamaki T, Furuichi T (2015) A case report of flu like illness in two unit-groups of wild bonobos at Wamba, DR Congo. The 4th International Seminar on Biodiversity and Evolution. Kyoto, Japan. (9 July, Oral). 34) Toda K (2016) A sex difference of mother-offspring relationships in bonobo patrilineal societies. The 5th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science, Inuyama, Japan. (March). 35) Alejandro JS (2016) Stress in male Japanese macaques living in vegetated and non-vegetated enclosures. International Symposium on PWS, Inuyama. (March). 36) Alejandro JS (2015) Stress in male Japanese macaques living in vegetated and non-vegetated enclosures. PSJ, Kyoto University. (July). 37) Ishizuka S (2016) Non-invasive DNA sampling of wild bonobos: progress report. The 5th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science, Inuyama, Japan. (March). 38) 石塚真太郎、古市剛史. (2015) ボノボの隣接集団間の繁殖に関する研究 -予備調査報告と研究計画-. SAGA18, 京都. (11月). 39) Ishizuka S (2015) My study activity in zoo. 京都大学博士課程教育リーディングプログラム 合同ワークショップ2015, 京都. (6月). 講演 1) 古市剛史 (2015)あなたはボノボ、それともチンパンジー? きょうだい種にみるヒトのさが. 国立国会図書館8大学市民公開講座,(9月4日). 2) 古市剛史 (2015)渡り歩くヒト科のメスたち:メスにとっての集団と地域社会. モンキーカレッジ, 日本モンキーセンター, 犬山市,(9月13日). |