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京都大学霊長類研究所 > 年報のページ > Vol.45  > Ⅲ. 研究教育活動

Ⅲ. 研究教育活動

1. 研究部門及び附属施設




A) ヒトに特有にみられる認知機能に関する実験的研究と発達障害児を対象とした学習支援への応用



B) 胎児期と生後のストレス相互作用によって形成される神経回路の適応的発達変化



C) 幼弱期手綱核破壊による新規ADHD動物モデルを用いたADHD治療薬の検討


D) 光トポグラフィー技術を用いたマカクザルにおける大脳皮質活動の計測

後藤幸織、李英娥、加藤朱美、Pollet Valentine (Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Toulouse)


E) マカクザルの社会構造とネットワークにおけるモノアミンの役割と精神疾患の進化的起源



F) 動物の認知能力とコミュニケーションの相同性と進化に関する研究

香田啓貴、伊藤亮、佐藤杏奈、渥美剛、佐藤まどか、Sofia Bernstein、Helene Bouchet、川合伸幸(名古屋大学)、加藤朱美、國枝匠、石田恵子、西村剛(系統発生分野)、森哲(京大・理学研究科)、正高信男




1) Masataka N. (2014). Importance of music for facing the experience of pain. Comment on "Facing the experience of pain: A neuropsychological perspective" by Fabbro and Crescentini. Physics of Life Reviews, 112, 3: 562-563.

2) Masataka N. (2014). Development of reading ability is facilitated by intensive exposure to a digital children's picture book. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:396.

3) Isomura T., Ogawa S., Yamada S., Shibasaki M. and Masataka N. (2014) Preliminary evidence that different mechanisms underlie the anger superiority effect in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:461

4) Isomura T., Ogawa S., Yamada S., Shibasaki M. and Masataka N. (2014) The Effect of Inversion on the Anger Superiority Effect in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Psychological Abnormalities in Children, 3:2

5) Isomura T., Ito H., Ogawa S. and Masataka N. (2014) Absence of Predispositional Anger Superiority Effect in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Scientific Reports, 4:7525

6) Isomura T., Ogawa S., Shibasaki M. and Masataka N. (2015) Delayed disengagement of attention from snakes in children with autism. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:241

7) Shibasaki M., Isomura T. and Masataka N. (2014) Viewing images of snakes accelerates making judgements of their colour in humans: red snake effect as an instance of ‘emotional Stroop facilitation.’ Royal Society Open Science, 1:140066

8) Shibasaki, M. and Masataka, N. (2014) The color red distorts time perception for men, but not for women. Scientific Reports, 4:5899

9) Lee YA and Goto Y (2015) Prefrontal cortical dopamine in evolutionary perspective. Neuroscience Bulletin, 31: 164-174.

10) Koda H., Oyakawa C., Kato A., Shimizu D., Rizaldi, Koyama Y., Hasegawa S. (2014). Immature male gibbons produce female-specific songs. Primates, 55: 13-17.

11) Shibasaki M, Nagumo S, Koda H. (2014). Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) spontaneously associate alarm calls with snakes appearing in the left visual field. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 128: 332-335.


1) 香田啓貴 (2014) 霊長類の音声研究はヒトの言語進化の理解にこれからも貢献できるのか?霊長類研究30巻: 121-136.

2) Ito R., Randrianarisoa T., & Mori A. (2015) Developmental change of heterospecific eavesdropping in Oplurus cuvieri. 科研費報告書紀要:課題番号24505008. 132-138.

3) Ito R., Randrianarisoa T., Itoh M. M., & Mori A. (2015) Can Oplurus cuvieri distinguish between aerial alarm calls and terrestrial alarm calls of Coquerel’s sifaka? 科研費報告書紀要:課題番号24505008. 127-131.

4) Ito R. (2015) Group members of common tenrec stop moving simultaneously in response to footstep sounds. 科研費報告書紀要:課題番号24505008. 110-112.

5) Itoh M. M., & Ito R. (2015) Oplurus cuvieri cuvieri (Madagascan Spiny-tailed Iguana). 科研費報告書紀要:課題番号24505008. 54.

6) Randrianarisoa T., Ito R., & Mori A. (2015) The Madagascan non-vocal plated lizard, Zonosaurus laticaudatus, recognizes its predators from heterospecific vocal information. 科研費報告書紀要:課題番号24505008. 122-126.

7) Jono T., Mori A., Razafimahatratra B., Razanajaonarivalona E. H., Ito R., Maheritafika H. R., Itoh M. M., & Rakotondraparany F. (2015) Brief herpetolofaunal survey in Montagne d’Ambre, Ankarana, Ibity, Ankaratsa, Kirindy and Ifaty forests. 科研費報告書紀要:課題番号24505008. 140-155.


1) Isomura T., Ogawa S., and Masataka N. (2014) Cognitive/Affective Mechanisms Underlying the Anger Superiority Effect in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. IMFAR2014(2014/5/17, Atlanta, USA)

2) 磯村朋子 (2015) 自閉症児における怒り顔への視覚的注意. 第10回犬山比較社会認知シンポジウム(2015/3/1, 犬山市)

3) Yamaguchi Y, Lee YA, Kato A, and Goto Y (2014) Are behavioral alterations caused by attenuated dopamine D1 system really deficits in animal society? The Social Brain Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

4) Goto Y, and Lee YA (2014) Evolutionary psychiatry: Reconsideration of biological mechanisms of psychiatric disorders with evolutionary perspective. 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, P3-362.

5) Lee YA and Goto Y (2014) Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in non-human primates: Toward search of biological markers for neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, P2-394.

6) Tohda C, Lee YA, Goto Y, and Nemere I (2014) Diosgenin-induced cognitive enhancement in normal mice is mediated by 1,25D3-MARRS. 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, O1-I-4-1.Nishimura T., Koda H., Tokuda I., Wakita M., Ito T. Helium experiment and vocal physiology of the phee calls in common marmosets. The 84th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Drury Inn and Suites St. Louis Convention Center, St. Louis, USA, 25-28 March, 2015.

7) 香田啓貴,Klaus Zuberbuler、フサオマキザルの警戒音声の『文脈転用』、2014年11月1~3日,第33回日本動物行動学会,長崎大学

8) 西村剛, 香田啓貴, 徳田功,脇田真澄,伊藤毅, 「マーモセットにおけるホイッスル様音声の生成メカニズム」, 2014年10月31日~11月3日.日本人類学会大会 浜松 

9) Koda H. Understanding divergence of gibbon songs: past, present, and future studies. International Symposium of Diversity and Conservation of Asian Primates, Bogor, Indonesia. 18-21 August, 2014.

10) Koda H., Shibasaki M., Nagumo S. Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) spontaneously associate alarm calls with snakes appearing in the left visual field. International Primatological Society XXV Congress, Hanoi, Vietnam, 11-17 August, 2014

11) Koda H., Tokuda I., Oyakawa C., Nihonmatsu T., Wakita M., Masataka N., Nishimura T. Formant tuning technique in vocalizations of non-human primates. The 10th International Conference for Evolution of Language (EVOLANG10). University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 14-17 April, 2014.

12) Ito R. & Mori A. (2014) Non-vocal lizards in Madagascar eavesdrop on avian alarm calls, 2014 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (2014/8/3, Chattanooga, U.S.A.)

13) 柴崎全弘(2014)装置発展が切り開く心のフロンティア 日本心理学会第78回大会(京都)公募シンポジウム(話題提供)

14) 伊藤亮(2014)コモンテンレックにおける他個体の足音を利用した群れの動態と個体の同調性,日本哺乳類学会 2014年度大会(2014/9/5 京都市)

15) 伊藤亮(2015)コモンテンレックにおける足音による群れの動きの制御,日本生態学会 第62回全国大会(2015/3/21 鹿児島市)


1)  後藤幸織  2014 Annual Convention of Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (Gyeongju, Korea)

2)  後藤幸織  第36回日本生物学的精神医学会・第57回日本神経化学会合同年会 (奈良県新公会堂)