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Min, N., Oi, T., Hamada, Y. (2005) Preliminary Study on the Ecology of Leaf Monkeys (*Trachypithecus obscurus *or *T. phayrei*) in Popa Mountain Park, Myanmar. International Symposium on Southeast Asian Primate Research: Biodiversity Study from DNA to Ecosystem (Oct.2005, Bangkok) The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University Supplement 1: 101.
Nwe, D., San, A., Min, N., Thu, M., Oi, T., Hamada, Y. (2005) Species Diversity and Distribution of Primates in Myanmar. International Symposium on Southeast Asian Primate Research: Biodiversity Study from DNA to Ecosystem (Oct.2005, Bangkok) The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University Supplement 1: 47-53.
Oshida, T., Endo, H., Kimura, J., Sasaki, M., Kawada, S., Rerkamnuaychoke, W., Nguyen, T.S., Hayashida, A., Takano, A., Hayashi, Y. (2006) Phylogeography of squirrels in the Indochina peninsula: do rivers influence the phylogeography of small forest mammals ? Fourth International Tree Squirrel Colloquium and First International Flying Squirrel Colloquium 2006 (Mar. 2006, Periyar Tiger Reserve, Kerala, India) Abstracts of Colloquium : 49.
Pathoumthong, B., Vongsombath, C., Kurita Hiroyuki., Hamada, Y. (2005) Species Diversity and Distribution of Primates in Lao PDR. International Symposium on Southeast Asian Primate Research: Biodiversity Study from DNA to Ecosystem (Oct. 2005, Bangkok, Thailand) Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University Suppl. 1: 102.
Son, V., Malaivijitnond, S., Hamada, Y. (2005) Present Status of Primates, Especially Macaques in Vietnam. International Symposium on Southeast Asian Primate Research: Biodiversity Study from DNA to Ecosystem (Oct. 2005, Bangkok, Thailand) Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University Supplement 1: 108.
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