Mathew E. Brevard (University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA) “Magnetic resonance imaging studies in conscious primates”
Jan R. de Ruiter (Evolutionary Anthropology Research Group University of Durham, UK) "Different types of genetic investigations to explain the behaviour of various primates"
James Anderson (The University of Stirling, UK) "Yawning in primates: from reflex to reflection"
Laura Newell-Morris (Department of Anthropology, University of Washington, USA) "Macaques as biomedical models for caloric restriction, human aging and spinal osteoarthritis: what we have learned and where we go from here. "
Alban Lemasson (認知学習 外国人特別研究員) "Vocal sharing and social dynamic in campbell's monkey"
Peter Brown (School of Human and Environmental Studies, University of New England, UK) "New small-bodied hominin discoveries from Flores, Indonesia."
倉岡康治/ Koji Kuraoka(認知学習)「情動刺激に対するサル扁桃核及び前部上側頭溝ニューロン応答の解析」Responses of single neurons coding emotional expressions in the amygdala and the anterior superior temporal sulcus of monkeys.
香田啓貴/ Hiroki Koda(認知学習)「野生ニホンザルの発声頻度の地域差」The frequency ratio of calls in wild Japanese macaques is determined by the environmental factors, not the inherited background.
田中美希子/ Mikiko Tanaka(遺伝子情報)「マダガスカル,ベレンティ保護区のチャイロキツネザルの生息地利用と社会構造」Habitat use and social structure of brown lemurs at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar.
石川直樹/ Naoki Ishikawa(行動発現)「眼球運動課題遂行におけるサル前頭連合野ニューロン活動の解析(研究計画)」Neural activities of prefrontal cortex in Macaque Monkeys during the behavioral control of saccade eye movements. (Proposal).
鈴木真理子/ Mariko Suzuki(社会構造)「サルたちはどのようにして群れのまとまりを維持しているのか-集団移動の調節と個体の空間配置に関する研究紹介と修士研究計画案-」How does a group of primates maintain cohesiveness? -Introduction studies on group movement and distribution individuals-.
山口智恵子/ Chieko Yamaguchi(認知学習)「給餌者の状態がニホンザルのフードコールに与える影響」Relationships between experimenter's body and face orientations and food-calls in Japanese monkeys.
山本真也/ Shinya Yamamoto(思考言語)「トークンを介した食物獲得における、チンパンジー2個体間の社会的交渉」Social interaction between two chimpanzees for using tokens to get food.
親川千紗子/ Chisako Oyakawa(認知学習)「アジルテナガザルのデュエットにおける変異性」Variability in the duet of wild agile gibbons.
鄭アラム, 光永総子, 山内英典, 中村伸/ A-Ram Jeong, Fusako Mitsunaga, Hidenori Yamauchi, Shin Nakamura(遺伝子情報)Expression profile of cytokine and its receptor genes in primates using real-time PCR.
託見健/ Ken Takumi(器官調節)「マカクサルの春機発動期開始にともなうGnRHニューロンへのシナプス入力の変化(研究計画)」Pubertal changes in synaptic inputs to GnRH neurons in hypothalamus of macaque monkey .
林美里/ Misato Hayashi(思考言語)「チンパンジーの積木つみ」Stacking blocks in chimpanzees.
東濃篤徳, 福原亮史, 手塚修文*, 景山節/ Atsunori Higashino, Ryoji Fukuhara, Takafumi Tezuka and Takashi Kageyama(人類進化モデルセンター*名古屋文理大)「ニホンザルにおけるストレスタンパク質のcDNAクローニングと組織での遺伝子発現」Molecular cloning and gene expression of stress proteins in Japanese monkey.
松野響/ Toyomi Matsuno(思考言語)「チンパンジーにおける運動刺激をもちいた視覚弁別」Visual discrimination of moving stimuli in chimpanzees and humans.
山田彩/ Aya Yamada(野外施設)「農作物被害を起こす野生ニホンザルの生態学的研究 -研究計画」Ecological study of Japanese macaques raiding crop fields -research plan.
土居裕和/ Hirokazu Doi(東大総合文化研究科)「音声と顔の”動き”の異種感覚統合」Intermodal matching of voice and "dynamic" face.