Robert Hampton(NIMH, USA)“Metacognition and explicit representation in nonhumans”
J. M. Koolhaas(Center for Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, University Groningen, The Netherland)“Coping styles and aggression: a biobehavioral approach”
Jon C. Coe(CLRdesign inc., USA)“Recent zoo exhibitions of apes”
Nathan Wolfe(Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA)“Naturally acquired primate retrovirus infections among Central African hunters”
山本亜由美「霊長類の椎骨の比較形態と化石種の解釈への応用」Comparative morphology of vertebrae in primates and its application to interpretation of extinct species
中山桂「協力すべきか・せざるべきか-ひとりでも餌はもらえる,でもふたりで力を合わせるともっと餌がもらえるなら?」To Cooperate or Not to Cooperate - You work alone and you get one, but you and I work together then you get more-
権田絵里「ポリネシア人の足の成長」The growth of foot of Polynesian people
福原亮史「分子生物学者が古環境を推定することは可能か?」Can molecular biologists infer the palaeoenvironment?
伊村知子「チンパンジーとヒトにおける陰影による奥行知覚:「凸」か「凹」か?」 Shape from shading in chimpanzees and humans: Convex or concave?
大藪由美子「骨格に残る創傷と原因武器の関係」Morphological relationship between wounds and weapons
倉岡康治「アカゲザル扁桃核細胞の視聴覚特性」Audiovisual Properties of Neurons in the Monkey Amygdala
香田啓貴・山口智恵子「ヒト乳児音声の発達的変化-安静時の音声と泣き声との比較研究」Comparative study of the vocal development between non-distress vocalizations and cries in human infants
深谷もえ「カリンズ森林におけるブルーモンキーとレッドテイルモンキーの混群形成」Association between blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) and redtailed monkeys (C. ascanius) in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda
木場礼子「表情に対する選好性の比較-研究計画-」 Preferences for facial expressions (proposal)
藤澤珠織「長野市宮崎遺跡で発見された縄文晩期の乳児埋葬人骨」Jomon baby skeleton unearthed at the Miyazaki site in Nagano city
Rizaldi “Development of Dominance-Subordinate Relationships among Infants and Yearlings in a Captive Group of Japanese Monkey (Macaca fuscata): A preliminary study”
Charmalie Nahallage “Stone handling and object manipulation of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in the captive Takahama troop at PRI, Inuyama.”
鈴木啓之「野性ニホンザルのグリマス表出が持つ機能の評価」Evaluation of Function of Grimace Display by the Wild Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata)
半田高史「運動情報を手掛かりとした形態刺激を用いた図形弁別及び運動方向弁別に関する脳内機構の解明」Neuronal Activities to Discrimination of Shape and Motion Direction of Shape-From-Motion in Macaque Monkey
堀智彦「咬耗面による中期中新世の新世界ザルMohanamico hershkovitziの系統的位置」Phylogenetic placement of Mohanamico hershkovitzi on the basis of wear facets