霊長類の機能遺伝子発現プロファイル解析の一環として,免疫応答に関与するサイトカイン,コレステロール代謝系,凝固・炎症因子およびアディポサイトカイン遺伝子群の発現プロファイルを,DNA Chip および Real Time PCR で検討している.(Jeong A-Ram(釜山大学大学院生)も一部参加)
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Itoh, M., Kondo, M., Kojima, C., Jin, W., Watanabe, G., Taya, K., Hayashi, M., Shimizu, K. (2003) Inhibin B is the major form of inhibin secreted from testes in male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Primates 44: 253-257.
Iwase, M., Satta, Y., Hirai, Y., Hirai, H., Imai, H., Takahata, N. (2003) The amelogenin loci span an ancient pseudoautosomal boundary in diverse mammalian species. Procceding National Academy of Science of USA 100(9): 5258-5263.
Kondo, M., Kojima, C., Watanabe, G., Shimizu, K., Itoh, M., Udono, T., Taya, K. (2003) Endocrinologic comparison of activin A secretion during pregnancy and early lactation in Japanese monkeys, Chimpanzees, and Humans. Endocrine 22(3): 239-243.
Kondo, M., Kishi, H., Kojima, C., Jin, W., Suzuki, J., Shimizu, K., Itoh, M., Ohkura, S., Tsukamura, H., Maeda, K., Watanabe, G., Taya, K. (2003) Lactation-associated infertility in Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) during the breeding season. . Zoo Biology 22: 65-76.
Nakamura, S., Mitsunaga, F., Okada, M., Jeong, A., Hayashi, T., Perez, R., Carrasco, R., Nakagawa, H. (2003) Phytomedical Effect of Soy Protein and Soy Isoflavone of Hypercholesterolemia and/or Atherosclerosis: Its Mollecular Pathophysiological Mechanism in Monkeys. Soy Protein Research 6: 57-62.
Ohta, S., Wada, H., Nakazaki, T., Maeda, Y., Nobori, T., Shiku, H., Nakamura S., Nagakawa O., Furuya Y., Fuse H. (2003) Expression of tissue factor is associated with clinical features and angiogenesis in prostate cancer. Anticancer Res. 22:2991-2996
Shimizu, K., Udono, T., Tanaka, C., Narushima, E., Yoshihara, M., Takeda, M., Tanahashi, A., van Elsackar, L., Hayashi, M., Takenaka, O. (2003) Comparative study of urinary reproductive hormones in great apes. Primates 44: 183-190.
Sase, T., Wada, H., Nishioka, J., Abe, Y., Gabazza, E., Shiku, H., Suzuki, K., Nakamura, S., Nobori, T. (2003) Measurement of tissue factor messerger RNA levels in leukocytes from patientsin hypercoagulable state caused by several underlying diseases. Thromb. Haemost. 89: 660-665
Taguchi, T., Akimaru, K., Hirai, H., Hirai, Y., Mwenda, J., Yuri, K. (2003) A useful probe for analyzing Y chromosome evolution of the Old World monkey generated by chromosome microdissection. Chromosome Research 11: 147-152.
Yi, J., Kim, T., Huh, J.-., Nakamura, S., Takenaka, O., Lee, W., Hyun B-H., Kim H-S. (2003) Endogenous retrovirus HC2 pol fragments in the squirrel monkey: expression, evolution, and phylogeny. Arch. Virolo. 148: 2257-2265.
Yu, S.S., Takenaka, O. (2003) Molecular cloning, structure, and testis-specific expression of MFSJ1,a member of the DNAJ protein family, in the Japanese monkey(Mascaca fuscata). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 301: 443-449.
Asaoka, K., Iida, H., Kamanaka, Y., Suzuki, J., Watanabe, K., Mori, C., Ishikawa, Y., Kawashima, S. (2003) cDNA cloning and microarray development of genes expressed in Macaca monkey embryo. The 5th International Workshop on Advanced Genetics (Jun. 2003, Yokohama, Japan) Abstracts : pp.120.
Asaoka, K., Iida, H., Suzuki, J., Watanabe, K., Inoue, M., Fukusato, T., Murata, N., Nomizu, M., Nagata, R., Kubota, S. (2003) Gene expression disorder in various tissues in rhesus monkeys treated with 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin via subcutaneous single injection. 23rd International Symposium on Halogenated Organic & Persistent Organic Pollutants (Aug. 2003, Boston, U.S.A).
Asaoka, K., Watanabe, K. (2003) Phylogenic properties and dioxin related disruption of genes expressed in macaque monkeys. Eco Toxico Genomics Symposium (Oct. 2003, Okazaki, Japan) Abstracts : pp.16.
Asaoka, K., Iida, H., Kamanaka, Y., Nishimura, T., Wakita, M., Suzuki, J., Watanabe, K., Ishikawa, Y., Kawashima, S., Mori, C., Yasuda, M., Kubota, S. (2003) Gene expression resemblance between Macaca monkey and human, and its application for environmental toxicogenomics. Fifth AFMC International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium (Oct. 2003, Kyoto, Japan) AIMECS 03 Abstracts : pp.179.
Asaoka, K., Iida, H., Suzuki, J., Nishimura, T., Wakita, M., Ohba, M., Okamura, H., Kubota, S. (2003) Complehensive analysis of gene expression in monkey tissues and development of DNA microarray for the detection of environmental chemical affection. The 5th International Workshop on Advanced Genetics (Jun. 2003, Yokohama, Japan) Abstracts : pp.119.
Imamura, T., Nakamura, S. (2003) New Functions of Neutrophils in an Inflammation: Tissue Factor Expression, Clotting Induction and Elastase-Mediated Fibrinolysis. XIX International Congress of Thrombosis & Haemostasis (Jun. 2003, Birmingham, England).
Kubota, S., Ihara, T., Nishida, Y., Fukusato, T., Murata, N., Nomizu, M., Iida, H., Asaoka, K. (2003) Effect of 2,3,7,8-TCDD on gene expression in tissues in Rhesus monkeys. 第6回日本内分泌攪乱化学物質学会年会 (2003年12月, 仙台市) 講演要旨集 : pp334.
Nakamura, S., Huh, J., Ito, M. (2003) Androgen Receptor-Mediated Suppression of Tissue Factor Gene Expression in Male Reproductive Organs. XIX Internatioinal Congress on Thrombosis & Haemostasis (Jun. 2003, Birmingham, England).
Nakamura, S., Imamura, T., Okamoto, K. (2004) Tissue Factor Expression in Neutrophils at Inflammatory Sites: Linkage between Clotting and Fibrinolysis. XVI Interbational Congress on Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis (Mar. 2004, Melbourne, Australoia).
Nakamura, S., Okada, M., Huh, J. (2003) Non-Methylated Status of Promoter CpG Island in Human Tissue Factor Gene. XIX International Congress on Thrombosis &Haemostasis (Jun. 2003, Birmingham, England).
Shimizu, K., Udono, T., Tanaka, C., Narushima, E., Yoshihara, M., Takeda, M., Tanahashi, A., van Elsackar, L., Hayashi, M., Takenaka, O. (2003) Non-invasive measurements of reproductive cycle in non-human primates. 4th European Conference of Mammalogy (Jul. 2003, Brno, Czech Repblic).