Pleistocene human remains from Shiraho-Saonetabaru Cave on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, and their radiocarbon datingRyohei Nakagawa, Naomi Doi, Yuichiro Nishioka, Shin Nunami, Heizaburo Yamauchi, Masaki Fujita, Shinji Yamazaki, Masaaki Yamamoto, Chiaki Katagiri, Hitoshi Mukai, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Takashi Gakuhari, Mai Takigami, Minoru Yoneda 沖縄県石垣島の新空港建設予定地に位置する白保竿根田原洞穴から新たに人骨が出土した.人骨資料は2007~2009年に著者の山内,沼波,西岡らが行った予備的な発掘調査によって発見され,その後,骨から抽出したコラーゲンを用いて放射性炭素年代測定が行われた.発見された人骨資料9点のうち,保存状態の良いコラーゲンが抽出されたのは6点で,さらに共産した動物骨1点からも抽出に成功した.得られた年代値は1.6~2万年BP(未較正14C年代)を示し,後期更新世に属することが明らかにされた.また,動物骨でも1.2万年BPという古い年代を示した.更新世の琉球列島にヒトが生息していた痕跡は沖縄本島の港川遺跡や宮古島のピンザアブ洞穴からも知られているが,人骨から直接的に放射性炭素年代を求めたのは今回が初めてであり,琉球列島の人類史を解明していく上で重要な証拠が得られた.今後も白保竿根田原洞穴の更新世人骨資料の追加と人工遺物の発見を目指し,本格的な調査を実施していくことが望まれる. Anthropological Science, Advance Access published online, 2010 Nine human remains were recovered from Shiraho-Saonetabaru Cave on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, between 2007 and 2009. Six of the nine samples produced well-preserved biogenic collagen, which was submitted to radiocarbon dating by accelerator mass spectrometry. Three human samples (Nos. 2, 4, and 8) from the fossil chamber were dated to between 16 and 20 ka BP, and can clearly be assigned to the Late Pleistocene. One animal bone from the same chamber which was treated and measured for radiocarbon independently was also of great antiquity (c. 12 ka BP). These dates are the first concrete evidence of human occupation on the Ryukyu Islands during the
Pleistocene, based on the direct radiocarbon dates of human remains. It is expected that more human remains and archaeological objects of the Pleistocene will be recovered from Shiraho-Saonetabaru Cave and the surrounding region by future intensive collaborations between anthropologists, archaeologists, and speleologists. MAR/30/2010
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