Vocalization as a specific trigger of emotional responsesKoji Kuraoka, Katsuki Nakamura これまで哺乳類の音声の機能について、発声個体の立場からの議論が多くなされてきたが、今回は聞き手個体の立場から考えてみたい。哺乳類は他個体の音声を聞くことで情動状態の変化をきたすことが考えられる。この記事のなかで、哺乳類における音声認知に伴う自律神経応答や神経応答をレヴューするとともに、アカゲザルに同種他個体の音声を聞かせたときの顔面皮膚温度変化や扁桃核応答を調べた、我々の研究結果について記載する。これらを踏まえて、哺乳類の音声には、聞き手が危険を回避するために、情動反応を喚起させる機能があるとする結論を導き出した。 In SM. Brudzynski (Ed.), HANDBOOK OF MAMMALIAN VOCALIZATION, Oxford: Academic Press, pp. 167-175, 2009 For several decades the functions of mammalian vocalization have been discussed, mainly from the vantage of the caller. In this article, however, the functions of mammalian vocalization are discussed from the position of the listener. Mammalian vocalization can induce changes in the internal state of the receivers, including their emotional state. We review data of autonomic and other physiological responses to mammalian vocalization, as well as neuronal responses in the subcortical brain structures, including the amygdala, of the rhesus monkey. The discussion leads to the conclusion that animal vocalization can trigger an emotional response in the listener, allowing it to avert a life-threatening situation. NOV/25/2009
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