Context-dependent representation of reinforcement in monkey amygdalaHirai, Daichi; Hosokawa, Takayuki; Inoue, Masato; Miyachi, Shigehiro; Mikami, Akichika サル扁桃体には、報酬を予告する視覚手掛り刺激に反応する神経細胞、嫌悪刺激を予告する視覚手掛り刺激に反応する神経細胞があり、嫌悪刺激と報酬を比較した条件でも、2種類の報酬を比較した条件でも、より好ましい結果を予告する視覚手掛り刺激
の存在する前頭眼窩回と異なっている。この知見から、報酬や嫌悪の予測に関わる扁桃体と前頭眼窩回の役割の違いが明らかとなった。 NeuroReport. 20(6):558-562, 2009. It has been reported that neurons in the amygdala respond to visual cues
that predict reward and aversive outcomes. However, it remains unclear
whether the representation of reinforcement in the amygdala depends on the
relative preference for an outcome compared with another simultaneously
available outcome. In this study, we introduced three reinforcements
(juice, water, and electrical stimulus) and used two of them in one
experimental block. Of 52 neurons that showed cue responses reflecting the
outcome information, 23% of amygdala neurons coded preferred outcomes,
whereas only one neuron coded nonpreferred outcomes. These proportions of
amygdala were significantly different from those of the orbitofrontal
cortex, which had both types of neurons. APR/20/2009
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