Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-24-AM01
Presentation at international workshop and discussion for collaboration and in INPA, Brazil
Report: Miho Murayama
Date: 2012/10/21 - 2012/10/30
In INPA, I observed the breeding of manatees and the various inhabiting
animals such as squirrel monkeys, white-faced sakis, slothes, macaws.
I presented about the genetic study of wild animals in Japan in the workshop, and listened the presentations about studies in Brazil.
I exchanged opinions with Dr.
Vera da Silva, Dr.
Noemia Ishikawa and other researchers.
I visited the laboratory of Dr.
Tomas Hrbek of Federal University of Amazonas and exchanged opinions about the genetic study of the animals in the Amazon area.
Furthermore, in the Amazon liver and surrounding forest, I observed animals such as Amazon liver
dolphin, pirarucu, tamarin, woolly monkey, and learned about the research of the tropical forest.
In addition, I was able to get information about activity to help Local community for the cash crop utilization and about way to name animals such as dolphins and dogs.
 Uakari, see on eco-tour
 Sloth (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia)
AS-HOPE Project< >