Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-24-024
Histological studies on olfactory bulbs of the bowhead whale.
Report: Kishida Takushi
Date: 2012/12/2 - 2012/12/24
I stayed at the Thewissen Lab.
, Northeast Ohio Medical University during 2 to 16 December, and I conducted immunohistochemistrical works on the sections of bowhead whale olfactory bulbs using several sets of antibodies.
The products thus obtained were turned into permanent preparation using a mounting agent, and then microscopic photographs were taken.
I stayed at the Matsunami Lab.
, Duke University during 16 to 22 December, and I learned the techniques for analyzing the function of olfactory receptor genes.
I also discussed about our collaborative works with Drs.
Thewissen and Matsunami during my stay in USA.

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