Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-24-002
The study of olfaction in primates based on comparative genomics and molecular biology
Report: Atsushi Matsui
Date: 2013/1/28 - 2013/2/15
It is well known that the olfactory receptors are
expressed not only in nasal cavity for the detection of odorants but also
in various organs for monitoring chemicals. We have identified orthologous
or species-specific olfactory receptor genes by using the genome data of 5
primates (including humans) and eight non-primate mammals. Concerning
these olfactory receptors in primates, I aim to conduct a biochemical or
physiological experiments. Firstly, I visited the Dr. Matsunami’s
laboratory at Duke University and learned the method for functional assay
of olfactory receptors with the luciferase reaction. I have presented our
recent study based on comparative genomics and discussed them.
Furthermore, I also visited the Duke Lemur Center in Duke University and
observed ecological studies of olfaction in lemurs. At the Duke Lemur
Center, I discussed vomeronasal organ and receptors in Old World monkeys
with Dr. Drea. Secondly, I visited the Dr. Shedlock’s laboratory at
College of Charleston and learned the genome analyses for repetitive
sequences. Finally, I visited Dr. Steiper’s laboratory at City
University of New York and American Museum of Natural History, which is
the one of the New York Consortium in Evolutionary Primatology (NYCEP),
and discussed the morphological studies of olfaction in primates. At each
institute, many seminars were held by the researchers around the world. I
could get the knowledge from the excellent and forefront studies by
attending to them.
 Duke Lemur center
 Olfaction of lemurs
AS-HOPE Project< >