Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-23-S006
Paleontological study on the evolution of Old World monkeys in Eurasia
Report: Takai, Masanaru
Date: 2011/9/4 - 2011/9/24
In order to observe the mammal fossils discovered from the Siwalik sediments ofIndia/Pakistan I visited the Natural History Museum, London (UK) and
Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie, Munich (Germany).
At these institutes I took measurements, photos, and silicon molds of the fossil specimens, such as suids, bovids, rhinocerotids, and primates etc for the comparisons with the fossil materials which we collected from the Irrawaddy sediments of central Myanmar.
I also visited the Department of Mammalogy of the Natual History Museum, London, to observe the skeletal collections of living Old World monkeys for comparisons with fossil monkeys discovered from Myanmar.

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