Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-23-030
Comparing the mammalian fossils from the Mio-Pliocene between Myanmar and Indo-Pakistan
Date: 2011/9/4 - 2011/9/30
At the National History Museum in London, I collected morphological data from the bovid fossil specimens (36 species) from the Siwaliks in
Indo-Pakistan region, which were described by Pilgrim (1939).
At first, I measured teeth and parietal to occipital skull parts such as width between orbits.
I also made molds from the specimens for comparative works.
At the Bayern State Museum of Paleontology and Geology in Munich, I discussed with a co-researcher, Dr.
Rössner, on the morphological impressions about bovid fossils from Myanmar.
Dividing morphotypes in fossil teeth is important to study taxonomy and paleoenvironment analysis such as mesowear method.
I learnedthis method by using the fossil materials from the Siwaliks in the museum.
I also collected morphological data from giraffid and hystricid rodent specimens.
At the Senkenberg Natural History Museum, I collected the data from the
Siwalik specimens, the cervids from Sangiran, Java, and bovids from Dorn-Dürkheim, Germany.
Also, I practiced dividing the morphotypes by using these specimens.
 Natural History Museum, London
 Bovid fossils from the Siwaliks collected in 19 century
 Dividing morphotypes of teeth at the Senkenberg Natural History Museum
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