Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-23-004
Attendance at the symposium and pre-research on wild bonobos
Report: Tokuyama Nahoko
Date: 2011/8/6 - 2011/9/27
I'm interested in post-conflict behavior of gregarious animals.
In captive situation, bonobos often reconcile and console after conflict.
But in wild, there is no study about post-conflict behavior of bonobos.
To understand the meaning of post-conflict behavior, it's important to study both situations, inwild and in captive.
In wild, the loser can leave away from the winner, so thepost-conflict behavior may differ from the captive situation.
I will do long-term research at Wamba next year.
So I needed to observe wild bonobos andconsider the method in this short visit.
ĦĦI stayed at Wamba from 8/15 to 9/20, and observed wild bonobos for 25 days.
Ifollowed bonobo's party with 2 field assistants, and observed their behavior, recognized individually, and collected fecal samples.
I could observe variousbehaviors in this short visit, for example, food sharing, playing and sexual behavior in various combinations of sex and age, and sub-group encounter.
The frequency of aggressive behavior was low, and I could record clearly observation only 6 times.
I observed female attacked male 2 times, but I didn'tobserve male attacked female.
The reconciliation didn't occur at all.
 Female and child
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