Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Observation of the wild Chimpanzee
Report:Sakamoto Hidefusa
Date:2010/08/16 - 2010/08/25
In Gonbe stream national park, I was able to observe the behavior of the wild chimpanzee.
They dispersed in 3-5 subgroups, and it is because there is little bait.
I observed the behavior of the family of Gremlin of the G group mainly.
I observed Gremlin and Gaia of the daughter, five of them in each children mainly.
I observed them eating a fruit on a palm tree.
When they finished eating, it fell in the ground, and they relaxed while doing grooming each other.
They moved by walking on the ground.
They ate a leaf before going to bed and satisfied hunger.
In addition, I observed three males of the F group which slept soundly in the ground.
They did grooming each other after having woken.
The forest of Gombe was deciduous broad-leaved forest, and it resembled the Japanese forest.
I was convinced that it was not a mistake to plant a Japanese plant persistently.
I want to make use of this experience in breeding and the exhibition of the chimpanzee in Kyoto City Zoo.
 Gremlin Family
 They relaxed while doing grooming on the ground.
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