Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Collecting morphological data of the mammalian fossils from the Siwaliks, and presenting at a meeting
Date:2010/09/28 - 2010/10/15
I visited the American Museum of Natural Hirtory in New York during 30th September to 7th October, and collected basic data from artiodactyl fossils (Bovidae, Cervidae, and Giraffidae) from Siwaliks of Indo-Pakistan.
At first, I checked the stocking boxes and the number of those specimens.
The process observing the specimens is as follows: (1) noting label data (specimen, locality, horizon, and so on); (2) sketching and noting the specimens'characteristics; (3) measuring; and (4) taking pictures.
Also, I took molds of specimens if case of need.
On 9th to 13th Oct.
, I attended a meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology at Pittsburgh, and visited classical cave fossil sites in Pennsylvania at the first day.
These fossil sites have been yielded a lot of mammalian fossils, so that many researchers attending this field trip are interested in them.
I could exchange opinions with them in this trip.
During 10th to 13th, I attended the meeting and presented my study in a poster session.
 The storage room of
artiodactyl fossils in American Museum of Natural History, New York
 A field trip in 70th anniversary meeting of
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
(Cumberland Cave in Maryland)
 My presentation in the meeting
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