Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
To join the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping and receive advices from neuroimaging researchers about our research findings.
Report:Koji Kuraoka
Date:2010/06/05 - 2010/06/12
I participated in the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, and made a poster presentation about the neural substrates to enhance social relationships.
The world's leading researchers gathered in this annual meeting.
Thus, I could collect information about the most-advanced research outcomes and the latest analysis methods.
Additionally, I could also receive advices on my studies from many researchers in the field of brain imaging.
I had meaningful discussions about the function of the ventral striatum, where Dr.
Camara and Dr.
Rodriguez-Fornells found an activation relating to rewards, but I found no activation relating to social relationships.
I was also advised to further analyze the activation in the temporo-parietal junction which is related to theory of mind because I had used gaze of others as stimuli.
 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping
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