Wakamori H, Hamada Y. (2019) Skeletal determinants of tail length are different between macaque species groups. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 1289 (2019), DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-37963-z
Hirasaki E, Malaivijitnond S, Hamada Y. (2019). Locomotor kinematics of two semi-wild macaque species (Macaca assamensis and Macaca arctoides) in Thailand. Folia Primatologica 90: 162-178.
Nguyen V, Hirasaki E, Hamada Y. (2019). Age-related changes in the cranial thickness of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). International Journal of Morphology 37 (3), 1142-1149
Ito T. (2019) Effects of different segmentation methods on geometric morphometric data collection from primate skulls. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13274
SN Kamaluddin, M Tanaka, H Wakamori, T Nishimura, T Ito (2019) Phenotypic plasticity in the mandibular morphology of Japanese macaques: captive-wild comparison. Royal Society open science 6 (7), 181382
LT Buck, I De Groote, Y Hamada, BR Hassett, T Ito, JT Stock. (2019) Evidence of different climatic adaptation strategies in humans and non-human primates. Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-12
T Nishimura, N Morimoto, T Ito (2019) Shape variation in the facial part of the cranium in macaques and African papionins using geometric morphometrics. Primates 60 (5), 401-419.
Matsudaira K, Hamada Y, Bunlungsup S, Ishida T, San AM, Malaivijitnond S. (2018) Whole Mitochondrial Genomic and Y-Chromosomal Phylogenies of Burmese Long-Tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis aurea) Suggest Ancient Hybridization between fascicularis and sinica Species Groups. Journal of Heredity 109 (4) : 360-371. Doi: 10.1093/jhered/esx108.
Sakai T, Hata J, Ohta H, Shintaku Y, Kimura N, Ogawa Y, Sogabe K, Mori S, Okano HJ, Hamada Y, Shibata S, Okano H, Oishi K. (2018) The Japan Monkey Centre Primates Brain Imaging Repository for comparative neuroscience: an archive of digital records including records for endangered species. Primates, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10329-018-0694-3
Sellers WI, Hirasaki E. (2018) Quadrupedal locomotor simulation: producing more realistic gaits using dual-objective optimization. Royal Society Open Science 5(3): 171836 (March 2018). Doi: 10.1098/rsos.1718366.
Blickhan R, Andrada E, Hirasaki E, Ogihara N. (2018) Global dynamics of macaques during grounded running and running. Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb178897.
Hirasaki E, Oishi M. (2018) Arrangement of foot interosseous muscles in African great apes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 167: 924-929.
Ogihara N, Hirasaki E, Andrada E, Blickhan R. (2018) Bipedal gait versatility in the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata). Journal of Human Evolution 125: 2-14.
Ito T, Koyabu D. (2018) Biogeographic variation in skull morphology across the Kra Isthmus in dusky leaf monkeys. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 56: 599-610.
Ito T, Kimura R, Ryukoden A, Tsuchiya N, Ryukoden A, Ishida H. (2018) Computed tomography examinations of the surface and internal morphologies of the upper face in Ryukyu Islanders and mainland Japanese population. Anthropological Science 126: 123-133.
Ito T, Lee YJ, Nishimura TD, Tanaka M, Woo JY, Takai M. (2018) Phylogenetic relationship of a fossil macaque (Macaca cf. robusta) from the Korean Peninsula to extant species of macaques based on zygomaxillary morphology. Journal of Human Evolution 119: 1-13, Doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2018.02.002.
Bunlungsup S, Kanthaswamy S, Oldt RF, Smith DG, Houghton P, Hamada Y, Malaivijitnond S. (2017) Genetic analysis of samples from wild populations opens new perspectives on hybridization between long-tailed (Macaca fascicularis) and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). American Journal of Primatology, 79 (12): e22726, Doi: doi.org/10.1002/ajp.22726.
Katsube M, Yamada S, Miyazaki R, Yamaguchi Y, Makishima H, Takakuwa T, Yamamoto A, Fujii Y, Morimoto N, Ito T, Imai H, Suzuki S. (2017) Quantitation of nasal development in the early prenatal period using geometric morphometrics and MRI: A new insight into the critical period of Binder phenotype. Prenatal Diagnosis 37 (9): 907-915, Doi: 10.1002/pd.5106.
川本芳, 川本咲江, 濱田穣, 山川央, 直井洋司, 萩原光, 白鳥大祐, 白井啓, 杉浦義文, 郷康広, 辰本将司, 栫裕永, 羽山伸一, 丸橋珠樹 (2017) 千葉県房総半島の高宕山自然動物園でのアカゲザル交雑と天然記念物指定地域への交雑拡大の懸念. 霊長類研究 33 (2): 69-77.
若森参, 伊藤毅 (2017) 金華山のサルの骨格標本に見られる歯の欠損, 宮城県のニホンザル 30: 1-6.
Chijiiwa A, Oi T, Kawamoto Y, Hamada Y, Tenzin K, Chhetri PB, Wangda P, Norbu T, Rabgay K (2016) Bamboo Cage Trap for Wild Assamese Macaques in Bhutan. 2016 Report Ecology, Morphology and Genetic study of Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis) A pilot study to mitigate Human-Wildlife Conflict in Western Bhutan. (Renewable Natural Resources Research and Development Centre, Yusipang): 23-33.
Hamada Y, Oi T, Chijiiwa A, Tenzin K, Chhetri PB, Wangda P, Norbu T, Rabgay K, Dorji R, Sherabla, Ogawa H, Malaivijitnond S, Kawamoto Y (2016) Morpholgical Characteristics of Chunzom Assamese Macaques (Macaca assamensis) in Bhutan. 2016 Report Ecology, Morphology and Genetic study of Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis) A pilot study to mitigate Human-Wildlife Conflict in Western Bhutan. (Renewable Natural Resources Research and Development Centre, Yusipang): 34-54.
Hamada Y, San AM, Malaivijitnond S (2016) Assessment of the Hybridization between Rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and Long-Tailed Macaques (M. fascicularis) Based on Morphological Characters. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 159: 189-198.
Norbu T, Wangda P, Dorji T, Chhetri PB, Rebgay K, Dorji R, Hamada Y, Kawamoto Y, Oi T, Chijiiwa A (2016) Ecological study of Assamese Macaques in Western Bhutan. 2016 Report Ecology, Morphology and Genetic study of Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis) A pilot study to mitigate Human-Wildlife Conflict in Western Bhutan. (Renewable Natural Resources Research and Development Centre, Yusipang): 1-12.
Oi T, Chijiiwa A, Kawamoto Y, Hamada Y, Norbu T., Rabgay K, Wangda P. (2016) Comparison of a GPS Collar and Direct Observations for Estimating the Home Range of a Wild Assamese Macaques (Macaca assamensis) Group in Bhutan. Wildlife and Human Society 4(1): 35-43.
Bunlungsup S, Imai H, Hamada Y, Matsudaira K, Malaivijitnond S (2016) Mitochondrial DNA and two Y-chromosome genes of common long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis) throughout Thailand and vicinity. Am J Primatol.
Rae TC, Johnson PM, Yano W, Hirasaki E (2016) Semicircular Canal Size and Locomotion in Colobine Monkeys: A Cautionary Tale. Folia Primatologica.
Iwanaga J, Watanabe K, Saga T, Tabira Y, Hirasaki E, Fisahn C, Tubbs S, Kusukawa J, Yamaki K (2016) Radiological and microsurgical anatomy for variation of the mandible: comparative study of human and Macaca fascicularis. The Anatomical Record.
Ito T, Nishimura TD (2016) Enigmatic diversity of the maxillary sinus in macaques and Its possible role as a spatial compromise in craniofacial modifications. Evolutionary Biology 43: 414-426.
Fukase H, Ito T, Ishida H (2016) Geographic variation in nasal cavity form among three human groups from the Japanese Archipelago: Ecogeographic and functional implications. American Journal of Human Biology 28(3): 343-351.
伊藤毅 (2016) 絶滅種を含めた霊長類の系統推定. 霊長類研究 1: 17-26.
Hamada Y, San AM, Malaivijitnond S (2015) Assessment of the Hybridization between Rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and Long-Tailed Macaques (M. fascicularis) Based on Morphological Characters. Am J Phys Anthropol 159: 189-198.
Minh NV, Mouri T, Hamada Y (2015) Aging-related changes in the skulls of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Anthropological Science 123: 107-119.
Bunlungsup S, Imai H, Hamada Y, Gumert MD, San AM, Malaivijitnond S (2015) Morphological characteristics and genetic diversity of Burmese long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis aurea). Am J Primatol 78: 441-455.
Jadejaroen J, Hamada Y, Kawamoto Y, Malaivijitnond S (2015) Use of Photogrammetry as a means to assess hybrids of rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and long-tailed (M. fascicularis) macaques. Primates 56(1): 77-88.
Pomchote P (2015) Age-related changes in osteometry, bone mineral density and osteophytosis of the lumbar vertebrae in Japanese macaques. Primates 56: 55-70.
Ito T, Nishimura TD, Hamada Y, Takai M (2015) Contribution of the maxillary sinus to the modularity and variability of nasal cavity shape in Japanese macaques. Primates 56(1): 11-19.
Ito T, Kawamoto Y, Hamada Y, Nishimura TD (2015) Maxillary sinus variation in hybrid macaques: implications for the genetic basis of craniofacial pneumatization. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115(2): 333-347.
平崎鋭矢,岡健司.(2015).テナガザルのブラキエーション,体育の科学 65: 491-495.
Kato A, Tang N, Borries C, Papakyrikos AM, Hinde K, Miller E, Kunimatsu Y, Hirasaki E, Shimizu D, Smith TM (2014) Intra- and interspecific variation in macaque molar enamel thickness. American Journal of Physcal Anthropology 155: 447-459.
Manakorn Sukmak, Suchinda Malaivijitnond, Oliver Schulke, Julia Ostner, Yuzuru Hamada, Worawidh Wajjwalku (2014) Preliminary study of the genetic diversity of eastern Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis assamensis) in Thailand based on mitochondrial DNA and microsatellie markers. Primates 55(2): 189-197.
Sellers WI, Hirasaki E (2014) Markerless 3D motion capture for animal locomotion studies. Biology Open 3: 656-668.
Yamada H, Y Hamada, Y Kunimatsu (2014) Canine crown Morphology and sexual dimorphism in the Hylobates lar. Anthropolgical Science (J-Ser) 122(2): 133-143.
濱田 穣 (2014) マカクザル、とくにニホンザルにおける島嶼効果. 生物科学,66,1,42-51.
平崎鋭矢.(2014).特集「二足歩行の霊長類基盤」に寄せて,バイオメカニズム学会誌,38, 168.
Gumert MD, Hamada Y, Malaivijitnond S (2013) Human Activity negatively affects stone tool-using Burmese long-tailed macaques, Macaca fascicularis aurea in Lame Son National Park, Thailand. Oryx 47: 535-543.
Nakashita R, Hamada Y, Hirasaki E, Suzuki J, Oi T. (2013). Characteristics of stable isotope signature of diet in tissues of captive Japanese macaques as revealed by controlled feeding, Primates 54: 271-281.
Manakorn Sukmak, Suchinda Malaivijitnond, Oliver Schulke, Julia Ostner, Yuzuru Hamada, Worawidh Wajjwakul, (2014) Preliminary study of the genetic diversity of eastern Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis assamensis) in Thailand based on mitochondrial DNA and microsatellie markers. Primates 55: 189-197.
Tsuji Y, Minh Nguyen Van, Kitamura S, Van Nguyen Huu, Hamada Y. (2013) Seed dispersal by rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in Son Tra Nature Reserve, central Vietnam: A Preliminary Report. Vietnamese Journal of Primatology 2: 65-73.
Yamada H, Y Hamada, H Ishida, 2013. Canine crown Morphology and Sexual dimorphism in the Pan paniscus. Anthropological Science (J-Ser). in Japanese with English Abstract 121(2): 89-104.
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濱田 穣, 渡會公治, 村上元庸, 鮫島康仁,2013. 座談会 進化とスポーツ医学@ 進化を語るスポーツメディスン,No. 148: 32-36.
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濱田 穣, 2013. アカゲザルとニホンザル交雑個体の形態学的指標に基づく判定.第29回日本霊長類学会・日本哺乳類学会合同大会自由集会(1)報告。霊長類研究,29(2): 146-151.
Ogihara N, Makishima H, Hirasaki E, Nakatsukasa M (2012) Inefficient use of inverted pendulum mechanism during quadrupedal walking in the Japanese macaque. Primates 53:41-48.
Hamada Y, Yamamoto A, Kunimatsu Y, Tojima S, Mouri T, Kawamoto Y (2012) Variability of tail length in hybrids of the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) and the Taiwanese macaque (Macaca cyclopis). Primates, 53: 397 -411.
Mihn NV, Van NH, Hamada Y (2012) Distribution of macaques (Macaca sp.) in central Vietnam and at the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Vietnamese Journal of Primaology, 2(1): 73-83.
熊倉博雄,岡健司,廣川容子,日暮泰男,平崎鋭矢(2012) 新世界サル固有背筋の機能形態学的研究,昭和医学会雜誌,72: 155-159.
大井徹,Thao S, Meas S, 濱田穣 (2012) カンボジア王国における霊長類の生息と保全の現状. 霊長類研究,28(1): 49 -60.
辻大和,Minh NV, Ulibarri LR, Van NH, 濱田穣 (2012) ベトナム中部の自然保護区における霊長類の生態調査.霊長類研究,28(1): 61-68.
橋本裕子 (2012) 名越切通出土人骨. 史跡名越切通 整備事業に伴う発掘調査報告書. 逗子市教育委員会:42-47.
平崎鋭矢 (2012) サルの歩行からヒトの直立二足歩行の起源と進化を探る,京都大学霊長類研究所編『新・霊長類学のすすめ』,丸善,pp 19-35.
Hamada Y, Sawada J, Cho F, Won M-H and Hyun B-H Hyun. (2011) Tubular anomalous bones found in both thighs of a long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). Primates, 53: 25-30.
Sakai T, Mikami A, Tomonaga M, Matsui M, Suzuki J, Hamada Y, Tanaka M, Miyabe-Nishiwaki T, Makishima H, Nakatsukasa M, Matsuzawa T (2011) Differential Prefrontal White Matter Development in Chimpanzees and Humans. Current Biology, 21: 1397-1402.
Kurita H, Suzumura T, Kanchi F, Hamada Y (2011) A photogrammetric method to evaluate nutritional status without capture in habituated free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata): a pilot study. Primates. 53:7-11.
Aye Mi San, Hamada Y (2011) Distribution and current Status of Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis aurea) in Myanmar. In "Monkeys on the Edge" (Gumert MD, Fuentes A, and Jones-Engel L, eds.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. Pp. 45-71.
Hamada Y, Kurita H, Goto S, Morimitsu Y, Malaivijitnond S, Pathonton S, Pathontone B, Kingsada P, Vongsombath C, Samouth F, and Praxaysombath B (2011) Distribution and present status of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Laos and their ecological relationship with rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). In "Monkeys on the Edge" (Gumert MD, Fuentes A, and Jones-Engel L, eds.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. Pp. 72-98.
Malaivijitnond S, Vazquez Y, Hamada Y ( 2011) Human impact on long-tailed macaques in Thailand. In "Monkeys on the Edge" (Gumert MD, Fuentes A, and Jones-Engel L, eds.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. Pp. 118-158.
濱田穣 (2011) 東南アジア大陸部におけるマカクとその進化パターン. 東南アジア熱帯林の哺乳類(1)霊長類. 海外の森林と林業、No. 81, June, 2011. Pp. 57-62.
濱田穣 (2011) ベトナム中部とラオス中南部にまたがる中部チュオンソン山地系地域の生物多様性とその保護, 哺乳類科学, in print.
辻大和, Nguyen MV, Ulibarri LR, Nguyen HV, 濱田穣 (2011) ベトナム中部の自然保護区における霊長類の生態調査. 霊長類研究, accepted.
Ogihara N, Makishima H, Hirasaki E, Nakatsukasa M (2012) Inefficient use of inverted pendulum mechanism during quadrupedal walking in the Japanese macaque, Primates 53: 41-48.
Ogihara N, Hirasaki E, Nakatsukasa M (2011) Experimental and computational studies of bipedal locomotion in the bipedally-trained Japanese macaque, In: D’Aout K and Vereecke EE (eds) Primate Locomotion: Linking in situ and ex situ Research, New York, Springer, pp 47-59.
平崎鋭矢 (2011) サルの歩行からヒトの直立二足歩行の起源と進化を探る.京都大学霊長類研究所編『新・霊長類学のすすめ』,丸善, pp 19-35.
平崎鋭矢 (2011) サルの歩き方.京都大学グローバルCOE「生物の多様性と進化研究のための拠点形成」編『生き物たちのつづれ織り,第5巻』,pp 121-127.
平崎鋭矢,熊倉博雄(2011)足底部の筋配置と足底圧からみた霊長類の足の機能軸,Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) 119: 25-26.
平崎鋭矢,二足サルの骨格,歩,脳(2011)日本人類学会進化人類分科会ニュースレター,25: 4-5.
山崎健,橋本裕子,茂原信生 (2011) 京都大学大学院理学研究科自然人類学研究室所蔵の動物標本−とくに動物遺存体と動物化石について−. 動物考古学28: 95-112.
Fujita H, Hashimoto H, Shoda S, Suzuki T (2011) Dental Caries Prevalence as a Product of Agriculture and Subsistence Pattern at the Yean-ri Site, South Korea. Caries Research 45: 524-531.
橋本裕子 (2012) 名越切通出土人骨. 史跡名越切通 整備事業に伴う発掘調査報告書. 逗子市教育委員会 pp.42-47.
Hamada Y, Hirasaki E, Rae TC (2010). Special Issue on Comparative Functional Morphology in Primates. International Journal of Primatology 31(2).
Hirasaki E, Kumakura H (2010). Functional axis of the foot in primates estimated using the distribution of plantar muscles. International Journal of Primatology 31(2): 239-261.
Hirasaki E, Higurashi Y, Kumakura H (2010). Dynamic plantar pressure distribution during locomotion in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142: 149-156.
Kagaya M, Ogihara N, Nakatsukasa M (2010). Is the Clavicle of Apes Long? An Investigation of Clavicular Length in Relation to Body Mass and Upper Thoracic Width. International Journal of Primatology 31(2): 209-217.
Oka K, Hirasaki E, Hirokawa Y, Nakano Y, Kumakura H (2010). Three-dimensional motion analysis of hindlimb during brachiation in a white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142:650-654.
Higurashi Y, Hirasaki E, Kumakura H (2010). Palmar and plantar pressure while walking on a horizontal ladder and single pole in Macaca fuscata. International Journal of Primatology 31: 181-190.
平崎鋭矢,熊倉博雄(2010).圧力分布シートを用いてケータイ文字入力動作の解析の試みる,人類働態学会編「働態研究の方法」,pp 319-322
平崎鋭矢,熊倉博雄(2010).練習によるハイヒール歩行の変化,人類働態学会編「働態研究の方法」,pp 165-168..
毛利俊雄 (2010) サル学以前,グローバルCOE編,生き物たちのつづれ織り,59-60,グローバルCOE
Kikuchi Y, Hamada Y (2009) Geometric characters of the radius and tibia in Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis. Primates 50: 169-183.
Malaivijitnond S, Hamada Y (2009) Current Situation and Status of Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Thailand. Natural History Journal of the Chulalongkorn University 8: 185-204.
Aye Mi San, Hamada Y (2009) Reproductive Seasonality of Myanmar Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis aurea). Natural History Journal of the Chulalongkorn University 9: 223-234.
Nakatsukasa M,Kunimatsu Y (2009) Nacholapithecus and its importance for understanding hominoid evolution,Evolutionary Anthropology,18(3): 103-119.
Higurashi Y, Hirasaki E, Kumakura H. (2009). Gaits of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) on a horizontal ladder and arboreal stability. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138: 448-457.
平崎鋭矢. (2009). 霊長類ロコモーション研究の現状と将来. 霊長類研究 24: 329-343.
中務真人,國松豊(2009)ナカリピテクスと後期中新世の類人猿進化. 霊長類研究 24: 313-327.
濱田穣 (2009) なぜチンパンジーはナックルウォーキングで,ヒトは直立二足歩行なのですか.京都大学霊長類研究所編「新しい霊長類学 人を深く知るための100問100答」 講談社(東京), pp. 32-36.
濱田穣 (2009) 霊長類の成長期間と寿命はどのくらいですか.京都大学霊長類研究所編「新しい霊長類学 人を深く知るための100問100答」 講談社(東京), pp. 46-50.
濱田穣 (2009) サルにも思春期がありますか.京都大学霊長類研究所編「新しい霊長類学 人を深く知るための100問100答」 講談社(東京), pp. 68-72.
毛利俊雄 (2009) オスとメスの顔や体の特徴の違いに,意味があるのでしょうか?京都大学霊長類研究所編「新しい霊長類学 人を深く知るための100問100答」 講談社(東京), pp. 72-75,講談社
毛利俊雄 (2009) サルを表す言葉は,世界でどう違う? 京都大学霊長類研究所編「新しい霊長類学 人を深く知るための100問100答」 講談社(東京), pp. 76-80,講談社.
國松豊(2009)チンパンジーやヒトに尻尾がないのはなぜ? 京都大学霊長類研究所編「新しい霊長類学 人を深く知るための100問100答」 講談社(東京), pp. 24-26.
國松豊(2009)人類はどこで起源したの? 京都大学霊長類研究所編「新しい霊長類学 人を深く知るための100問100答」 講談社(東京), pp. 26-30.
平崎鋭矢, 岡健司 (2009). 足部の進化と歩行. リハビリテーション・エンジニアリング 24: 112-115.
Hamada Y, Suryobroto B, Goto S, Malaivijitnond S (2008) Are northern long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis) hybrids with southern rhesus macaques (M. mulatta)? : Morphological and body color variation in Thai long-tailed macaques distributed to the north and south of the Isthmus of Kra. Int. J. Primatol 29(5):1271-1294.
Hanta R, Ratanasthien B, Kunimatsu Y, Saegusa H, Nakaya H, Nagaoka S, Jintasakul P (2008) A new species of Bothriodontinae, Merycopotamus thachangensis (Cetartiodactyla, Anthracotheriidae) from the Late Miocene of Nakhon Ratchasima, Northeastern Thailand. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(4):1182-1188.
Kawashima T, Thorington RW Jr, Kunimatsu Y, Whatton JF (2008) Systematic morphology and evolutionary anatomy of the autonomic cardiac nervous system in the lesser apes, gibbons (Hylobatidae). The Anatomical Record 291:939-959.
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