HOPE reportNumber: 25-008 Behavioral and ecological study of wild mammals in woodland, Ugalla, Tanzania Report: Eriko Iida Date: 2013/6/5 - 2013/8/5 The miombo forest in Western Tanzania is located in a region in which the main vegetation changes from the tropical rainforest to the acacia savanna.
In the miombo forest, there are various plants and animals that originating both in the forest and the savanna (Kano, 1971; Moore, 1994).
In recent years, however, miombo forests in Eastern Africa has been reduced by human activities such as slash-and-burn farming and deforestation (Abbot & Homewood, 1999).
Since the Ugalla area is the eastern limit for the distribution of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the African Continent, a large number of primatological and anthropological studies have been performed in the region since the 1960s.
However, fewer ecological and behavioral studies of other mammals than chimpanzees have been conducted in this area.
It is also important to have better understanding of ecology and behaviors of other sympatric mammals which are less known compared to those of chimpanzees.
In this study, I aimed to collect basic data on mammalian fauna at Ugalla, Western Tanzania, especially focusing on bush hyraxes
(Heterohyrax brucei).
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