
HOPE report

Number: 25-002

Information collection of vegetation in ranging area of wild bonobos

Report: Saeko Terada

Date: 2014-1/8 - 2014/3/10

I conducted vegetation survey by belt-transect methods and ground-truth survey with staffs of Centre for Research on Ecology and Forestry(CREF) at Wamba study site, in the Luo Scientific Reserve, D. R. Congo(DRC), in order to examine distribution of food resources for bonobos in the ranging area of bonobo groups. The survey was planed for each exsiting forest classes,which was primary forest, secondary forest and swamp forest,objecting to associate views of sattelite images with real vegetation. In primary forest, we allocated belt transects in ranging area of bonobos and recorded canopy openness and information for every trees in the tallest tree layer within the belts, such as identification and DBH. I also conducted ground-truth survey for areas shown by distinguishing color or features on satellite images,in secondary forest and also swamp forest. I confirmed some locations of cultivated lands scattered in young secondary forest and grasslands in swamp forest. I also had a meeting with director of CREF in Kinshasa, DRC, and visited Ecole Normale Superieure and National history museum in Paris, France, in order to obtain information on research of great apes or vegetation in Africa.

Field survey in swamp forest

Visit of Ecole Normale Superieure

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