HOPE reportNumber: 24-010 Investigation on social systems in black-and-white colobus Report: Matsuda Ikki Date: 2012/9/20 - 2012/11/19 ĦĦTo better understand flexible social systems of colobine monkeys, I studied a group of black-and-white colobuses in the Kalinzu Forest Reserve from September to November 2012. Preliminary observations (first one month) were collected on several black-and-white colobus groups before the most habituated group was chosen for study. During these preliminary observations, I identified the focal group members by describing their individual physical characteristics. I estimated the relative age of each individual using the age/sex categories provided by the previous publications. After the habituation, I collected the behavioral data of the focal group in black-and-white colobuses. In addition to the behavioral observations, I set up the vegetation plots to estimate the food availability for black-and-white colobuses in the study site. Trees > 10 cm diameter breast height (DBH) and vines > 5 cm diameter located in the vegetation plots were marked. All labeled trees and vines were taxonomically identified with the support of the local staff.
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