HOPE reportNumber: 24-003 Analysis of social structure of wild Javan lutungs (Trachypithecus auratus) Report: YAMATO TSUJI Date: 2012/10/7 - 2012/12/30 I stayed at Pangandaran Nature Reserve located at western Jawa, Indonesia from 10 Oct to 27 Dec, and conducted a field survey for wild Javan lutungs (Trachypithecus auratus): I observed two groups of the lutungs (K and P group) for 36 days (389hours), and recorded their diets, activity, and social relationships.
I also identified individual lutung by taking reference photos.
I succeeded to identify almost all individuals of K group, and all adults of P group, respectively.
Besides I conducted vegetation survey within a home range of the P group, recorded plant phenology within the reserve twice a month, and collected dietary samples for nutritional analyses.
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