HOPE reportNumber: 23-002 Regional comparison in characteristics of seed dispersal by large Report: YAMATO TSUJI Date: 2011/11/10 - 2012/1/9 ĦĦI stayed at Pangandaran Nature Reserve at west Jawa, Indonesia from 10 Nov to19 Dec, and conducted field survey for wild silvered leaf monkeys and long-tailed macaques.
I observed them 202 hours in total, and recorded their diets and activities.
I also conducted vegetation survey for my study sites, recorded plant phenology there, and fecal sample collection.
I stayed at central Vietnam from 22 Dec 2011 to 8 Jan 2012, and conducted fieldsurvey for wild Douc langurs and rhesus macaques.
I also received fecal samplesof the latter species from local assistants, then and analyzed the contents atHue University.
On 7 Jan 2012 I visited Saigon Zoo and Botanial Garden, and asked the staff to identify plant species.
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