HOPE reportNumber:22-003 Comparison of mammalian fossils including primates from Neogene sediments of Asia Report:Yuichiro Nishioka Date:2010/12/28 - 2011/02/10 ĦĦI and Dr.
Chang in National Museum of Natural Science, Thaichung, excavated fossils from cave sediments in Kenting National Park of southernmost Taiwan.
The sediments yielded a lot of mammals including Macaca and some late Pleistocene species.
After excavating the fossils, we collected morphological data of the specimens in the museum and also samples for 14C dating.
I discussed the future study of the present fossil site and join research with Dr.
In Panjab University and Geological Survey of India, I collected morphological data of mammalian fossils from Siwaliks that is distributed in Indo-Pakistan region.
Because it was easy to access from Panjab Univ.
to the Siwaliks, I visited the fossil localities with Dr.
The data of Siwalik fossils was significant to compare with that of Myanmar fossils.
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