Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-24-AM04
Cooperative Study at Instituto Natciaonal de Pesquisas da Amazonia (INPA) and Participation to the International Workshop
Report: Michio Nakamura
Date: 2012/10/22 - 2012/10/30
¡¡I participated in the International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity Conservation co-organized by Instituto Natciaonal de Pesquisas da Amaz«Ônia (INPA), Indian Institute of Science, University of Malaysia Sabah, Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, and Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University and gave a talk "Field studies of chimpanzees and other larger mammals at Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania".
I also conducted study tour of field site for wildlife around Amazon River, where I supervised a postgraduate student, Eriko Iida.
 Manatee that is protected by the INPA
 wild tucuxi that live in the Amazon
AS-HOPE Project< >