Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-24-037
Comparing the morphological feature, facial expression and distribution differences in closely related species of macaques, in Thailand and Lao P.D.R.
Report: Wakamori Hikaru
Date: 2012/10/18 - 2013/1/27
During my over three month fieldwork, I visited Thailand and Lao P.
First, I visited Thailand to observe three species of macaques, which is Rhesusmacaque (Macaca mulatta), Pig-tailed macaque (MacacaĦĦleonina) and Long-tailedmacaque (Macaca fascicularis), in four different places.
My purpose of the observation was to see the difference of their facial expression and the tail use between the three species.
I recorded videos and took photographs to see the morphological characteristic and useage.
Second, I visited Lao P.
to make a survey on distribution of primates and other mammals.
We made an interview to a villager about mammals that can be seen in the forest near each village.
At each interview site, we used GPS and recorded the latitude and longitude.
We also took notes about "pet monkeys" those have been kept as a pet by villagers.
Total number of the interviews became 87, and the information of the pet monkeys'count 39 at 27 places.
 Grimace seen in rhesus
macaque (Thailand)
 Protruded lips shown by northern pig-tailed macaque. (Thailand)
 One scene of interview at Lao P.D.R.
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