Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-24-026
Behavior observation on 2 groups of chimpanzee at Kalinzu forest in Uganda
Report: Isaji Mina
Date: 2012/8/19 - 2012/10/15
I conducted field survey on chimpanzees from August to October 2012 at the Kalinzu Forest Reserve, Uganda.
The study subjects were to investigate on the behavioral variations in S group of chimpanzees.
During the study period, the group consisted of 28 individuals,i.
, six males, eight females, two subadult females, 10 juveniles, and two infants.
I recorded their behavioral data using scan sampling method (5-min interval).
I frequently observed three extras females composed of extremely large sized party with other group members, c.
a, 20 individuals.
In addition, I frequently observed their rain dance.
Further, I collected their feacal and urine samples to analyze their DNA, e.
, relatedness among males, paternity patterns, and so on in the future study.
 Chimpanzees, Kalinzu Uganda
 Ant eating by juvenile (Oume)
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