Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-24-015
Morphological comparisons of mammals between fossils from
Myanmar and recent materials from India
Date: 2012/5/27 - 2012/6/17
I visited to the Bombay Natural History Society in Mumbai, and observed extant specimens of mammals from India for comparing with mammalian fossils from the Plio-Pleistocene Irrawaddy sediments in Myanmar.
I collected morphological data such as measurements and dental molds of the following specimens; Cercopithecidae
(Semnopithecus), Bovidae (Antilope, Capricornis, Boselaphus, Tetracerus,
Gazella), Tragulidae (Moschiola), Muridae (Maxomys, Madromys, Golunda, Rattus,
Millardia), Spalacidae (Cannomys), and Hystricidae (Hystrix,
In Myanmar, I excavated fossils of small mammals in Gwebin area and collected 4specimens of Semnopithecus and 93 specimens of rodents by a screen-wash method.
Moreover, I drew a geological columnar section of the Irrawaddy sediments yielding the fossils of monkeys and rodents.
After the excavating research, I arranged the specimens discovered until now and got the morphological data fromthese specimens for my doctoral thesis.
I also reconsidered the specimens of rodents and bovids, comparing with the extant materials I observed in the Bombay Natural History Society.
 Observing specimens of rodents in the Bombay Natural History Society
 Excavating research of the Irrawaddy sediments in central Myanmar
 Discovering the fossil (a right lower canine) of Semnopithecus
AS-HOPE Project< >