Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-24-012
Presentation at 42th Annual meeting of the Behavior Genetic Association
Date: 2012/6/21 - 2012/6/30
I gave a oral presentation at 42th Annual meeting of the Behavior Genetic Association entitled " The association between copy number variants in
chicken chromosome 1 and tonic immobility " and argued with participants on this topic.
I also participated in a lot of symposiums and working groups in order to obtain the information on the latest topics on behavior genetics.
I had a discussion with scientists who had great interest in behavior genetics targeting for non-human vertebrates.
I could obtain the latest knowledge on twin study through the presentation by leading scientist in this field of research.
After annual meeting, I visited on the Edinburgh zoo and their facilities and had a chance to see highly equipped genetic laboratory.
I was deeply impressed by the advanced equipment in the laboratory as well as their knowledge and technique on molecular genetics.
 Laboratory in the Edinburgh
 opening ceremony
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