Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Number: AS-23-022
Study about multi-species association between Asian primates and sympatric deer
Date: 2011/6/15 - 2011/8/20
I firstly visited Son Tra Nature Reserve near Danan City, central Vietnam,
in which I conducted a field survey about feeding ecology of sympatric
red-shanked douc langurs and rhesus macaques (I originally planned to study about mixed species association between the douc langurs and sympatric muntjak deer.
Due to recent illegal hunting by local people population number of the muntjak deer has been decreased, and therefore I could not observe the relationship during my staying).
I instead conducted a vegetation survey within the study site, and collected fecal samples of rhesus macaques and muntjak deer.
At Hue University, I and cooperative Vietnamese researcher analyzed the fecal samples.
I next visited Pangandaran Nature Reserve, south Jawa, Indonesia, in which I
conducted a survey about feeding ecology of silvered leaf monkeys.
During the survey I could observe multiple species associations between the leaf monkeys and sympatric rusa deer 27 times.
I also started a phonological survey there using a line transect set within the study site.
I asked an assistant to collect fecal samples during my absence.
On 18th Aug, I had a presentation about the study at IPB, Bogor.

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