Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Study of conservation activities for primates in Borneo
Report:Yosuke Otani
Date:2011/03/14 - 2011/03/22
To learn conservation activities, we visited three sites (Sepilok, Sukau, and Danum Valley) in Borneo, Sabah.
Many of plants and animals are decreasing their number there because of deforestation or plantation.
Conservation activities are conducted in some regions by NPO, NGO and the government of Sabah.
In the three regions, there are protective zones in which logging, exploitation and hunt are forbidden.
However, around these zones, oil palm plantations occupied large area and fragmentation of habitat is occurring.
We observed several activities such as rescuing, rearing and returning captive animals to forest.
We also met some persons who try to educate and enlighten the local residents.
Although I think their activities are respectable, there are some problems such as a lack of monitoring of animals or conflict between conservation and preventing crop-raiding animals.
In addition, the plantation which deprives animals of habitat seemed to be a basement of local economy.
I could re-acknowledge the problems about animal conservation.
It is necessaryfor animal conservation to know habitat, behavior and ecology of animals.
By this program, I could recognize the importance of scientific study for the conservation activities.
 Orangutan mother and infant in the Danum Valley
 A pig-tailed macaque in Sepilok
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