Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Presentation at seminar and fieldwork
Report:Kaneda Hiroshi
Date:2010/09/19 - 2010/10/21
(1) Presentation at a seminar "Conservation and sustainable use of Ghanaian wildlife resources: veterinary, genetic & ethological approach" held at the University of Ghana on 21 September.
(2)Fieldwork on distribution of raptors in four sites of national parks and reserves
24-27 Sep: Kakum National Park Found five species (Ayre's hawk-eagle, Black kite, Black sparrow hawk, European honey buzzard, Harrier hawk, Palm nut vulture)
1-4 Oct: Shai Hills Resource Reserve Found three species at least
(Black kite, Hooded vulture, Long crested eagle, Circaetus sp. )
7-13 Oct: Mole National Park Found nine species at least
(Black kite, Hooded vulture, White headed vulture, palm nut vulture, Osprey, Lizard buzzard, African goshawk, Martial eagle)
15-16 Oct: Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary No raptor found
 Group photo at the seminar.
 Investigation at KakumNP.
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